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The Cost Of Winning

Blue Christmas

A / N : Sorry this is late , but my boss threw Saturday overtime at us at the last minute , so I'm behind on EVERYTHING ! So to make up for my tardiness , I'll be treating you to a longer chapter than usual . ( Or torturing you , depending on how you look at it .)


"Well , I guess it looks as good as we're gonna get it ." , Miki says , as she stands back to survey the work we've spent most of the day doing .

"Mik , it looks fine , stop worrying so much !" , I tell her . "Everybody's coming to enjoy themselves , not to critique the decorations . And if that's what they feel like doing , screw 'em !"

Today is the day before Christmas Eve , and Miki and Ryan are throwing a holiday party for the people who work for Ryan , most of the people who work with Miki , and a few others . I almost fell over a few days ago when Ryan told me that not only did she agree to him inviting Ash , but she okayed him asking him to be one of his groomsmen in the wedding . I asked her about it earlier today , and she said that she was trying to look past the crap that happened back in LA , and give him a chance to show that he wasn't as much of an ass as she'd thought he was . I think what happened the other day with Jeff may have had something to do with that .

"Hey , I've got something else for Ryan for Christmas , can you keep it secret if I show you ?" , she asks .

"Hon , I have a two - year - old , I have to be able to keep that stuff secret !" , I laugh .

She motions for me to follow her , and we walk back to their bedroom . She goes into the back of the closet and brings out a box , about the size you'd use to hold a tie . She lifts the lid , and holds it out toward me . I look inside , and can't stop myself from squealing .

"Ohmigod ! He's gonna flip !" , I say , as we hug each other and bounce around the room like we're Bren's age . "When did you find out ?"

"Day before yesterday , I've been just about ready to explode every since ." , she replies . "I just hope he's okay with it right now ."

"Are you kidding me ?! He'll probably be doing backflips through the living room when he opens that !" , I say . "He's so good with Smidge , I can already tell you he's gonna be a great dad ."

"Hey , girls , where are you ?" , Ryan's voice calls from the living room , and she scrambles to put the box back where she'd hidden it .

"Where you is , Mommy ? We's back !" , Bren chimes in .

"We're in the bedroom , we'll be right there !" , Miki shouts , as we head back to the living room . As we walk into the room , Brenna attaches herself to my leg , and I reach down to pick her up .

"Hello , sweetie ! Were you a good girl for Uncle Ryan at the store ?" , I ask her , as I place several kisses on her cheeks .

"Me was good girl , Mommy ! Me helps Unca Wy gets yours droceries for the party , he say me is good helper !" , she announces proudly .

"Yeah , she was able to grab a couple of things I couldn't even see in the back of the shelves ." he chuckles .

"That's 'cause you's too big , Unca Wy , me fit in self better to gets stuff !"

After unloading the grocery bags and finishing up the last of the party prep , we go to change clothes before people start showing up . Miki gave me a really pretty sweater as an early Christmas gift , so I'm wearing it tonight , along with a pair of black leggings . It's a sparkly cowlneck sweater , which is a sapphire blue color at the top , shading to black at the hem , which comes down over my hips , and I'm wearing a pair of earrings that I made for myself with it . After I get dressed , I corral Bren , and get her changed into a cute little blue and green plaid dress , with a poufy skirt , with some white tights and little sparkly silver shoes .

You wooks pwetty , Mommy !" , she tells me as I brush my hair .

"Thank you , Smidge , so do you ." , I reply .

As I give her hair a once - over with the brush , we hear the doorbell ring , and I say , "Well , I guess the party is about to start ."

Ryan yells from the living room , "Hey , Bren - Muffin , somebody's here to see you !"

"Daddy !" , she shrieks , jumping out of the chair and charging down the hallway as fast as her legs will carry her . I double - check to make sure everything is in place , then follow her , to find her in Ashley's arms , with both of hers locked around his neck .

"Hello , Fi ." , he says . "You look really nice tonight ."

"Thanks , so do you ." , I reply , and he definitely does . He's wearing a pair of charcoal - gray slacks , with a black shirt and a leather vest , with his cowboy boots , of course . Damn , sometimes I wish he wouldn't always make such an effort to look good . It can be incredibly distracting at times .

"Daddy say me is booful , Mommy !" , Bren informs me .

"That's because you are , sweetie ." , I say .

We head into the living room to wait for everybody else to start arriving , and Bren goes to her little table to color as we all sit down to talk a little bit . After checking to make sure that she's occupied , Ryan turns to Ash and says , "I saw you coming out of that new Japanese restaurant yesterday when I was heading back from work . Who was the good - looking blonde you were with ?"

He hesitates for a second , then says , "Her name is Megan , I met her a couple of weeks ago , and we've been out a couple of times , so far ."

Okay , why the hell is my stomach doing cartwheels now ? We haven't been a thing for a long time now , so there's no reason why that should bother me .

"So , should I start prepping Bren to meet this girl ?" , I ask him .

"No , not just yet ." , he says . "I'm not bringing anybody around her unless I know it's gonna go somewhere . It's too soon for that , but if it gets there , I'll let you know , and we can talk to her together ."

"Sounds like a plan ." , I respond .

The bell rings again , and the other guests start coming in , so the conversation sort of gets tabled for now . Before too long , the place is full of people , and the party is in full swing .

About an hour in , I disengage myself from a conversation with a couple of girls from Miki's work , who were admiring my earrings , to go get a soda . As I walk over to the coolers , I hear a phone ring , and as I grab a Pepsi , I see Ash pull out his phone and take a call . I'm just about ready to head back into the crowd when I see him turn absolutely white , then put away his phone and walk outside .

I move as fast as I can over to Ryan , and ask him , "Hey , could you do me a huge favor and watch out for Smidge for a few ?"

"Sure thing , Fi . What's up ?" , he replies .

"I'm not sure yet . I just saw Ash take a call , and he went pale and walked out , so I'm gonna go see what's wrong ."

He motions for me to go , so I go grab my coat and his , and head out to the back deck , to find him standing with both hands braced on the rail , and his head down .

I drape his coat over his shoulders , and he looks up at me , with tears trickling down his face .

"What's wrong ?" , I ask . "Who was that on the phone ?"

"That was Uncle Bill . Pop , he's ... gone ." , he chokes out .

"Oh , no ! Ash , I'm so sorry !" , I say , and I wrap my arms around him without even thinking about it . As I do , he does the same , and drops his head onto my shoulder , sobbing .

He pulls himself together after a few minutes , and says , "We've sort of been expecting it , but I hoped it wouldn't be so soon ."

"So , you'll be going home then , right ?"

"Not for a couple of days . They're giving the rest of the family time to get back , and they insisted that I not miss my first Christmas with Brenna ."

"Oh , crap , we're going to have to explain that to her !" , I exclaim . "She was crazy about him , and I don't know how she'll handle it , especially after what happened with Ivy's mom ."

"Let's hold off until after she opens her presents ." , he says . "There's no reason to spoil things for her . This is the first Christmas she'll be old enough to remember , so she may as well enjoy as much of it as possible ."

"Do you still want me to bring her to your place tomorrow night ?" I inquire .

"Absolutely ! That's probably the only thing I'll actually have to look forward to for awhile ." , he answers . "Actually , If you wouldn't mind terribly , maybe you could both bring a change of clothes , and actually stay over for Christmas morning . She has her own room at my house , and I can make sure the guest room is presentable for you ."

I only have to think about it for a few seconds , and I tell him that will be fine . It might be a bit weird for awhile , but I can't say no , under the circumstances .

We finally go back inside , because we're both shivering . Miki sees us come in , and walks over . "Is everything all right ?" , she asks , and I shake my head , and mouth "Later " , because Ryan is walking over with Bren .

As they reach us , Ash tells Ryan , "I'm sorry , guys but I need to go . Thanks for inviting me , I really appreciate it ."

"Why you go , Daddy ?" , Bren asks . "Me don't sees you almost none !"

"Smidge , Daddy doesn't feel good , so he's going to go home to bed , so he can try to feel better for us to visit him for Christmas Eve tomorrow ." , I explain . "And we're going to sleep over at Daddy's house tomorrow , so you can spend Christmas morning together ."

"But then Sampy Plause won'ts finded me , Mommy !" , she says .

"Yes he will , sweetie , I'll leave him a note , so he can bring your presents to Daddy's house ."

"Otay , Mommy !" , she says , then puts both hands on Ashley's face and kisses him on the forehead . "Night night , Daddy ! Yous goes home and feels better , otay ? Me comes to sees you tomowwow ."

"I'll try , Bren . Goodnight , sweet girl , Daddy loves you ." , he says , giving her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek .

"Me wuvs you , Daddy !"

He turns , kisses my forehead , and says , "Thanks , Fi . I'll see you tomorrow ." Then he says goodbye to Ryan and Miki , and leaves .

As soon as she closes the door , Miki turns to me and says , "Okay , what the heck was that about ?" , as Ryan gives me a questioning look .

I motion for them to follow me to the kitchen , and set Bren at the table with some juice and a cookie , then lead them to the far end of the room , by the pantry . I explain the situation to them , and they're both totally sympathetic . I also tell them that he wants to wait until we do Christmas to tell Bren , and Miki says . "Well , if there was ever any question about whether or not he cares about that little girl , that answers it ! I may not like the way he treated you before , but he obviously adores her if he's willing to pretend that everything is alright just to make sure she's happy . I was wondering for a minute , but now I understand why you're spending the night at his place . It would be pretty heartless to say no in this situation ."

"Yeah , that's what I thought , too ." , I say . "It kind of surprised me when he said that , but I couldn't bring myself to say no , when he was so miserable ."

I finally tell them to go back to their guests , and after a few minutes , Smidge and I go back out , until she tells me that she's sleepy . We say goodbye to Miki and Ryan , and head home . As I'm getting her into her pajamas , she says , "Mommy , Daddy is be otay ? Me don'ts want Daddy be sick ."

"Daddy will be fine in awhile , Smidge . Sometimes grown - ups feel bad for other reasons , like if they're worried about something , or if they work too much . Daddy isn't throwing - up sick , he just has lots of things to think about right now ."

"So hims head hurt , 'cause him think too muches ?"

"Something like that , sweetie . But right now , you need to go to sleep , so you'll be rested up to spend time with Daddy tomorrow , and try to make him feel better ."

"And me can gives him my pesent that me makes him at school ! And yous can has yours pesent , too ! Miss Kim helpded me puts the pwetty wapping ons them ."

"Yes ,we can do that . Goodnight , Smidge , Mommy loves you . Sweet dreams ."

"Night night , Mommy , me wuvs you wots of bunches . You is my goodest fwend ." , she says , then yawns .

I kiss her goodnight , then go to the living room , and try to watch some TV , but I can't concentrate for crap . And as I sit here , I realize that the news about Ashley's grandad isn't the only thing that's bothering me , and the more I think about it , the more annoyed I become with myself .

I shouldn't be worrying about anything right now but how we're going to explain to Bren what's happened , and helping Ash get through the day , so why do I keep thinking about his and Ryan's conversation about his new "friend" , Megan ?

He's already promised that he won't bring random women around Brenna , so I don't have anything to actually be concerned about , right ?

We haven't been together for almost three years , and our relationship was pretty much over even before I left , so there's no way I could still have feelings for him .

Is there ? Damn !



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan