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those fucking fanfic moments

Cigarettes = Bad Boy

Dear diary, andy smokez. omg he's so badd. Lyk i could nevr smoke butt maybe i could try it since andy lyks it so much?

Something I've never understood is "the bad boy smoking" thing. Like the fuck? Smoking doesn't make you bad. And if it's okay for Sky to be every-fucking-where Andy is and sniffing him all the time then why the fuck can't he just have a cig and chill?

Smoking does not make somebody a bad or sketchy person. Smoking is just a (not so healthy) form of stress relief.

And since when the Hell is smoking weed the equivalent of doing hardcore drugs? That stuff tastes freaking delicious AND it's non addictive!

Sky, if you're allowed to stalk Andy, deny him the right to privacy, make him a fucking door mat to "prove how much he loves [you]", then I think the boy is allowed to have a smoke break. He's earned it.


As a pot head/vapor fanatic who has a taste for cigars and comes from a family of smokers and is dating a freaking chimney, I find the smoking-bad-boy routine irritating.

He'll smoke on you. Smoke on your face (I tried doing a reference. Do I win?). #just andy things

DayTripper over and out


Chapter 61: I give serious props to a fanfic on here where the OC protagonist, like the rest of us, has a not-good to okay singing voice. Personally, I wouldn't sing in front of the Brides unless *thier* lives depended on it... I'm too afraid I'd ruin thier ability to create music!

Merelan Merelan

Read too many stories like that

Brittney Purdy Brittney Purdy

Yes that is my story. I have a Ghost story in progress as well.

Mama_EmeritusIII Mama_EmeritusIII

#61. Alli should try singing on livestream, harshest critics ever js.

onefinalfightdoe onefinalfightdoe

Hey you. Yeah you. I remember your Ville story :D lol Masoleum of Memories right? (I probably butchered the fuck out of that spelling)

DayTripper DayTripper