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A Handy-dandy Guide to Writing Real Person Fiction - Comments, page 2

@smutty pariah
No problem. It never hurts to get tips.
Even now, I'm 7 stories in and I still make mistakes hahaha

tina tina


Glad you dig it! :3

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah


victims of bad writing practices? yeah i've certainly done plenty of the dumb shit we've talked about in this. but, like you said, i can only aspire to do better and learn from my mistakes.

anathema anathema

I'm so feeling you guys.
We're all victims of it, yes, but doesn't mean we can't learn.

tina tina


yay! glad you like the guide so far dude! :O)

anathema anathema

@smutty pariah
Sorry, I was making a funny off of Anathema's post. Note to self: learn to use the reply button, for the love of Jinxx and Rock n Roll!

Merelan Merelan


For a second I had no idea where that was coming from, and I was like, 'why does she doubt my fangirl status?!?' Haha!

Though I tend to think of AB as more of a demon, if we're going supernatural, for obvious reasons.

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

But... But... But Andy is an *ANGEL*!!! Surely you can see that?!?!
This guide is awesome, by the way. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)

Merelan Merelan


i didn't necessarily mean it in the chronological sense, just the curmudgeon-y sense. SP in particular is possessed of an incredibly short temper. but i know exactly what you mean, several times i've been unable to stop myself from leaving comments when something someone wrote was beyond medically impossible, or drugs were used incorrectly (i'm a dvm, it gets under my skin). i don't expect anyone to write about the details of placing an iv catheter, or even how to properly resuscitate someone, but if they're going to throw drug names and procedure details around, i can't help but correct improper usage.

but yeah, Andy seems like a real stand-up guy, in general. a human one, imagine that? :-D

anathema anathema

Given how incredibly cool Andy has been in the face of 1. SERIOUS hate for Juliet; 2. Annoying simpering Andy fangirls who seem to forget about those four other gorgeous hunks onstage; 3. A personal schedule normal human beings couldn't complete in a lifetime, let alone a year - I think he would laugh his ass off!
And I hear you on the medical procedures one, Anathema. As the child of 3+ generations of nurses, who read Tabers Medical Dictionary (as a teen) for fun, some of these stories are *out there*. Takes me completely out of the suspension of disbelief. And this stuff is not that hard to research on the net.

Merelan Merelan

Moldy old farts?!?!? I'm older than at least one of you! :)

Merelan Merelan


haha! XD i have no idea who'd dig on watching two moldy old farts like us! i'm already possessed of an abnormally great fear that Andy will one day recognize me and punch me in teh face, i don't need to add a youtube channel to the bargain. well, let me rephrase that... i do technically have a youtube channel, but it isn't BVB-themed. hah!

anathema anathema


That reminds me of Chris Biersack's podcasts. Have you ever listened to them? They're hilarious! Speaking for myself, I'm generally not very funny in the quick on your feet/off the cuff kind of way. I do better with the written word. I also swear so much in person it makes a lot of chicks uncomfortable. Guys tend to deal better, or at least know how to hide it.

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

I could totally see the two of you doing a BVB centric comedy routine on YouTube or something. Maybe bring in Onision as a guest...

Merelan Merelan


XD I would never use a quotation mark in place of an apostrophe! Dork!

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

@smutty pariah

i'm totally quality over quantity. you're definitely the bunny in this scenario. haha! :-D

anathema anathema


in your defense, we do know each other very well. let me give it a try:

No, I"m by far the superior writer. Ok, man? :3

anathema anathema

Great, I just made a person with MPD fight over who's the side account. Ugh!
(You two make me lol soooo hard!)

Merelan Merelan


@smutty pariah

that's a great idea! sign me up! (except for maybe some of the one-shots of yours, pear, hahaha!) who would say no to having that kind of writing output, holy shit? yes, by all means, i am the mightiest of Biersack-writers!

but dude, you are totally the side account. like by fucking definition, all your shit is short.

anathema anathema


Ahahaha! I wholly support that notion! Tell everybody! Just make sure you make ana my shitty side account, and that I get the most attention in descriptions! That's amazing!

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah