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Broken Lungs


Ashley's P.O.V
**This is taking place in february when Burn Bright moves down to LA with BVB**

"Mellyyyy, wait up!" I yelled after my blue haired angel chasing her as she ran through the field of flowers. She was so beautiful, she wore a peach lace skater dress that complimented her figure, thigh highs with a single white frilly rose garter that I found more adorable than sexy, some brown leather vintage boots, a few rings, white pink rose plugs that had bronze frames and little teapots dangling from them along with a few other small earrings, the rose and key necklace I got her along with the rose flower crown. She laughed and yelled back at me, "it's not my fault you're such a slowpoke!" I laughed at her cute little remark. I pushed myself to run faster though, gaining more speed and getting closer to her.
'Almost, there..' I thought as I got even closer hearing her adorable giggle.
"Gotcha!" I yelled causing her to scream as I wrapped my arms around her waist swinging her around in circles. I had gently put her back down after a few twirls and spinned her to face me. She looked up at me smiling, her eyes were a lighter brown color in the sunlight, I could even see the specks of green in them show more as the outer edge of her iris's started turning green fading into her big brown orbs. She stared at me for a while trying to figure out what I was doing, not even realizing I was getting completely lost in her gorgeous eyes.
She let out a small chuckle, "what?"
"Your eyes, they're so amazing. They're like changing into two different colors" I said in awe.
She blushed a little and looked down still smiling, "oh, yeah, I apparently have colored eyes. Not just one same color all the time, they seem to change with light and my mood. I get it from my dad, it's weird I know."
I cupped a finger under her chin moving her head up to look at me again. I shook my head lightly and smiled at her.
"No, you have the most incredible eyes I've ever seen. They're not weird, they're unique, like you."
She returned the smile and blushed a light pink color, "thank you, ashley."
"You're welcome doll."
I wrapped my arms around her waist again looking into her eyes and she put hers around my neck looking into my eyes. We just stood like that for a while with me holding her, it was truthfully, perfect. I couldn't help but have the biggest smile on my face, just us standing like this made me the happiest man on earth.
"Melissa, you're so perfect for me, I can't believe you're all mine."
Her smile grew bigger, "And you're perfect for me, Ashley. I love you" she said that last part in a whisper.
I felt my heart flutter and I swear I thought I was going to float away for a second.
"I love you too, Mel." I saw a single tear slip from her eye as she smiled. I wiped it away with my thumb and kissed her forehead but as I pulled back I looked at her soft full lips and started to lean in to kiss her. I noticed she didn't hesitate to do the same. Our lips touched and it was like the fourth of fucking July in my brain. This was the greatest feeling I've ever had, actually, I've never felt this way before so I guess you can say I've pretty much died and gone to heaven. I am completely head over heels in love with this girl, it's finally happening. 'I've found the one..'

My eyes flew open and I sat up in my bed looking around into the darkness. 'It was a dream, it was all just a dream..' it had felt so real though, I brought my fingers up to my lips touching them, it's as if I could still feel hers on mine. 'Holy shit..' I could actually feel the kiss still lingering on my lips, it was impossible yet amazing. Knowing it was just a dream made me honestly disappointed. I sat up in my bed frowning for a while but decided to get up when I saw it was already noon. I walked out into the living room seeing the guys and the rest of burn bright just hanging out together and talking amungst themselves.
Jake looked over at me chuckling, "You're alive! And finally awake, we were starting to get a little worried. It's pretty late, Ash, were you really still sleeping?" he asked raising an eyebrow causing everyone to laugh.
"Yeah, I don't know I guess I was way more tired than I thought" I laughed nervously still thinking about the dream. I didn't want to say anything about it and they think I was insane, especially about still being able to feel the kiss and even holding her. He looked at me confused for a bit but then shrugged and turned back to the guys.
I sighed but then went and sat down on the couch in between jake and jess. I was lost in my own thoughts for a while. 'Who was that girl? Is she Real or do I want to have that special someone so bad that my subconscious made her up? Why did I still feel her lips on mine? What the HELL is going on?'
"Hey Ash?" Jess asked me.
"Are you okay? You seem kind of, out of it." she said looking at me concerned.
"What? Oh, yeah, sorry just thinking about something."
She turned slightly more towards me, "What are you thinking about that you're so lost in thought?"
I looked at her hesitantly and sighed, "Okay, I'll tell you.."

I had told her everything about my dream, everything that happened and even put in every single detail about the girl in it and what she looked like. Her name stayed glued in my head, Melissa.
Jess looked at me when I told her all about it, she even smiled when I told her about how happy I was, but when I explained Melissa's physical appearance her eyes grew wide. I looked at her confused, "Jess what is it?"
She got up grabbing my arm and dragging me with her to the kitchen. She took out her phone and pulled up twitter. I saw her go to her own page and click on something she had retweeted from a girl a few months ago. When she went to her page, the name said Melissa(@MellyJelly). She pulled up a recent picture of her holding a newborn black cat smiling widely as the caption said 'Eeeee! Aurora had her babies! Meet my mini panther, Max<3' I stared at the photo for a while, my eyes so grew so big I thought they were going to pop out of my head. 'Oh my god.. It's her.'
"Ashley is that her?" Jess asked me in a whisper still shocked at the fact that the girl I dreamt of was actually real.
"J-jess, that's her, that's the girl!" I scream whispered at her.
'Holy shit, she is real'

Melissa's P.O.V
**Taking place back in November**

I had mostly wanted to stay home so I could avoid Alex yet again even though I have a feeling that me not showing up to school will just piss him off more. I'm just really tired of all his bullshit and the way he's treating me. I heard my phone going off, I looked at the screen seeing him calling. I sighed to myself feeling another headache coming on, 'Damn it..'
I knew that if I didn't answer he would be beyond pissed with me but I just shook it off and ignored the call. The next thing I knew I had 15 missed calls from him, the last one he actually left a voicemail. I called my voicemail to hear what he had to say. 'oh god..'
"You have one new message. First unheard message."
"What. The. HELL. Melissa!? Answer your fucking phone right now or so help me you're going to fucking regret it. I can't believe you didn't show up today, you are unbelievable! That's it, it's over between us. I hope you're fucking happy, you ruined this relationship, you're the cause of every fight we've ever had. I hate you, I hate you, I fucking hate you. Don't ever speak to me, look at me or set foot near me ever again. I hope you fucking die."
"End of new messages."

He did it, actually broke up with me. A part of me was kind of glad that he did but another part was completely shattered. I didn't know what to do or how to react. I just sat there with my mouth open and a slight pain in my heart. I couldn't stop the tears from forming so I just tried to blink them away. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and went to my bathroom opening up the drawer taking out my makeup bag I used for when I traveled with my mom. I zipped it open and went into the secret compartment that held my blade. I picked up the cold piece of metal and placed the tip against my wrist.

"I fucking hate you"
"I hope you fucking die"

Were all that kept going through my mind every time I glided the blade across my skin. After about 12 marks I turned the sink on rinsing off the blade and my wrist watching the water run red. After I cleaned myself up and covered the scars, I put on my oversized white cat fleece sweater to hide my arm from my mom.

I ended up calling my mom and telling her about what happened, not the cutting though. We talked about possibly going to the school when she gets home to see if I could get my GED rather than staying at the school with Alex anymore. That was the last straw for her, she was pissed with him.

**Skipping that because this chapter's already long as fuck**
-3 Months Later-
It's February now, I ended up getting a job over at Gamestop and I honestly loved it. I was helping out my mom more and I was capable of saving up a lot of money that I kept hidden in the same makeup bag as my razor in case of an emergency.
I heard the door open and saw my mom slowly walking over to my room, I smiled at her and she gave me a small fake smile in return. My face went serious as my brows furrowed together, "Momma, what's wrong?"
She sighed looking at the ground, "It's my job, they want me to go away to Georgia for the next 3 months.. I asked if I could bring you but they said no, that I'd be staying by myself in a hotel down the street for those 3 months and they don't want me getting distracted that it's strictly business. They need me to go tomorrow."
I frowned at every single word, god I hate her job. I was gonna be alone for the next few months. She told me she'd leave her car with me so I can drive it to work, I have my permit just not my license yet. I told her it was okay and I'd be fine walking, my job's not that far from where I live so I'd be okay.
She hesitated for a bit but said okay and went to her room.

-Next morning-
My mom had to leave for Georgia today, I woke up early so I could say goodbye to her. I had cried when she hugged me saying goodbye and kissing my temple. "Goodbye sweetie, I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise." She chocked out.
"Goodbye momma, I love you too.." I stood outside watching her leave waving goodbye one more time as she disappeared into the distance.
After she left I cried for another 10 minutes but looking to see what time it was. 'Fuck, I have to get ready.'
I went to my room and started getting ready for work throwing on my uniform and tying my hair up into a messy bun, I decided not to bother with makeup today. I had grabbed my phone and keys as I headed out the door. I didn't see a purpose in taking my purse or wallet cause I was just going to head straight home when I got off work. I kept my drivers permit hidden in my phone case just in case I needed it. I practically ran out the door locking it behind me and started heading down the sidewalk.
I did my usual, put my headphones in and played Saviour. As I was walking to work I couldn't help but feel that someone was following me. I shook it off thinking I was being ridiculously paranoid for no reason and had nothing to worry about. I was still walking when I heard tires slowly following close behind me. I had froze for a second, I started to turn to see what was happening but then saw nothing but darkness. Something, or rather someone had knocked me out cold.
I woke up in a dark room, my head was pounding and my ribs hurt, I cringed and grabbed at my side as I tried to sit up. I saw that I was no longer in my work clothes, but in my underwear with an oversized black sweater on.

"What the hell?" I whispered and tried to see everything else around me, the room was empty. There was only a single window, that was closed off and blocked and a door. I slowly got up to see if I could open it but it wouldn't budge. The door was locked, from the outside, whoever captured me had no intentions of me ever leaving. I went and sat on the cold hardwood floor hugging my knees to my chest ignoring the stinging I felt in my ribs. I sobbed into my knees for an hour until I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I cupped my hand over my mouth and stared at the door in fear of who was going to appear behind it. I heard the click of a padlock and the door slowly open revealing a tall dark shadowed figure.
"Hello baby" I saw the figure grin wickedly.
I gasped and looked at the man scared shitless. 'N-no, anyone but him..'

It was Alex, he took advantage of my mother leaving and me walking alone to work. How long had he been following me and watching me? I felt my self starting to get lightheaded and my vision blurred. Tears streaming down my face as he stepped towards me with that same evil grin glued on his face.
"I've missed you Mel. You didn't come to school anymore and blocked my number. This was the only other way of getting you back" he was now kneeling down face to face with me.
I saw nothing but pure evil and lust in his eyes. 'Oh no, please no..'
"You and me are going to have fun babydoll" he whispered in my ear.
He forcefully pinned me down against the floor getting between my legs. He had managed to rip off the only little clothing I had on.
"A-alex, no, p-please!" I begged as I started to cry in fear.
"Shut up you bitch!" the back of his hand collided with my cheek and the next thing I knew he was forcing himself in and out of me. The pain was unbearable, I was screaming and crying for help but nothing. I felt tainted and disgusted with myself. Now I really wanted to die.
'It's gone.. He took my innocence, the thing that meant most to me..'
When was done defiling my body she grabbed me by my hair lifting me off the floor and took me out to the bathroom throwing me into the tub.
"Clean yourself up you filthy slut." He closed the door and locked it so I wouldn't try anything. I stood up turning on the water and quietly sobbing as the hot water pelted my soiled skin. 'Why?..'
After the shower Alex unlocked the door and throwing the same clothes at me taking me back to the room where he locked me in. I went to the corner and slid down the wall emotionless. It's as if I couldn't feel anything anymore, I was numb.

'I'm never going to be able to get out of here. I'm going to be stuck here, forever.. He'll make sure of that..'
My life was over, there was nothing I could do to get out of this mess.


Wooooooooo holy fuck that's a long chapter, I apologize, my fingers just wouldn't stop typing.
Ashley's dream: http://www.polyvore.com/dream/set?id=87051491
Captured: http://www.polyvore.com/captured/set?id=87052222


Please update soon, I love this story

Wretched Soul Wretched Soul

my classes have destroyed any chance of me being able to write lately. I have so much work that it's impossible to sit and write for even five minutes without feeling guilty that I should be working on homework.

BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355

I feel so bad because I've manage to neglect my duties of writing new chapters for my stories and especially for it being so long since I last did. o(*≧д≦)o

WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit

Take your time! I totally understand. College is killing any time I use to write, and I'm taking care of the entire horse barn for the next week. I'm so exhausted when I get home I just shovel food in my mouth and crash.

BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355




Thank you my lovely babies c: I'm currently typing the next chapter, I'm so sorry I haven't in such a long time. I'm in Ohio at the moment and have free time on my hands till Sunday morning when I fly back into town back home. The reason why I haven't typed anything during the week lately is because I work 5 days a week, 8am to 5pm. But i wake up at 5 Iin the morning so by the time i get home from work i am beyond exhausted and i end up being lazy on the weekends if I'm not already doing things with family. I'm sorry sweeties :(

WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit