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~Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness~

He looks Familiar, But Why?

Violet's P.O.V.~
"Where are you?!" Is the first thing heard from Star when I answered my phone. "I'm sorry. I'm stuck in traffic! I'll be there in five. Promise!" Once I said that, she hung up on me. The light turned green and I raced my way over to Valley Plaza to pick up my best friend.

Soon enough, I pulled up at the mall and some older guy was gripping her wrist pulling her into him. She screamed at him but that didn't do anything. I ran out of my car and walked towards them. "What the hell?! Let go of her, asshole!" I spat. He looked at me and let go of Star. He and his little douche group walked away and we got back into my car.

"Who the fuck was that?!" I loudly asked. She just shrugged her shoulders and told me how her date went and when she saw those assholes.

Star's P.O.V.~
"Where's Sunni?" I asked, now just realizing that she wasn't in the car with us. "I think she's out with someone." I was shocked, Sunni on a date? Haha yeah right! "Like on a date? With who?" I asked anyways. "Some Andrew kid. I don't know. I've never met him, but she seems to talk about him quite a bit." "Since when?" Andrew? I've never heard of an Andrew coming out of her mouth. "Today actually. She just ran out on me and drove to who-knows-where to meet the mystery guy."

When we got to my house, my dad still wasn't home, yet he barely is. Still on that business trip I guess. We ran upstairs after we grabbed some theatre popcorn and a Pepsi and waited for Sunni to show up.

While we waited, we decided to talk about whether I wanted to get into a relationship with Chris or not. "You said he's nice!!" Shouted Violet as we stuffed out faces with popcorn. "Yeah and he is. But I have only known him for two frickin days Violet. I'm not that straight forwards with things."

We waited two more hours until Sunni came barging through my room with a smile as big as the Cheshire cat's on Alice in Wonderland. "How'd it go?" Violet asked. "OMG he's so nice! I mean, girls wouldn't stop staring at him, but I had a really nice time!!" Sunni was talking so fast, I had a hard time understanding her.

"What about you, Star? How's Chris?" She asked, slowing down her pace. "He seems nice. I don't know, I haven't gotten to know him that well yet." We started talking more about our dates while Violet was on the phone with her no good boyfriend, Noah.

"NO NOAH!" I heard her shout through the phone from the bathroom. Sunni and I looked at eachother and walked over the bathroom door and stood in the doorway. 'Everything okay?' I mouthed over to her. She just nodded and waved us off. We went back into the room and continued to talk about Andrew and Chris.

"So what does this 'Andrew' look like?" I asked, obviously curious. "Here, I'll show you a picture of him from facebook." It took awhile but finally she turned her screen over to where I could see it. "Holy mother of fuck!" I shouted, he was gorgeous. She just nodded and started laughing.

There was something about that boy, he just, looked so familiar but I couldn't figure out why. I jus flicked the thought out of my mind and got into my pj's and lay down with Sunni waiting for Violet.

Andy's P.O.V.~
I just got home from my little date and walked into the living room just to find the guys looking at me with smirks on their faces. "Sooo how'd it go?" asked Jake. "It was good. She seemed okay. Really hot though." They nodded along "Tell us all about the details!" Said Ashley like a little school girl. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "The details, man. How good was she??" He asked again. "Ashley, we went out for a movie. It was nothing. It's not like I'm going to fall in love with her. Damn." They had these disappointed looks on their faces as I waked upstairs and went to bed.

*The Next Day*

Star's P.O.V.~
I woke up first, as usual and got straight out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and got the shower running until it got to my favorite temperature. I stripped down to my underwear when I heard my phone go off. I ran out of there in just my bra and underwear and grabbed my phone so the girls wouldn't wake up.

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I got into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. "Hello, we're calling for a 'Star Benson'.." "Star speaking." They called to tell me how I can come in my new job today at three in the afternoon. "Yes! Oh my gosh! Thank you!" I hung up the phone to see that it was only ten a.m.

I got into the shower and washed my long, thick, crimson hair. Once I dried off, I waved my hair and went into my closet to find a pair of dark blue jeans and a black shirt along with a purple hat and some black shoes.

By the time I was done with my makeup, I looked at the clock, and it was one in the afternoon. Violet and Sunni finally woke up and we went downstairs.

"Hey guys! I'm making pancakes. Want any??" I asked. "Hell yeah!!!" Both of them shouted as I laughed it off and made each of us, three chocolate chip pancakes covered in syrup.

"Why are you all dressed up Star?" Violet asked. "I got the job so I am going in at three." They smiled at me and continued eating. "Hey Violet, and you drop me off at Hot Topic?" "Sure! Just give a minute to get dressed." She disappeared up the stairs as I was left alone with Sunni.

"When are you planning on letting us meet your mystery guy?" I asked Sunni, "I'm not sure, I'm thinking maybe when it's official that we're together." I looked at her, shocked. "You mean, you two aren't dating? I thought yesterday was a date?" I asked, confused. "Yeah, it was, but Andrew said he wasn't sure if he was ready for a relationship yet, and I totally respect that. Kinda."

*At Star's First Day*

I walked into the store and went up the counter where you'd usually pay for things, and told the cashier who I was and she led me back to the employee's room and showed me around. I had gotten my own spot to put my things and I was told I would be here Sunday's at three, and Wednesday's, and Thursday's at four after school.

I got straight to work and put the clothes in the right sections. My shift was only three hours long due to my first day, so I got my stuff from the back and when down the escalators, and outside waiting for Violet.

She was here almost instantly after I called her and I haven't seen the guys from yesterday so I was all ready to go home, and watch our show.


I know this may not be the best story, but I promise it'll get better.

Could Andrew be Star's long lost crush? Or is she totally right about being wrong?
Please comment on what you think about this chapter and don't forget to subscribe/rate/etc. Thank you!!


I saw it. I read it. And I'm subbed to it

@We Are The Black Veiled Brides

It's uploaded. The Sun Will Shine Again


It may take awhile, but I'll get it updated soon


@We Are The Black Veiled Brides


@bittersweet symphony