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My Fallen Angel

Chapter Ninety-Nine: It's Not Fair

"How about this one?"
I wrinkled my nose. "It's ugly."
"What? No its not," Ashlandil scowled down at the baby bed in front of us. We'd come to the mall so Ashlandil could talk to someone about adding his clothing line to one of their shops, but somehow we'd gotten sidetracked into a baby store.
"It's is! This yellow is awful."
"Fine. What about that one?"
"It's green."
"So? It's not gonna tell the difference."
I looked at him in annoyance, my hands going to my hips, and he rolled his eyes behind his douchy sunglasses that he hadn't taken off.
"What? It won't!"
"But there has to be a color scheme," I scowled up at him. "And it's not gonna be green or ugly yellow!"
"Okay, WHY does there have to be a color scheme?" he asked as he followed me to the bin of stuffed animals.
"Because, because they're supposed too," I huffed, lifting up a small teddy bear, liking how soft it felt against my fingers.
And I wasn't sure why, but all the magazines I'd read suggested all these color schemes and wasn't that how it was supposed to go?
He gave a pained sigh.
"This is ridiculous. You're not even showing. We don't even know what it is yet. What's the point in buying this shit if we don't even know if it's a boy or girl?"
"Does it matter with the color?"
"Well, if it's a girl, people usually do a lot of pinks. If it's a boy, blue."
"Oh." I frowned , looking down at my stomach. "What do you think it is then?"
"How should I know?" he sighed again, his hand resting on my waist as he started to guide me away from the stuffed bear figures. "I'm not a doctor."
"Can I help either of you?" the sales woman suddenly slipped in front of us,glancing the two of us over like she smelled currency in our veins.
"Probably not ---."
"Are you two expecting or buying a gift?" she asked brightly, ignoring Ashlandil and focusing on me completely. I hesitated, staring a her for a moment.
Did her head not hurt with how tightly her hair was held back?
"Um, expecting."
"Wonderful! You're not very far yet, are you? New parents? Well, there sure is a lot to buy in the beginning, and I know it can be overwhelming, so I'm here to help! Now........"


What the fuck.
Kenali was barely four weeks and we sure as hell didnt need any of the shit I was for some reason buying. I scowled as I handed the sales lady my credit card, Kenali slipping her fingers through mine, gazing down at the teddy bear in her arm, its arms clutching a red heart.
"We haven't even bought a new place yet," I grumbled, squeezing her hand. "Where's all of this going to go?"
"Don't complain," she merely replied, and I huffed, taking back my card and slipping it into my wallet.
I didn't even look at the total.
The sales lady beamed at me as she handed me the four heavy bags, mostly full of junk items in my opinion. Kenali was way too gullible about this ridiculous baby stuff and I was fairly sure half of it wasn't needed at all.
But then again, I'd never had a baby before either.
"Do you think he'll like this stuff?" Kenali asked as we stepped out into the parking lot.
"She --- whatever it is," she sighed, taking the bags from me as I clicked my keys, popping the trunk. "I just want it to be happy."
"You have a long while to worry about all of that, don't start now." I dropped the bags into my trunk, glad to be rid of the weight. "Just wait until it's born and a teenager and into punk music."
"You're in a band ---."
"That's beside the point," I rolled my eyes. "Maybe it'll just be appreciative of how famous I am."
"I'm sure it will," she sounded amused, and I glanced at her where she leaned against the car, her lips quirked.
God she was do damned beautiful, and it wasn't just because she was an angel, either. She was kind, and always tried to do the right thing, and that's what I thought drew people to her; she just had this aura of goodness.
Hard not to love.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" I lightly closed the trunk, glad my sunglasses were hiding half my face. I hadn't realized I was staring at her.
"Like you just were!"
"I don't know what you mean," I flicked my hair out of my eyes as I stepped over to her, aware we were in a crowded parking lot; I couldn't take this as far as I wanted too. I let my hands slip around her hips and tugged her to me, her fingers pressing against my chest lightly.
She'd let me kiss her before, I was hoping to get away with it again.
She knew what I was doing, so she had plenty of time to pull away if she wanted as I lowered my lips to hers, catching them easily.
She just sighed.
Well that was a step up then.
I figured she would have punched me again.
"Erm, excuse me?"
Oh what the fuck?
Annoyed, I lifted my lips from hers, turning my head to look at the two girls and boys walking towards us, my gaze flicking to their t shirts.
Fans, man.
Kenali chuckled as she stepped back from me, looking amused as one of the girls meekly asked for an autograph, and the pinch to my hip told me to be nice.
"Sure, who to?" I asked, clicking the pen they handed me.
"Ashton," the girl beamed.
I hastily scribbled on the paper, and handed it back with a smile.
"Thank you so much!" the girl gushed, her entire face lighting up.
I chuckled, and glanced at the boys, seeing they hadn't yet taken their eyes off my girlfriend, and honestly neither had the other girl.
I didn't even think about it, just slipped my arm possessively around her waist, causing both of the boys to actually straighten, as if realizing they'd been staring.
It happens.
They should have seen how Bryan reacted to her.
And I needed to call him, anyway.
"You're even prettier in real life then you are in the pictures," the other girl suddenly said, and her eyes hadn't moved from dissecting Kenalis every feature.
Kenali actually blushed.
"I didn't realize there was pictures," she said after a moment, blinking.
"Are you kidding?" the girl I signed for gasped. "Like they're scarce, but I have yet to see a pic of you where you look, well, un-pretty! Do you model or something?"
"She's a dancer," I chuckled. "She just keeps in shape like that, no modeling required."
"Well that's disappointing," the other girl sighed. "I dance too but I'm still the size of a whale."
Please don't ask what a whale was.
Kenalis mouth literally opened to ask, I do believe, but I squeezed her waist, and her eyes flicked to mine curiously.
"I don't understand," she frowned. "You're very small."
So she did know what a whale was?
"You're definitely not the size of a whale, those are considerably bigger," she then continued. "And what do you like to dance?"
"Um, mostly hip hop and jazz." the girl shrugged, looking flushed.
"That sounds fun!" Kenali tilted her head slightly. "Do you like it?"
"Er, I guess. I'm thinking about quitting though."
The girl just shrugged, looking at her feet, and her friend hovered beside her, a look on her face that looked between a mix of, I want to help but anything I say will make it worse, and pity.
Kenalis brows furrowed, and then she reached forward, taking the girls hand. The girls eyes went to her face immediately.
"Do you love to dance?"
"Yes." she sounded mesmerized.
"Why do you wish to stop then?"
"I don't fit in with all the other girls, they're so much smaller then me and seem to do so much better. And my dad wants me to quit because we can't afford the lessons anymore."
Her friends looked at her in surprise.
Kenali actually looked stricken. "Are they expensive?"
"Yes, but it's the best studio in town."
Oh no.
I could see it all over her face, the injustice of it all.
She wanted to help.
She frowned again, the little wrinkle appearing across her nose that was so cute, and I saw her hand drop from the girls.
"If you love to dance, don't let what the other people are doing affect you," she said after a moment, choosing her words carefully. "If you love something so much, then just do it. It doesn't matter what the other girls look like or how they're doing, that's not the point. You're supposed to enjoy it. So next time you go, don't look at the other girls when dancing, don't even care about them. Just have fun, enjoy it," she gave the girl a knowing smile. "It makes it a lot easier in this world if you just let things go."
I looked at her in surprise.
The girl stared at her for several seconds, then bobbed her head, looking down quickly.
There was silence.
"We'd better get going," I said after a second, turning Kenali towards the car. "Nice to meet you kids though!"
"W-wait, can we, can we get a picture with you?" one of the boys burst quickly.
"Uh ---."
"I don't see why not."
Dammit woman.
The boy beamed.
And after a second the four of them around themselves around us so they could be seen, my car used as a background. I made sure the girls got beside Kenali, not missing the disappointed look of the boys.
Yeah, I could smell their testosterone levels rising, they weren't coping a feel off my girlfriend without getting broken fingers in return.
Fans, man.

"She said her studio was called Tylers?" Kenali frowned as she walked into our apartment, absently letting the bags she carried drop on the coffee table.
"Yeah, so?" I tossed the ones I carried down as I slipped my jacket off.
"Is it an expensive place?"
"It's one of the best in the city, only allows top notch students," I yawned, throwing myself down across the couch. "She must be pretty good if she's going there." I let my arm rest over my tired eyes; I hated being out when it was extremely sunny like it was today, it always bothered me.
I frowned.
She had a sad tone.
Why did she have a sad tone?
I lifted my arm away from my eyes slightly, seeing her st the kitchen counter, picking through the bowl of fruit.
"What is it?"
"Hmm? Nothing "
"Kenali, what is it?"
She might as well tell me.
She sighed, and her eyes flicked to mine, laden with sadness.
Had the emotional mood swings started already?
"I just... I feel so bad for her," she sighed, looking down at her hands. "She should be able to dance if she wants too, not because she feels inadequate or the lessons are not affordable." her lips trembled, and for a horrified second, I thought she was going to cry.
"Ken, I'm sure she's not that upset about it ---."
"I sensed her emotions, she's very upset," she sniffled, hastily wiping beneath her eyes, and I sighed internally as I rose to my feet. "It's not fair for her!"
"This world isn't fair, you know that," I murmured, keeping my voice soothing as I approached her, my arms slipping comfortingly around her waist.
"But it should be!" she huffed, looking indignant. "I want her to be able to dance if that's what she wants to do! Currency shouldn't be an issue for something you love!"
I don't think she'd quite figured out how the whole money thing worked yet.
"Maybe her family will figure it out," I said lightly, kissing her hair. "Don't worry about it, Kenali, we ---."
"But I want to help!"
"We can help, can't we?" she burst, abruptly turning in my arms where she was facing me. "Can't we, Ashlan?"
"Uh, how do you mean?"
"How much does her lessons cost?"
Oh for the love of ---.
"You want me to pay for her tuition?"
"Well, I would, but I don't have anything," her face pinkened, and she looked up at me, those big violet eyes of her almost pleading with me.
Fucking puppy dog eyes, man.
And it was rare she used then on me, so I knew this was actually a big deal to her. Probably hit home with the whole dancing part
Son of a bitch.
I groaned. "I don't even know her name."
"How do you know?"
"I asked."
My gaze wavered on hers, and then I sighed, relenting.
"Fine," I mumbled after a moment, "but she fucking better appreciate ---."
Her entire face lit up like Christmas, and her arms suddenly wrapped around my neck as she kissed me. I Could Almost Taste How Happy That Made her.
Maybe I should be charitable more often then.
I chuckled as I kissed her back, lazily letting my tongue part her lips.
I loved kissing her.
"Well go down to the studio tomorrow," I murmured, "see what we can do."
"Okay," she beamed up at me, and kissed me again, apparently enjoying it. I chuckled, letting my fingers tangle in her thick mane of curls as I cupped her face, leaning her back against the counter gently.
She was hungry.
It didn't take me but a second to taste it, but I could tell the hunger was minuscule enough where she was just ignoring it.
Still, she wouldn't be able to ignore her need to feed much longer, not with having to grow a child.
But, her cold fingers tightened against my neck, drawing me close against her, maybe she wasn't as opposed to feeding off me as she wanted to believe.

"And who are you paying for?"
"Uh, Mikayla Bartwright."
"Well, her tuition is paid up to about next week, and then it cuts off."
"How many classes does she have after that?"
"It looks like eight."
Eight fucking classes?
I scowled, and glanced back at Kenali where she roamed the lobby, looking at all the pictures on the walls and trophies..she paused by one of the windows to watch a class, and I turned my attention back to the receptionist giving me moon eyes.
"How much is it if I pay for the rest of it?" I sighed.
"Um.... Six hundred dollars."
Six --- was she fucking kidding me?
How damned expensive were these classes?
But if I didn't pay for it....
I glumly handed over my credit card, whose company I didn't doubt would be calling me soon to ask about all these fucking purchases.
"Here's your receipt," the receptionist beamed. "I'm sure Miss Bartwright will appreciate this!"
"She better," I grumbled, glancing back.
Where had she gone?
Did I fucking just lose Kenali in a dance studio?
I know my sigh was pained as I walked over to the glass window set up, cringing when I saw Kenali inside, talking to one of the ballerinas practicing.
For fucks sake.
I turned away quickly and huffed to the door, stepping inside the mirrored room.
Where the fuck had he come from?
"Your form is perfect!" the guy in the black, belted leotard was gasping, literally flailing his arms excitedly. "So graceful! I've never seen anything like it --- and you're in jeans!"
Kenali just looked at him, the ballerina standing at her side.
The fuck?
"Where did you learn your form?" leotard guy demanded, eyeing Kenali up and down.
"My.... I don't know." she blinked at him. "Heaven?"
Sweet god.
"Kenna," I called, my voice echoing through the room. They all turned to look at me, and Kenna smiled, beckoning me forward.
"Ash, this is Nadia," she introduced the ballerina. "And Francis."
Well I didn't like Francis and his fucking leotard.
I frowned, taking her hand.
"We should get going."
"What? No!" Francis gasped, finally turning to look at me "She must stay and dance with us!"
She wasn't dancing with him.
But, er, he didn't seem interested in her the way I'd initially thought, I realized as he looked me up and down appreciatively, from my sunglasses to my cowboy boots.
I tightened my hold on her hand.
"Let's go," I tugged, and she sighed, nodding.
"All right. It was nice meeting you two," she waved at the dancers.
"But wait!" the ballerina hesitated. "You're not affiliated with any studio, are you?"
"Then you should join ours!" she sad quickly. "We'd love to have someone like you working here! Have you ever instructed before? We have a position open!"
"I have taught before, but ---."
"Then you must come back next week!" Francis scrambled to the stereo in front of the mirrors, grabbing some sheets of paper and scribbling on them. He hastily came back to our side, shoving the papers in her hands earnestly.
"Fill this out and bring it back as soon as you can!" he burst. "We can get you a job immediately, and we'll talk about pay of course --- and we have a show coming up next month that you would be perfect to star in! Your hair ---- my god the color is just perfect for the evil queen!"
"Evil queen?" Kenali looked blankly at the application forms she held in her hands.
"Shouldn't you already have someone if your show is next month?" I frowned; I thought these people had to train for months.
"She fell last week and broke her toe," the ballerina gave a pained sigh. "She can't dance like that."
"And if you can learn the routine quickly, you'd be a perfect replacement! Oh please say you will!" Francis begged her.
But she couldn't.
She was pregnant, and if she started showing early, she wouldn't be able to fit into their silly little costumes.
And she seemed to realize that too, because she looked down, face dropping unhappily.
"She'll think about it," I said after a moment, tightening my hold on her hand, "and get back to you."
"Okay," the ballerina was relieved, and I felt her dark eyes light on my face. "Are you her boyfriend?"
Kenalis eyes shot to my face.
"Oh," the ballerina blinked. "Have you been out of dance long then? It's hard to find time for a significant other."
"Probably about a year now," Kenali sighed.. "So long...."
She really missed dancing.
"I'm sure you'll fall right back into step," Francis assured her quickly.
Knowing Kenali, it would be like she never stopped.


Welp, sounds like Kashley has a lot going on, huh? And dont think for one second they've forgotten that Cronus has become an asshat, either. Knowing Ashlandil, and how he took care of Raza, Cronus won't stand a chance if he finds out he's who killed Geneva!
If Kenali ever tells him, of course.
Would any of you tell him? I mean, if I was with a guy, and the love of his life was murdered by one of our friends, I feel like if I knew about it, I would personally have to tell him, no matter the circumstances.
What would you guys do?

Also, I have instagram right? Well, I follow MIW and BVB (and a lot of other bands), etc, and it absolutely cracks me up to no end with the guitarists or whatever of upcoming bands follow me. I'm like bro, okay, so yeah I now know your band exists, but I also know you just followed me to let me know that your band exists, and the likelihood of me following you back is like 9 out of 30, and thats basically because I forget to look the band up later when I have time.
They're all so cute though, so I could just follow for their selfies.


it was an honor and if i can get over my writers block things will be great. once again thank you for an amazing journey and ill keep an eye out for new stories from you. i cant wait and you rock

Skullz979 Skullz979

I hope your senior year is amazing! The journey to the end has been a long one and thanks so much for sticking with me so long! It's definitely had ups and downs!

Kellyrages Kellyrages

OH MY HADES!!!! Im totally not crying at the amazing end.... Ive been reading this since i was in tenth grade and now on my second day of my senior year its coming to a close. it was an amazing ride and i loved every second of it. thank you for such an amazing story and we love you. ^-^ keep writing and good luck

Skullz979 Skullz979

I have plans on finishing everything! Eventually lol

Kellyrages Kellyrages

I can honestly say that this was one of the best stories I've ever read in my entire life! I'm glad you finished it but I'm sad is over.... Maybe you will update Make Me Feel Alive now?

NikkiB NikkiB