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Rise From the Ashes

Chapter Twenty One

Andy's POV:

I woke up but I didn't really wake..

All I saw was darkness.

My hands were bound behind my back and my feet were in shackles. I knew there must have been a blindfold around my eyes and I couldn't have been angrier.

Taking away a man's sight is..despicable.

The door opened to what I assumed was my cell and I kept my head down in defiance.
"Hello Prophet."

It wasn't Fear. I knew that much. Because the voice came from a woman.

I said nothing, just moved my hands behind my back, trying to break the ropes.

I had no idea how long I had been here and I needed to know. I needed to know how long Violet had been in the same agony I was when she was captured..

"Do you intend on giving us your oath?" The lady asked. I grunted, looking up to where I assumed she was.

"Why would I ever do that?" I growled, struggling against my bonds even more. I spit in her face, the only defiance I had left in me.

"I can't imagine you would like to see Violet in the same predicament as you, once more."

My heart stopped at the mention of her name and all I wanted in that moment was to hold her tightly. Tell her that I was okay..

Even though I wasn't so sure.

"Are you saying.." I narrowed my eyes beneath the blindfold. "You'll hurt her if I don't swear my oath to Fear?"

She chuckled.

"I'm not saying anything. Just think about it. It looks like you have a lot of time to do so.."

Ashley's POV:

I looked into Andy and Violet's tent, my heart breaking as I watched her sob into his pillow. Her shoulders were shaking with every breath she took in and I honestly couldn't imagine the pain she must have been feeling.

I turned away, sighing softly and walking over to where I knew Jinxx, Jake, and CC were.

"How are we going to help him?" I asked, glaring around at them all.

"We have a plan but it's risky.." CC bit his lip.

"We have to do anything for Violet. She's been crying for hours!" I exclaimed, slamming my hands down on the table.

"We'll get him back Ashley, just calm down." Jake promised, resting his hand on my shoulder. I let out a shaky breath before nodding. "Now go get Violet, we all need to talk to her."

Fifteen minutes later, we were all sitting around, ready to discuss the mission. Violets eyes were droopy and tired. She held Andy's Prophet vest in her arms, pressing it tightly to her.

"Vi, are you okay?" CC asked, touching her shoulder. She just kept staring into the distance, a few tears spilling down her cheeks. We all knew she hated looking weak and so it was obvious that this was real. That Violet was..


"No, I'm not." She whispered, sniffling and pulling his vest tighter to her. "I just want him back."

"We'll get him back, Violet. We have a plan." Jinxx promised. She looked down as more tears rushed out and closed her eyes.

CC pulled her into a tight hug, letting her get it out. She pulled back after only a few minutes and sighed.


Andy's POV:

"Good morning, Prophet." The woman walked into my cell and I shook my head.

"Meaningless when all I see is the dark." I grimaced, feeling her wash my chest with a wet rag.

I had been here for what seemed like days and this woman came in everyday, three times a day. She washed my body, gave me water, sometimes a bit of food. All together, I couldn't figure out why I was here. What she or anyone wanted..

Why they hadn't killed me yet.

"Maybe it's time I let you see then." She said, her voice like silk.

I hated this woman, whoever she was. Whatever she wanted from me, it didn't matter. I despised everything about her for even wanting to work in the same fifty mile radius as Fear. Let alone for him..

"I'd rather not see the place I'll die." I growled but she pushed my head down with her obviously manicured nails. I felt her untying the blindfold and closed my eyes in fear.

In a second it was gone and the light was burning my eyes. I turned away burying my face in my shoulder as I squeezed my eyes shut. Her hand grabbed my face and she held on over my eyes. Tears were leaking from the pain and she held her hand there until the pain stopped.

I shook it away and finally glanced up at the person I despised most next to Fear.

She had long blonde hair and striking green eyes. Her skin was tan and she was giving me a horrible smirk.

As I glanced around my cell, I noticed how dirty it was. There were little marks scratched into the walls where someone must have counted days and I noticed a small barred window on the wall closest to me and that's when I realized what I should have already known.

"Th-this was Violet's cell.." I whispered, more to myself than the girl in front of me.

"And it will be again." She smirked at me.

"What do you mean?" I said, looking at her with wide eyes. She kneeled down in front of me, touching my hair but I jerked back.

"If you don't give your oath to us in four weeks, we'll kill her." She said and I felt my heart stop.

"You won't be able to! She's safe!" I exclaimed, struggling against my bonds.

"Is she? Or is she only a few rooms away?"

I felt tears well up in my eyes and shook my head.

"No, no. The guys, they would never let-"

"Or would they?" She smirked again.

"No, not Violet. Please, I'll do anything!" I screamed, pushing myself up so I was on my knees. "Please don't hurt her. Not again.."

"Then give me your oath." She crossed her arms and I closed my eyes tight.
I could feel the fight in me. The love battling with my honor. Violet was my everything. I had to keep her safe, even if it meant losing my title as the Prophet.

I groaned in the pain of betrayal. "..Fine.."


~Karlie :( So sad!



anathema anathema

Nuuuuuuuuuuu. Why Andy? Why'd he have to get taken

Never lol
just rethinking a plot :)

Gone_Girl Gone_Girl

Yay! I had feared this was abandoned!

anathema anathema

Update again please I love this story