those fucking fanfic moments
Hey Kid, wanna buy some HotCash?
Note that the ONLY place Sky ever shops is.....
Ill give you three guesses....
You only need one....
HOT TOPIC! Because even though her parents are abusive and she's dirt fucking poor with no friends, she can miraculously afford everything there.
Why can't she shop somewhere else? Somewhere not so mainstream? (Yeah it's mainstream when you see the Hollister kids walking in there). Why does she have to in depth describe to me her band shirts? "I bot 54 Of Mice & Men shirts and Ashley bot me 374881 BVB shirts becuz he was jelos I lyk OM&M."
And what the fuck is with all the Batman shit? Does Sky ACTUALLY like Batman? Has she ever seen Batman with Adam West? No? Then I call bs-she just says she likes Batman to impress Andy (like my ex roommate who said she was a gamer to impress guys though she couldn't figure out fucking Skyrim >.>).
Feel free to let her be an online shopper! Have you checked out the Drop Dead site that Oliver Sykes runs? OmifuckingGod I ordered two sweaters and that pink and white denim jacket from there and I love them. And the cardigan looks like HT but is such better quality, like fuck (then again I'm 20 and have a job where Sky's like 15 and being bullied in geometry so there's a slight economic difference between us).
I actually hate the colours pink and white but I love my denim jacket >.> I love Oli. You guys can have the Brides. I'm going out drinking with BMTH lulz
In my dreams. My very desperate, never-to-be-real dreams.
Chapter 61: I give serious props to a fanfic on here where the OC protagonist, like the rest of us, has a not-good to okay singing voice. Personally, I wouldn't sing in front of the Brides unless *thier* lives depended on it... I'm too afraid I'd ruin thier ability to create music!