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Rise From the Ashes

Chapter eighteen

Andy’s POV:

Violet seemed happier since we first introduced her as the sixth Wild One, but I knew that deep down, she was still a little freaked out by the entire ordeal. Hell, I was at first as well, but at least I had the other guys to help me through the first couple of months, she was utterly alone. The only female representative at our meetings had to put some pressure on her shoulders, but I could not deny that she wasn’t strong. Hell, she probably was stronger then Ash, mentally at least.

But that was also a problem, her constant refusal to let anyone in. She needed help; a shoulder to lean on, but she wouldn’t take any offer from anyone. I guess that’s what living on your on does to you, makes your survivor instincts alter slightly so that you only need yourself, and nobody else. She wasn’t alone anymore though, and eventually, her self-inflicted isolation would kill her. Somehow.

F.E.A.R used your weaknesses to their advantage, and from the near broken state that Violet had been in when we found her most likely meant she had been forced to endure hours of suffering and torture. She hadn’t cracked there tough, seeing as she had somehow managed to hold herself together, but that didn’t mean that F.E.A.R wouldn’t still attempt to break her if they ever got the chance. I only hoped that that never happened. Ever.

I was the last person in the training room that night, slowly taking a part our vast collection of weaponry and cleaning every square inch before putting it expertly back together. That had been part of my training all those years ago, memorize your weapon, understand it, and most importantly, trust it. Trust it to not fail you, and trust yourself to know it.

We used to force recruits to go through similar training, but over the past few years, F.E.A.R has only gotten stronger, which resulted in less time for =training in between attacks. I hated that some of our fighters sometimes had no idea what they were doing, but we had no choice. During a war, you have to make some decisions that you aren’t proud of, and as the days pass, I find myself making them constantly, over and over again.

The sound f the heavy door slamming shut gained my attention, and I quickly put the gun back together, before loading it and darting to the closest wall, sliding along it and peering over the corner to potentially take out any intruder. I relaxed instantly when it was only Violet, gazing dreamily at the variety of guns aligned on the walls.

She gently ran her fingers over the metal, before she plucked one of it’s shelf, and pretended to aim it at certain targets. When her gaze glided over my form, she did a double take, and immediately reverted back to her cold demeanor, glowering at me with her arms crossed defiantly over her chest.

“What are you doing here? Trying to intentionally scare the shit out of me, I see?” She inquired with raised brows.

I laughed, and moved closer to her, shrugging, “you got me. I take pleasure in scaring you so much that you shit your pants. It’s actually become a popular hobby of mine.”

She rolled her eyes and placed the gun back on its designated shelf, eyeing me with uncertainty. “What is it that you actually want, Andy? Revenge for me winning us capture the flag?”

“Do you really think so little of me? I’m offended,” I mock gasped, earning another eye roll from her.

“Look, I’m not going to run off again, if that’s what your wondering,” she snapped.

I scowled at her this time; “you do realize that I have better thing to do then constantly watch your ass all the time. I was actually trying to do something productive before your burst in here, you know, when people aren’t actually allowed to be in here.”

She recoiled at my outburst, and I started to feel bad before she quickly shielded her shocked expression with an even colder one. “Then why were you in here?”

“I’m the leader of the Wild Ones, I get special privileges that aren’t for you just because you’re new and a girl.” I snapped.

She scowled at me again, and turned sharply on her heel before she began to retreat back the way she had come. Right before she reached the door, she tuned back, her beautiful eyes stormy, “and just so you know, I am going back to the city to free the captives, and no one’s going to stop me.”


FYI last chapter was Karlie, and his one was written by moi (Yasmin)
can u guys like tell the difference between our writing style?

also, it seems like Andy is fucking up with Vi, again. *sigh* when will those two just admit they love each other?



anathema anathema

Nuuuuuuuuuuu. Why Andy? Why'd he have to get taken

Never lol
just rethinking a plot :)

Gone_Girl Gone_Girl

Yay! I had feared this was abandoned!

anathema anathema

Update again please I love this story