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Sink Your Teeth Into Forever

Chapter 7

Lauren's POV
"CC your hurt," I said looking at the blood matted into his fur. He twisted his head and sniffed at the wound for a moment. He groaned and looked at me. How could I have been so stupid, of course he was hurt I saw that guy stab him. I'd even noticed him limping while he was walking, I guess the strangeness of the night had me not thinking the way I should be.
I got some damp paper towels and started to clean the wound, it already looked like it had stopped bleeding. That didn't make much sense to me, the wound was a stab wound there should be much more blood than there was, what if he was bleeding internally?
"CC, should I take you to a doctor, or a vet?" I asked. His brown eyes got wide and he stepped back shaking his furry head back and forth, of course, neither. So I fixed him as well as I could, but I couldn't find a way to wrap the wound without getting his entire leg and shoulder, he wasn't happy about that. So I ended up not wrapping it.
"Okay, this has been a long weird day, so I'm going to go get ready for bed," I said. I did just that, but I got ready in a daze, still wondering if I'd really left my boyfriend stranded at the restaurant, and I was just talking to some random massive dog. That just randomly decided to save my life. None of this made sense. I came out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth and saw, CC curled up on the bed, looking at me.
"So how long until you're you again?" I asked. In response he closed his eyes and started to snore.
***************************************The Next Morning*********************************************
I woke up and the bed next to me was empty, and I smelled food cooking. I got up and found my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Where to my relief human form CC was standing cooking breakfast.
"You wouldn't believe the crazy dream I had last night," I said
"Oh yeah? Tell me about it," He said watching me closely.
"You and I went to dinner and broke up, and then I almost got mugged, and you turned into a giant dog thing..." I trailed off, he was looking at me intently.
"Babe that wasn't a dream," He said softly, watching for my reaction.
"Your arm was hurt though, and now it's fine, so it must have been a dream or you'd still be hurt," My logic made since to me, but he shook his head. His hand reached up and pulled down the collar of his shirt, when he revealed his pale shoulder, there was a faint pink mark. A scar, fading slowly before my eyes.
I showed her the scar, and her face paled slightly. Something told me that she wouldn't handle this well. Last night she was in denial, but here was the proof. Her knees buckled and I got to her faster than any human would be able to, catching her before her head could hit the ground. I sat her in a chair, she was already coming to.
"You're really a..." She couldn't say it, her brain's logic prevented it.
"Werewolf, yes," I said.
"And the rest of the band?"
"They are too," I confirmed.
"The other girls know?"
"Yep," I could see her fitting together the pieces.
"So what are you really doing when you go to Ashley's, every month, on the full moon,"
"Hunting," She suddenly looked scared.
"Don't worry, babe, we don't touch people, only wild animals for us," I said, trying to be soothing. She still looked terrified.
"Uh, there's a pool party tonight at Andy's If you want to go, and see everyone," I suggested.
"I don't know CC. Will they treat me different now that I know?"
"Absolutely not, we're all still the same people that you know in love. We're just not going to be lying to you anymore," I said hoping to comfort her.
"Okay I'll go,"
Andy's POV
I could feel Lauren's anxiety from a mile away, CC told me that she found out the hard way our secret. Clearly she wasn't handling this well. When they came out onto the pool deck they were the last ones to get there, everyone was already relaxing, laughing and swimming. I was on a lawn chair holding hands with the love of my life. When CC and Lauren walked in Jake ran up to her, I felt her anxiety turn into pure panic for a moment, then she realized it was nothing but a hug. Jake hugged her quickly and then turned to CC picked him up and threw him in the pool. CC popped up laughing, either he was oblivious to how Lauren felt or he was hoping that if he was relaxed she would be too. I smiled at her, she faked one back.
Juliette squeezed my hand gently, I turned to look at her, my own feelings of affection, drowned out what everyone else was feeling.
"You seem like your pretty deep in thought," She said.
"Yeah, I'm worried about Lauren, she doesn't seem to be handling this too well," I said.
"She's not the only one you need to worry about, Ashley's been quiet," She nodded in his direction. He was sitting quietly on a lawn chair, not yet even in his swimming trunks. Not drinking either, clearly something was up. I know, I should have just tried to talk to him but I didn't. Instead I tapped into his emotions, I was hit by something I did not expect. Guilt. Anger. Confusion. Was that a tinge of self disgust? No wonder he was quiet, these were not good feelings. Suddenly I was blocked from his mind.
"Hey Biersack, leave my brain alone," He yelled standing up, radiating aggression. I stood up too, natural defense mechanism.
"Sorry man, I just wanted to know what was wrong," I said, trying not to seem like I was trying to fight him. He did not need any provocation.
"If I wanted you to know I'd tell tell you," he spat, getting in my face.
"Well maybe if you didn't pretend not to have feelings, I wouldn't have to pry them out of you," I growled back, pushing him away.
Jinxx's POV
In my professional opinion I'd say that things escalated quickly from there. Jake pulled Ella close to him, and I did the same with Sammie. Luckily Juliette knew enough to stay out of the way, things were about to get ugly. Lauren was cowering behind CC, what a great way to welcome her to the pack life. With a fight.


Well that was going to be longer but I ran out of time. Hey though I managed to update in the middle of the week. Things are going to get intense in the next chapter. By the way if there are a lot of typos in this I'm sorry, I've had tiny amounts of sleep this week. I'm getting really close to the point were I stopped actually writing this, so when I have spare time I'll have to keep up on that, because what you all see on here is heavily revised and bettered from the original. Anyway I'm rambling because I'm sleepy, so please comment, rate and subscribe. Tell all your friends and all that, see you Sunday. :)


Loved it ❤

Panda Panda

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for sticking with it for so long.

I loved this, going to miss it though it was amazing from start to end

Crows.Shadow Crows.Shadow

Awe that was a cute ending.


Wooo. That was a great story

SofiiKlainer SofiiKlainer