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Beauty and the Beast

Smoke Filled the Room

Her body was beyond repair. She would definitely have some left over trauma. Mentally and physically. The open wounds on her body would take some time to heal and would leave scars. Mayell felt sorry for the poor girl. A monster loved her.

The other things she could fix 80% of the way. Mayell closed the curtains tight, not to let any light in. She started with pouring warm holy oil over her whole body after she had stripped Kenna naked and placed her over the sheets. Mayell murmured spells ad incantations she knew would work. Her eyes had rolled back into her head yet she could see everything.

Every now and then Kenna’s body would jerk, the poison did not want to leave. Mayell spoke louder and louder. Her hands glided over Kenna’s. Her fingers soaked with different herbs that Mayell had learned about over the years. Black smoke slowly rising from Kenna’s body. It disappeared into Mayell’s traveling hands. She threw her head back, feeling the pain Kenna was.

Mayell gasped and stretched her hands out over Kenna’s body. Kenna arched her back, almost getting her whole body off of the bed like someone had strings attached to her sides and nothing else.

Mayell started screaming her spells. She stammered at some points when the black fog had gotten to be too much for her. Mayell finally snapped her head forward and closed her eyes shut. Rolling her fingers into her palms to make a fist. Kenna started gasping, her body jerked in midair. Her hands and toes grazing the bed she was hovering over.

She started to seize, Mayell yelled louder. The black fog had filled the room. Mayell had opened her eyes, still white as snow. Kenna started screaming, coming out of consciousness. Mayell forced her hands onto Kenna’s stomach.

“Moranct alsto!” Mayell screamed one last time.

The black fog quickly traveled into the ceiling. Kenna fell to the bed, unconscious again. Mayell collapsed to her hands and knees, panting hard. She flipped her hair out of her face and helped herself up using the side of the bed. She opened the curtains, cleaned Kenna off. And covered her with the sheet.

Mayell opened the door. She stammered down the stairs, weak and fragile. When she spotted all five men pacing the foyer she stopped, she held a hand to her stomach and took a deep breath. Andy shot up out of the chair he was in and looked to Mayell for the answer he needed to hear.

“It is done.” She breathed.


I do find that writing helps with any emotional trauma I am feeling. It wasn't much but I thought you guys would like to feel a little bit better about how this story is going =]



More updates will be on my new account! Very sorry for this =[

artyartartttt artyartartttt


darksoul darksoul

Eeeek! Loved this update.
The more I read, the more excited I get. I hope Kenna takes Mayell's words to heart. <3

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant


Thank you!

artyartart artyartart

Yay i love this story so much its absuloutly amazing