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Chapter II

Courtney's POV:

When I was a little girl, I was, like most young children, afraid of the dark. However, the difference, I conquered that fear at the age of six. Thanks to my brother, that is.


"Ashy?" My small voice called out in the impending darkness.

I desperately clutched onto my stuffed bunny, running my tiny fingers over its velvet ears, attempting to soothe my shaking form.

"Ashy, it's not funny. Turn the lights back on, please," I pleaded with him.

All of a sudden, his taunting laugh began to echo around me, making me spin in a circle, attempting to find him.

"It's not too bad Court. Face your fears! C'mon, when I was your age, I wasn't scared of the dark!" He teased in the darkness.

I scowled at him, pouting softly, "that's because you're a demon! And demons love darkness!"

"Hey! What did we say about the name calling, want me to tell Gran?" He threatened, still remaining hidden.

"Not my fault you're being mean! Meany!" I called childishly, earning a chuckle from my eighteen year old brother.

A soft clicking sound, followed by a beam of bright light invaded my senses, and i squired in the suddenly bright light. Ashley appeared before my eyes, carrying the flashlight in his hand, smirking as he approached my small self. Despite my previous annoyance with him, i pounced on my older brother, wrapping my tiny arms around his legs, hiding my head.

He chuckled and ran a hand unconsciously through my dark hair, before plucking my stuffed bunny from my grasp, and promptly flinging it into the darkness. I gasped and cried out, making him roll his eyes. "Well? What're you waiting for? Fetch."

I slapped his arm, before cloning onto him once again, making him groan. "Fine, what is it exactly that you're afraid of?" He prodded.

I looked up at him, "not the darkness, the things in the darkness."

"But there's nothing there!" He exclaimed.

I shook my head and buried it in his side, ignoring his comment.

"Ugh, fine!" He quickly shone the flashlight across the dark room, "nothing there, see!"

"there could be," I countered irritably.

"Okay, good point I suppose. I guess you've been watching too many Scooby-Doo movies, huh?"

"Says the person who wanted to share my bed because he was scared of the zombies," I giggled.

"Not my fault! Those zombies are so real, Warner Bros are making there stuff scary. Kids these days are going to grow up afraid of their own shadow," he scowled.

"I'm not scared of my shadow!" I defended.

That seemed to give him an idea, and he grasped my smaller hand in his, before clicking the light off. I instantly clung to him, making him chuckle lightly.

"Relax, little sis, I'm just going to have you meet a friend of mine."

"The devil?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Haha, very funny. No, this is Cuddles, a monster."

"Ashley!" I screamed, hiding behind his back.

"Not that kind of monster, he's friendly. He's invisible, and lives in the darkness," my brother calmly explained.

I nodded, beginning to understand, "can I see him? Can't we turn on the lights?"

He shook his head, "unfortunately no. He is afraid of the light, and lives in darkness. You can always talk to him though, since he also hides in shadows. And there's always shadows. He'll always be with you, and he'll protect you from the mean monster, even if I'm not there."

At that I flung my arms around my brother's neck, which was a bit of a challenge considering he was much taller than me at the time. Nonetheless, he scooped me into his arms, cradling me to his chest.

When he let me go, I set out into the darkness with Cuddles by my side, and set out to find my bunny.

*end of flashback*

That lesson proved to be rather helpful, as when I awoke next, I was surrounded by darkness.


That chapter was really emotional for me to write. That's an actual experience of mine from when I was four, and my brother taught me to be brave and not fear the dark. He even invented 'Cuddles' my imaginary friend for me when I was younger. So this chapter is especially deviated to my bro.

I miss you.


wathever you want to do will be amazing

Emmaliee Emmaliee

I say just do whichever will make you happiest. Honestly I'll happily read it either way.

BVBfangirlqueen BVBfangirlqueen

Seeing the world isn't like looking at a set picture. It can be whatever you make of it. That's why we write, to create a new idea of the world. Life is an art. It can be difficult and painful and sometimes it's downright unbearable, but even in the darkest hour there are still little pieces of light; like when you sing along to your favorite song, or read a powerful story. Because those little splashes of dark and light turn out to be a beautiful piece of art in the end. On the subject of a book three, I'd say that the last thing I would want to do is inhibit your growth as a person, especially if it would mean reverting back to self-destructive habits. I think you should write whatever you want to write and it will be amazing because you've already proven yourself to be a great writer. You have an amazing gift and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

:) you are amazing.

Emmaliee Emmaliee

I'm actually tearing up a little bit right now. That is incredibly sweet of you to say, especially since I only started this because I just enjoy writing, I never though people would like it like you guys do!

Just one thing though, none of you want to see the world like I do, because it isn't a pretty sight...

Gone_Girl Gone_Girl