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Gift of Love


The journey that Andy and Ash have made together since the start of their relationship in the fall of 2007 has been long and arduous. It's been one fraught with blood, sweat, and tears, all caused by both happiness and pain alike.

When their surprise twins turned two, they decided to try for one more baby, hopefully another little boy, to even out the scales. Neither of them expected the twists and turns of the bassist's third pregnancy, but one of those twists could very well cost the lives of both Ash and their unborn baby.

Will Andy come home from a mini-tour that was cut short in early 2014 as a widowed father of four? Or will the good prevail and both Ash and the baby survive?



Well, America is much the same way. We have many different accents that can sometimes originate one right on top of the other. We'll use the Deep South, which is where I'm from, for the example here. We all have thick, "redneck" accents, but each state has its own variations. Tennessee and Texas both use hard vowels, states like Georgia and Louisiana have thick, syrupy drawls. Tennesseans actually have a bit of a thick, syrupy drawl, but still throw in the hard vowels, too. However, I've heard people say that folks from places like Missouri (which is more Midwest than not) have a bit of a Southern twang to their voices. Trust me, the day I hear someone like Ashley Purdy mimic the same accent I use, especially when pissed or otherwise emotional, like he was born, bred, and raised here in the Deep South...well, that'll happen when monkeys fly outta my ass. *shrugs*

I'm not so sure that This is Gonna Hurt could possibly do much to change my perspective on things. I already don't see things the way most people do, and I tend to find beauty in things that most others don't. Although I can have a superficial moment from time to time, I usually see what's on the inside and that's what I always base my final judgments on.

BansheeMoonsong BansheeMoonsong

lol im like that with sid glover (guitarist for heaven's basement) lol, he used to live next town over from me, but the kettering accent is alot different from the wellingborough one lol, well mine is anyway lol, i have a thick welly accent sometimes, especially when ive been around my nan lol, same with matt smith too (11th doctor) hes from the next town over too, but different town lol but hes posh lol, went to the poshest school in the county so he sound really posh to me lol, even out of charactor lol, and this is gonna hurt is deffo worth a read when you get a chance, itll change your whole perspective on things

I admit that I haven't gotten the money or chance to get a copy of the book This is Gonna Hurt, but I do have the album. Based on that, I think the book is something I'd enjoy if I could ever get a copy of it. *shrugs*

When I want to, I can have a thick, almost syrupy east Tennessean drawl because half my family's from Tennessee and we only live one state away now. We don't pronounce words like "fire" and "tired" the way most do, and there's a shit ton of hard vowels, like a Texan's accent. James Michael seems to have those characteristics because I can mimic his accent while singing perfectly. Then again, maybe that's my overactive imagination messing with me...

BansheeMoonsong BansheeMoonsong

he does have a nice accent, not sure where abouts hes from tho, and my ex leant me the book while our son was in hospital, and told me about sixx:am and im hooked lol, i love both books and albums

I introduced myself to Sixx: A.M. after listening to mid-late 80s Crue too much and reading Nikki's first book, The Heroin Diaries. The crazy part...I sound almost identical to James Michael (the M in the band name) if I put my mind to it while singing a Sixx: A.M. song... I guess that's partly due to the fact that I'm from the same region of America as he is, unless I'm mistaken. If I am mistaken, then I have no idea where he gets his accent from... *scratches head*

BansheeMoonsong BansheeMoonsong