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A Secret Isn't Secret When You Tell Everyone

Chapter 5

Chris waited an hour to find out if Devin was ok. The nurse told him that they had stitched up his arms and pumped his stomach. He had lost a good amount of blood so they gave him a blood transfusion. Chris was relieved that he was going to be okay.

Ricky got all of the guys into the apartment when they began to ask questions. They questioned where Chris was and why he wasn’t there. He told them not to worry and Chris knew everything already. He then proceeded to read the letter to them as Chris told him too. When Ricky finished, they were all in shock.

“Is…is he gone?” Vinny asked.

“I don’t know. Chris hasn’t called me yet.” Ricky answered.

“He was abused?” Ryan asked.

Ricky nodded.

“He, he lost his apartment, and everything?” Balz asked.

“Everything. Including his furniture. The night he was arrested she emptied out his apartment.”

“Isn’t that illegal?” Vinny asked.

“I think so. She stole everything. And I know Devin kept recites. I teased him on hoarding them.” Ricky answered.

“So if the police got a tip that she stole it, and we have proof that it is his and is now in her house, can she get in trouble?” Balz suggested

“Yes? But he never reported it stolen.” Ricky answered.

“We can still try…” Ryan suggested.

The guys then called and asked the police station. Ricky framed his statement as, “My friend was arrested about a month ago. He’s stayed with my roommate and I for the last few weeks. He got a notice from his landlord that he was being evicted so he went to go pack up his stuff. When he was going that, he came home to an empty apartment. We found a note that she signed that said she took everything but his box of CDs and his clothes. Can he/ we press charges?”

“If you bring the note in. does your friend have any proof of the things missing?” the officer asked.

“When he first moved in, my room mate took pictures of the house once its was furnished. My friend also has recites of most of the stuff in the house as well, and also its on his credit cards. My friend is gothic. He has a very distinguished style, we’d know his stuff anywhere.”

The officer nodded and then sent a car to go check the house for his stuff. They even had a warrant.

The search came back positive much to the guy’s happiness. Everything that was Devin’s was there. She was arrested for theft. The guys then questioned the police brutality Devin received when he was arrested. No body had ever heard of the arresting officers, AND no call was ever placed to 911 concerning an argument that night.

Things about the entire case were beginning to not add up. The guys got a knock at the door. Ricky opened the door to find a knife stabbed into the wood holding a note that read, “stop asking questions or Little Dev’s next secret will be on the Alt Press website within 10 minutes.”
They knew that whatever they were doing, they were ruining who ever was trying to ruin Devin.



Thank You <3 i think i made a sequel, if not something related to this story on wattpad, i tend to put most of my work on there now

Soo good. I wish u didnt finish the story

skullkid skullkid