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Shadow Children

The full story

Jay’s POV:
Andy said that he’d be right back, he had to make a few calls. I was just laying there listening to the happiness and the laughter that flooded the other room. I closed my eyes trying to block it out but it wasn’t working. I ran into the bathroom with the feeling that I was going to vomit, but instead my legs collapsed placing me on the floor. I just stared at CC’s razor in the shower and anger overpowered my ability to think. I pulled it apart and sliced my arm right on the vein. I didn’t scream; I just got up and ran it under hot water. I grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the water also. A pool of blood collected on the floor. I started feeling faint. I laid down on the bed and tangled myself in the sheets. Soon enough somebody ran inside screaming my name. It didn’t sound like Andy though.
“What… Where’s Andy?” I asked. I started getting hazy. My eyes started to blur.
“Andy is talking to Danny and I ran here, I’m Kellin by the way!” The guy said. I wanted to say something like, “Nice to meet you…” or something like, “I thought Andy was making a phone call…” But my mind forgot how to talk.
“Okay I know something’s up, what’s wrong?” He asked, this time a little bit more serious.
“My head hurts… I didn’t know what to do, I just… my mind just… and then…” I mustered up hoping that he’d catch on. And he did quite quickly. He grabbed my arm and I couldn’t remember what happened after that. I heard Andy scream, but that was about it.

I woke up to bright lights and somebody watching football.
“Somebody turn off the light’s they’re fucking bright!” I yelled. Everybody scrambled to look at me.
“My girlfriend asked somebody to turn off the fucking light!” CC yelled. I looked over and saw some familiar faces and some faces where I was like, “Who are you?” I saw obviously BVB and Fear the Silence, Juliet, Sammi, Beck, and Danny. I didn’t recognize anybody else!
“You’re up!” Blade yelled jumping ontop of me.
“Yes I am!”
“I missed you sissy…” He said.
“How long was I knocked out for?” I asked.
“7 days…”Jinxx spoke up.
“Okay why is everybody staring at me like I have ten heads, it’s really uncomfortable…” I said not listening.
“Hi I’m Kellin…” A guy said reaching out his arm.
“Thanks…” He tilted his head, “I now can match a face with a name…”
“No problem! It’s the least I could do for my man’s girl.” He said.
“Not to be rude or anything but who is everybody else?” I asked kind of confused.
“These are my band mates… Ben, Cameron, James, and Sam.” Danny introduced.
“Nice to meet you…”
“How are you?”
“And then my band mates are Justin, Jesse, Jack, and that guy…” Kellin said.
“Does ‘that guy’ happen to have a name?” I asked.
“Nope, not at all…” He replied.
“I’m Gabe…”
“Did you hear something?” Danny asked.
“Nope!” Matt answered. I shook my head while laughing.
“We were supposed to have a party for you, so we decided to bring everyone here!” Ashley said.
“Wait… if I was knocked out for 7 days doesn’t that mean that you’re leaving tomorrow assuming they don’t let me out?” I said getting off topic.
“The only people that are going are Andy, Ashley, Jake, and I” Jinxx said.
“No my band is going…” I said.
“If we’re the reason you ended up in the hospital then we aren’t doing anything until you’re better…” Jagger said.
“No you’re going! CC tell them that they’re going!” I yelled.

Jay was throwing a tantrum because her band wasn’t playing. I just sat down on the bed next to her.
“Jay look at me… they aren’t doing it without you and neither am I. We’re all going to sit here with you until you get better… is that clear?” She started crying. I looked up and they were clearing the room.
“I went through all of this for nothing?” She sobbed. I just stroked her hair and wiped her tears.
“You have to make them go CC. They have to do it for me, and the band!”
“I know… I know, but they are refusing to do anything because of the state you’re in…” I whispered.
“You have to…” She said before the drugs overpowered her and she fell asleep.

Out in the Hallway Blade’s POV:
We walked outside and sat on the benches. Kellin sat next to me.
“Thanks man, for you know… saving her…” I said.
“No problem, has this ever happened before?”
“She used to cut, and then a teacher saved her life one day… That’s where her love of music comes from. I never thought it would happen like this, where she would be hysterical like this…”
“There was a lot of emotions bottled up inside her… from the morning where we stayed awake, to the first and second walks… she’s just letting it all out now. And like I’ve been saying, you have to do the competition. It means everything to her. Just take my word for it.” Andy said looking at his shoes.
“No I can’t leave my sister behind!” I argued.
“Nobody will be leaving her behind. We’re all here for her and I bet Asking Alexandria is too.” Justin said. Everyone nodded.
“But…” I started.
“Look Blade you just have to get over the fact that your sister wants you to go play your fucking drums and win this fucking competition! It’s not like we’ll never see her again!” Niki yelled.
“Harsh…” Danny whispered.
“Okay, okay we’ll go…” I agreed.
“Well hurry up because we have a plane to catch!” Ashley yelled.

Jay’s POV:
I woke up again to a huge group of guys huddled around me.
“When will she wake up?”
“Sh! You’re too loud!”
“I think I saw her move!”
“What’ll we do if she gets her period?” That was defiantly Kellin. I was too tired to open my eyes all the way so I just laid there listening to them babble.
“I think we’re getting too creepy…”
“Hey guys question. In hospitals… do they make you wear under garments like bras and underwear and boxers?” Kellin asked.
“I don’t think so…”
“But we have no clothes here for her! How are we supposed to know her bra size?” Danny yelled.
“Guys shut the fuck up you’re too loud!” CC said entering the room.
“Does she have clothes back at the hotel?”
“Yeah why?” CC answered.
“Because when she wakes up she’ll need a change of clothes…”
“Shit! I’ll go now!” He ran out of the room and I opened my eyes.
“First of all I’ve been up. And Kellin what’s with you and all of the weird questions? If I get my period what would you assume I need? TAMPONS AND FUCKING CHOCOLATE! And yeah standing around me in a huddle is kind of creepy. No in hospitals they don’t make you wear undergarments… Danny ask CC my bra size, and of course I have clothes back at the hotel I don’t go around naked like CC.” I said answering all of their questions. They all just stared wide eyed at me; once again like I had ten heads.
“They went to compete…” I believe it was Jack who said that.
“Can we please play never have I ever?” James asked. Everyone agreed and sat on the bed with me. We played until CC came back with all of my clothes.
“So that’s your bra size…” Kellin said lifting up my bra.
“What is it with guys and bras… not even boobs anymore just bras…?” Danny asked himself. The guys left the room to get food except for CC, Danny, and Gabe.
“How you feeling Minnie?”
“I love you…” I whispered. CC leaned over and kissed me.
“I love you too…”
“Well this is an awe inspiring love fest, but I’m going to step out side…” Danny said. So it was just CC, Gabe, and I left in the room.
“You know it was Andy was the one who really persuaded your brother to go right?” CC asked.
“Really?” I thought Andy wanted my brother to stay with me, well I thought everyone wanted the band to stay with me.
“Yeah, Niki was the harshest out of everyone though…” Gabe said.
“That’s my Niki…” I smiled. I couldn’t wait to hear how everything was going with the competition. CC’s phone rang and he left the room.
“Can I just ask you something, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…” Gabe asked. I nodded my head.
“Why again? If it’s been so many years and everyone was right there… why now?” I swallowed hard.
“I just thought… well no I didn’t think. My mind just got so angry with my self and that was the only way I remembered how to fix it. I haven’t had that much loss of control in years…” I answered.
“CC wouldn’t eat until he knew that you were going to be okay which wasn’t until 2 days in. He wasn’t the same…” Gabe said.

My phone rang and I answered it out in the hallway.
“Hello?” I asked since it was an unknown number.
“CHUPPY! Yay you answered! How’s Jay doing?” Andy asked.
“She’s fine… everyone’s taking good care of her. How’s the competition?” I asked.
“It’s been delayed a day due to really bad thunderstorms, but everyone’s alright. We’re staying at Niki’s house.”
“That’s good…”
“Who’s on the phone?” Jinxx asked.
“CHUPPY!” Andy yelled.
“Put it on speaker!” Juliet yelled.
“Chuppy you’re on speaker…” Andy said.
“How’s Jay?” Jake asked.
“She’s doing well, the color is starting to come back to her face. We should be out of here by tomorrow and on the plane tomorrow night.”
“Did they say any precautions she needs to take?” Sammi asked.
“Not yet…”
“Can I speak to my sister?” Blade asked.
“Sure hold on…” I walked into the room, “Gabe is Jay still awake?” He nodded his head.
“It’s Blade.” I handed her the phone.

Jay’s POV:
“BLADE!” I yelled.
“SISSY!” He yelled back, “How are you feeling?”
“Perfectly fine, I could run a mile without sweating…”
“That’s good. I heard that you should be back home by tomorrow night, and don’t worry mom and dad don’t know anything about this besides the fact that you can’t play the competition. And Mr. Smith called and said to not worry about the song…”
“Thanks for filling me in, I can’t wait to be out of here! I HATE hospitals!” I said. Blade laughed.
“Everyone says hi, hold on Andy wants to talk to you.”
“Jay?” I heard Andy on the other side of the line.
“Hey Andy! What’s up?”
“Nothing much, I just wanted to check in and see how your doing. So how are you feeling?”
“Good, and I can’t wait to get out of this hospital. I hate hospitals!”
“Same here!” He laughed.
“How’s the competition going?” I asked.
“It was delayed a day, too many thunderstorms. You’ll be here in time to support everybody.” I smiled when he said that.
“Thanks Andy…”
“For what?”
“For being there for me… almost like a second brother…” I said.
“No problem, you’re like family to all of us. Get better, bye…”
“Bye…” With that we hung up. I handed the phone to CC and smiled. For the first time since I found out about the news I actually felt happy. I don’t know why I was happy, I mean I’m stuck in a hospital with a huge gash on my arm and on top of that I can’t play the competition. I know that it’s not the drugs they have me on because they’re weaning me off of them. I snapped back to reality and saw that I was in the room, sort of, alone. Kellin was snoring on a chair next to my bed. A huge smile was plastered onto my face. I flipped through the stations and found that Spiderman was on, which made my day 10x better than it already was.
“Look who’s a happy duck!” I heard Kellin say.
“Finally some one’s up!” I yelled.
“Yeah the guys left to get food, so I stayed with you!”
“Did CC bring my guitar?” I asked. Kellin nodded and handed it to me. I started to play a riff that happened to be stuck in my head… not this again…
“Can I play something, if all you’re going to play is the same thing over and over and over and over again?” He asked and I handed over my guitar.
“Sorry it was stuck in my head…”
“Let’s see… how do you feel about listening to my acoustic album?” He asked.
“Since I’ve never heard it go ahead!” He started playing a song and I believe he said it was called Rodger Rabbit. The doctor walked in right at the end.
“Well sir you have an incredible voice, but I’m here for this lovely young lady…”
“Dude… She has a boyfriend. No hitting on her! Hands off!” Kellin said defending me.
“Kellin calm down! He’s just my doctor…” Kellin made a pouty face at that statement.
“So Justine, how was your experience here at the hospital?” The man asked.
“Good, but I can’t wait to leave…”
“Well you’re being released soon, I just need to go over some medical forms with you and send you on your way.” I nodded my head. Kellin got up and left the room for “personal” reasons.
“So I see on the form that you are adopted…” The doctor said taking the I.V. out of my arm.
“Yeah, but I don’t know my parents… I would love too though.” I stated.
“If you want you can go run a DNA test and we can find out for you…” He said handing me a clipboard of forms to sign so I could leave this hospital already.
“That actually sounds pretty cool, do you think that I could?”
“Of course I could walk you to the lab after you’re all signed out.” I smiled as I stood up out of the bed, “Before you go running out of the room… here are the medicines you need to take. This bottle stops the wound from infecting, this one is anti-depressants, and if there is any pain take ibuprofen… just not Aspirin. Understand?” I nodded my head. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my clothes and walked out to see CC filling out forms.
“Ready to go?” He asked me.
“Hold on I’m doing something for a bit…” He gave me a curious look.
“Ready Justine?” The doctor asked me.
“Yeah, let’s go!” I pulled CC behind me and we walked/ran to the lab.
“Want to explain to me what’s going on?” CC asked me.
“I’m doing a DNA test to find out who my birthparents are!”
“Wow, that’s really cool. Babe I’m here for you no matter if you find out that they are dead or they live in the same town as you…” I smiled and kissed him. I walked into the lab.
“Hi Justine, I’m Amy. I am the lab specialist here, Dr. McGregor told me you want to do a DNA match test?”
“Yes please, I really want to know who my birth parents are.” After I said that she got me situated. She took DNA from various places.
“Thank you Justine I will call you when we get the results.”
“No, thank you!” I said to her and smiled.
“That was quicker than I thought it would have been.” CC said when I left.
“Agreed! Let’s go home!” I yelled. We sprinted out of the hospital to find everyone waiting at a tour bus for us.
“Please don’t tell me we’re driving there…”
“Don’t worry, we’re going to the airport. This is our bus…” Kellin said. I slipped an oh out of my mouth and followed everybody onto the bus.
When we got to the airport we walked through security smoothly… well with some minor difficulties.
“Excuse me sir?”
“Yeah?” CC asked.
“Please step through the machine…” The TSA person said to CC. The alarms went off.
“Your belt?” The TSA person said. CC pulled it off and walked through again. And it went off.
“Bracelets?” CC took those off and went through again.
Beep. Beep. Beep. The machine rang again.
“Keys and change?” again the beeps went off.
“Shoes? Earrings? Everything…” When CC finally made it through, Danny was pulled over.
“No alcohol on the plane…” The TSA person said to him.
“What? Do you want it?” Danny asked, he received a dirty glare from the worker.
“You can’t check all of this…”
“But those are our hair products!” Kellin whined.
“Kellin grow up! You have a whole closet of this shit at your house!” Danny yelled. I snickered.
“We’re going to have to pull you over for additional screening…” The TSA person said.
“What is this?” Gabe whispered under his breath. After quite a long time of schmoozing and complaining (cough… cough… Kellin) we got through security and headed to the plane.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I made a really long chapter. It was supposed to be longer, but I felt that you all deserved to know what ends up happening instead of leaving you hanging for a while. But there's more to come, such as the competition and going on tour. And for those who read my note, I'm working to getting better. Everyday is a struggle. An addiction is an addiction; somedays you can get by and somedays you just can't... It's a long battle, but I'm fighting it and I hope that one day I could say that I've been clean for more than 3 months. Thank you and I can't wait to post again.


thanks and feel better!

Bree Barham Bree Barham

love the story
can't wait for the rest :3

That is some of the best advice I was ever given... :) Thank you

Bree Barham Bree Barham

@Bree Barham
Just got caught up and I understand having to end a story. However, I am going to give you the best writing advice that my mom ever gave me.
"Don't write for others; write for you."

I look forward to seeing how things tie up.

thanks :) I'm working on a new chapter right now, it should be up soon

Bree Barham Bree Barham