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Chapter Two - The Repo Man (Draft)

(Grave Robber Pov) -
“Out from the night, and from the mist, steps a figure, but no one really knows his name for sure. This masked figure stands a six foot six, head and shoulders….And you pray he never comes knocking at your door.
Say that you want new heart or new corneas but somehow you never really managed to square away your debts. He wont bother to write or to phone you he will just rip the still beating heart from your chest.

Now you can run, you can hide, you can try to, but he always has a way of finding you. He will come at your weakest hour, when no one is around who might rescue you

And none of us are free from this horror, for many years ago we all fell in debt. New body parts were needed to perfect out image and until our debts were clear we will continue to live in fear…of The Repo Man.”

Sad, but quite poetic i must say; throwing or lives workings away to perfect and craft our most desirable image. Seeing millions fall to GeneCo’s elaborate scandal and yet no body seems to have discovered what treachery lies with the contract.

Mind you, i spend my life rummaging through mountains of repossessions and corpses of GeneCo to harvest a serum to go in a little glass vile.


Huh….all those unfortunate souls that have yet to be caught by the Repo Man for their most craved body amendments.

At least these dumb and most illiterate citizens keep me in a job…If they continue to lose track of their debts, i continue to harvest Zydrate from their cold dead bodies.

(Shiloh Pov) -
You hear of repossessions every day, and by that i mean you can hear the screams of those who are having their organs repossessed.

I sit in my room, day after day listening to the screams of those who have forgotten to pay a debt. Not able to leave because of my blood condition, i literally have nothing to do…

I dont understand that if GeneCo can create cures for pretty much everybody why they cant create a cure for me. Im sick of doing nothing!

I want to leave this small, boxy and cage like abode, I want to see what is ‘out there’. What people are like. But..i can't even walk down the stairs without my farther sending me back to my room again. Im sure leaving for five minutes of fresh, non sterile smelling are wont kill me. Well i don't think it will?

Hmm, what if i leave for a couple of minutes and come back straight away. Surely farther wont notice, especially if i leave the same time he does…

(Andy's Pov) -
Fuck, im gonna die.

I missed a payment and i have no spare funds to give to GeneCo, what am i gonna do???
Shit Shit Shit Shit SHit!!!!!!!

I guess there really is only one thing to do, run and hide, and keep running until i can fully pay off my debt to the Cerulli's.

I will not let the Repo Man find me…


I know this is also short but please bare with me.

Stay Weird,
- Grimm


yay thank you. I'm trying to get a new chapter for you guys but I'm a bit stuck coz i don't want to write this exactly like the movie so it might be a while until the next couple of chapters are up. i hope thats ok

i was reading this just as Grave Robber says it in the film I love Repo! hahah



SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

@smutty pariah
yasssss The Grave Robber is literally my favourite!!!


SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah