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Trust me when I say this is delicious, ecstatic and real food in my plate and I'm a Pirate hogging the treasure under the eyes of the watchful light of the sky. It feels like dining in the Great Hall from Harry Potter, the chandelier above sparkles in the bright lit room and I feel almost undeserved of this goodness on the table.

Right in cue, a voice sings,“Good evening, humans!” I smile at Mr. Biersack who walks to his wife to give her a kiss on her forehead. For some reason I find that more romantic and sweeter than an intimate kiss on the lip.

“Couldn't be even more later?” Amy comments sarcastically and Mr. Biersack seats himself on the chair and replies with another sarcastic, “I will be next time, hon.” Amy huffs in spite of her pink lips slightly quirked at one side. I can see how close they are, like a thread attached; Strong and elastic.

“So how are you feeling, Kellie?” Mr. Biersack turns to me with concern etched on his face. God, I've really made an embarrassment of myself.“Yeah. I think I'm okay.” I nod my head and he smiles.

I think about how lucky Andy is while I watch in wonder as Amy continues to scold him to stop texting which he rolls his eyes in return but puts his phone aside anyway. Obedient much? We all eat our dinner; everyone's blithe and cheery, especially Andy's dad. He is the nicest man I've ever met and it almost hurts to feel deprived of a father like him. I look at Amy, passing the salad across the table with a genuine smile on her face. She looks like a totally different person, almost an opposite of her alter ego businesswoman vibe as we sit together like one happy family.

This house is almost like a dream house for me. Something I'd actually love and I don't doubt the interior planning is done by Andy's very own mother. The intricately designed furniture are lined in the corners of the canty wooden themed room. There's just something about it that spreads warmth in my chest. It must be freezing outside and my house must be a frosted fish in the gloomy boulevard at night. Funny, a parent would have called their child by now, worried sick. Yeah, it feels shitty as hell when there's nobody thinking about you. I'm unwanted. A sudden bubble of anger courses through me and I can't help but hope that my dad is really dead. I immediately shake my head, disgusted at my own thoughts.

“Did you like it, Kellie?” I realize Amy beaming at me.

“Huh? Oh, yes. It's lovely... I just loved the mix of the European and Persian wall art. Really, everything, the carpet- I mean obviously, I'd praise you the whole day but the place is beautiful! The ar-” I halt myself when I notice confusion on each face. Amy speaks up after a moment of speechless mouths.

“I was actually talking about the dinner but I see you're really fascinated with the architecture.” She chuckles and I utter an awkward, “Oh.” embarrassed. “Um, It's really great. Thank you.” I stutter.

“Damn.” I hear Andy mutter quietly beside me and I ignore him, just the way he too has been doing this whole time. The rest of the dinner goes by in comfortable silence. Of course the topic of my parents comes up and I answer them with a half lie that my mother is dead and my dad is overseas for work. I feel disappointed that I won't be here after tomorrow morning and utterly devastated at the thought of going to school. Don't. Think.

A picture catches my eye planted at the very corner, almost hidden like a person trying to mix into a crowd. “So who is that?” I point my finger towards it with a genuine smile, happy that I'm making a conversation. Andy stiffens and everyone looks down for a while that leaves me unnerved.

“Th-that's Chris when he was young.” Amy answers and I shake my head.

“No, that one.” Did I do something wrong?

“She was a friend,” Mr. Biersack finally answers curtly. “Andrew's. Violet, sweet girl.” I nod, confused. The air turns into something thick and I face-palm myself mentally. Andy clears his plate almost too quickly and excuses himself just before everyone of us is done too.
I wake up with a gasp, scalp soaked in sweat, freezing and take in my surroundings. It's dark. It's like the guest bedroom is going to swallow me. I hate this. I hop out of the plush bed and sleep walk straight to the opposite bedroom sadly interrupting Andy's lonely concert on the piano near the dim night lamp. I plump face down on the sofa. “Kellie?” I could watch him play the whole day but my head feels heavy, aching madly. “Are you okay?”

“No don't... stop. Play,” I mumble and I can feel his eyes on me. “Dream. Always a... bad dream...don't stop...” I feel myself finally drifting, hearing a sweet, faint and slow music on the piano.

“Always, huh?”


Heyy people!
So finally you got to meet The Chris Biersack. Yaay.
Who's excited to meet CC??
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! ^^ See y'all in the next update.


Can u update soon I don't mean to seem rude but I just love this story

shae_bonem shae_bonem

Well I am going to update in just some while! Don't wait

mid-may? argh! but i want to know what's up!

anathema anathema

*reciprocates fist bump*


*gives you good-natured fist bump*

anathema anathema