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Rise From the Ashes

Chapter nineteen

Violet’s POV:

She hadn’t actually planned returning to the city quite so soon, but after her heated argument with Andy, her mind kind of went on a field day and decided to find another way to piss him off. Just fantastic.

Violet sort of liked that she was able to get a rise out of him, especially since he was usually so levelheaded in meetings and during training. She used it to her advantage of course proving that their notorious leader was in fact human after all. It somehow made her feel closer to him, not that she would ever admit that out loud, of course.

But, seeing as she had just basically sentenced herself to either death or permanent lock down, running off to the city seemed like a better option, especially since she figured Andy wouldn’t be too far behind her.

Man, just after their fun, recreational game of capture the flag, he just started to become even more distant. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that after he had kissed her, (which by the way, her lips were still tingling from) she had immediately gone onto the defensive mode and stupidly struck him. While it was nothing he couldn’t take, it had still apparently ruined their original friendship bond that had once filled her with a kind of joy and fulfillment. Now, she basically had nothing going for her, so a little impromptu suicide mission was nothing to really worry her.

So, as she stalked away from the main training room and Andy, she made sure to fully load herself up on weapons that she felt comfortable with, yet could also pack a deadly punch. She grabbed some extra ammo just in case before she was off, yet again hijacking the same motorcycle from before, as her escape vehicle.

Honestly, sometimes she wondered why she even stayed at this refugee camp, because that was what it was. A camp for survivors who were now outlaws in their own country, city. All due to one fatal, lethal choice that they made, unknowing that it would change their entire life, and not for the good. Many people knew that by joining the Wild Ones in their fruitless attempt to conquer F.E.A.R they would ere by become wanted fugitives and may very well lose their lives, yet many still joined nonetheless.

Whether it was the thrill or the freedom, Violet didn’t know. Hell, she didn’t even know her true place in the world, and definitely knew nothing about her supposed place as a leader in the Wild Ones. She was reckless yet brave, bold and courageous but in no way was she a strong fighter like Ash, nor did she possess the leading skills like Andy. She was destructive, like CC, but in an accidental way, no way like the Destroyer’s collateral damaging method. She was also in no way ‘mystical’ like Jinxx was, and she grieved the dead, but it simply could not compare to that of Jake’s. Truly, she did not know her place at all, which frightened her more than she cared to admit. If she no longer had a place to belong to, then why was she even still around?

She hit the brakes so quickly that she nearly went flying over the handlebars of the motorcycle, but that didn’t matter. What had her mother always told her? Her aura shone like a rainbow, perfectly balanced yet wild and unruly, a fiery passion that would drive her to her end, but also save her as well. She had changed so much within the years that made up her life, going from the shy, and dependent little girl, into the strong, partially insane yet driven young woman that she was today. Sure she had her flaws, everyone did, but that wasn’t necessarily important seeing as she had so much potential to offer, she just needed the chance.

And in that moment, it finally dawned upon Violet who she was, and what exactly she had to do became clear as day. So, readjusting herself atop the leather seat, she turned the bike around, finally ready to accept the role that she was born to play.

She was Violet, not Violet Frost, nor Violet Black, simply Violet, and while she was ultimately alone, she had never felt so empowered and loved.

Because she was the sixth Wild One, she was going to stop F.E.A.R along with the others.

Because she was Violet, the Iridescent.

1.showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles


Yasmin here, and just wanted to wish me fellow Canadian's a happy Canada Cay! lol also I saw Jurassic World today an I loved it! totally off-track from the chapter but whatevs

I went somewhere I did not intend to go with this chapter, and I actually did not run it by Karlie either so hopefully she doesn't kill me guys :/



anathema anathema

Nuuuuuuuuuuu. Why Andy? Why'd he have to get taken

Never lol
just rethinking a plot :)

Gone_Girl Gone_Girl

Yay! I had feared this was abandoned!

anathema anathema

Update again please I love this story