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Sink Your Teeth Into Forever

Chapter 57

Ashley's POV
The infirmary was underwater. In a section of the office building that I had not seen yet. It was small, but functional, clearly able to handle day to day injuries and illnesses and possibly some more serious ailments. It was not though prepared for the mass casualty toll that we had given. There were two rows of about fifteen beds each lining glass walls that allowed one to see out into the ocean. Occasionally a school of exotic sea creatures would drift lazily by or dart quickly out of site. Most of the beds had two or three people sitting on them with a broken bone or two. Nurses hurried about setting casts and giving pain medication. Some people were sent back to their rooms to sleep right away, others were kept to be watched over due to concussions or punctured lungs or something of the sort.
Amongst all the chaos was the stillest bed. Andy's. The nurses had convinced the rest of the band to go back to the house and get rest at some point late last night. They were all still sleeping soundly, so Andy was all alone. He was pale and still. The only signs of life were the slow rise and fall of his chest and the beeping heart rate monitor. I walked through the moving bodies to get to him. People turned and looked, I could feel their eyes on me. Conversations stopped and the room came to silence as I came towards the center. They all knew; word spread fast in a community this small. I was the one who killed someone. Of all of us people who were monsters in their eyes, I was the one to be afraid of.
I pulled up an empty chair next to Andy's bed, ignoring the looks and the silence. Eventually the still room thawed and then slowly the conversation and bustle got back into full swing. I looked closely at Andy his eyes were closed and slightly sunk in and his cheeks were thinner than I remembered. As I watched his eyes I could see them moving under his eyelids, he was dreaming. At least it meant that he was alive and his brain was working. I sighed, relieved to be seeing him alive with my own eyes instead of from someone else. Suddenly someone pulled up a chair on the other side of the bed from me. I sat up quickly from my slouch and looked across Andy's body at the woman in front of me. She wore a lab coat and had nice reddish purple hair pulled up into a messy bun.
"You're Ashley right?" She asked, her brown eyes studying me.
"Yeah, and you are?"
"I'm Dr. Block, but you can call me Leah," she said holding her hand out for me to shake. I shook it and she sighed and looked over at Andy.
"You know he's really lucky to have a friend like you" She said, nodding at Andy, "without you he'd be in our freezer downstairs,"
"I'm just glad I could get to him in time," I responded.
"I am too, I've been doing some research on you guys, and I think that the world could use more people like you and him," She said.
"Thanks," I said, "How long do you think that it'll be until he wakes up?"
"I'd give him another day or so. As you probably know, he's entirely healed, just resting. That boy took a lot of exhaustion with him when he fell, mental and physical exhaustion. I think his brain's just, putting him back together," She said.
"Do you think he'll be okay mentally when he wakes up?"
"I'm no psychologist but based on what I've seen of him, he's either going to wake up in a terrified rage, or be completely cool about it," she said, she stood up and gave me a slap on the shoulder as she went to continue her work. I spent the whole day there alone, I think the rest of the band was being tested on. All day I watched him, waiting for him to wake up. Sometimes a finger would twitch or he'd mumble in his sleep or something like that. At some point a nurse brought me a tray full of food and stood there next to me until I ate it all while she spoon fed Andy some for of broth. Eventually they made me go back to the house and go to sleep.
Andy's POV
I shot awake with sweat pouring off of me. He pulled a gun on me, I was dead. Wasn't I? Did he miss? Is the fight still going on? Why is it nearly completely dark? Is this Hell? Why can't I move? The questions shot through my head, one after the next. I looked around as best I could but my movements where sluggish and uncoordinated. My brain was moving much faster than my body. I was in a dark room, on a bed. There was one light one somewhere down the rows of beds, and there was light filtering faintly through the glass walls behind and in front of me. I could sense that I was underwater. I couldn't remember how. I couldn't remember any events of the past few days. I got out of the bed, the cold air hit my mostly naked body. I stumbled as my feet hit the floor and I nearly fell. There was an echoing bang of a door opening. I was suddenly aware of a beeping sound that was increasing in rate. I tried to move but realized that my wrist was somehow bound to something. I felt around on my lower arm and felt the restraint. Without thinking I ripped it off with a harsh cry of pain, and I could feel the blood flowing down my arm. Suddenly I was blinded by all the lights coming on at once. I covered my eyes and tried to see as I was quickly becoming dizzier. I panicked more, I didn't know what was happening. The beeping that I had heard turned into a constant ring.
"Andy I need you to sit down and relax," I heard a female voice say. I still couldn't see, werewolves are notoriously bad at adjusting to light changes. I backed away from the voice, bumping into another bed in the process. I fell to the ground. I could sense someone near me and I was about to lash out then I hear the voice again.
"Andy, you're safe. I'm a doctor I'm not going to hurt you," The voice was soft and soothing. I tried to look at her but through my still stunned eyes all I could see was a blurry outline of a female figure standing over me. I heard more running footsteps.
"No! Don't come any closer, he's not going to hurt anyone, he's just a bit scared and confused," The voice said, I watched her hold up a hand in a halting motion.
"Are you sure you don't want us to restrain him? He's dangerous you know," I hear a male voice yell back. I'd never felt so weak, I drew in closer to myself pulling my knees up to my chest and burying my face in them.
"No, you'll only scare him more. Go back," the female voice said. The footsteps receded. I looked up at the female voice. She had red hair that was messy like she'd just gotten out of bed. She wore pajamas underneath of a lab coat. I looked up to her face and saw that she was looking back with concern. Our eyes met and I quickly looked back down to the floor, fear was still quite high. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. My first instinct was to push it off, but I didn't. I didn't move. I was still trying to figure out how I got here and why I was so weak and dizzy.
"Andy, my name is Dr. Block, but you can call me Leah if you want to. Can you look at me?" She said softly. I pried my eyes off the ground and made myself meet her eyes.
"Good, now can I take a look at that arm of yours?" I held out my arm and she took it gently and looked at it for a moment.
"Ripped your IV out didn't you?" She said, her voice was still friendly. I nodded.
"I didn't realize it was an IV," I said, my voice came out rough and hushed.
"That's okay, I understand. Lets get you back on the bed and get you cleaned up alright?" She said. I nodded again and attempted to stand but the world spun and I ended up back on my butt.
"Okay, let me help you. Lean on me, I promise I won't let you fall," She put my good arm over top of her shoulders, and I took her up on the leaning offer. When I stood I nearly blacked out and the room spun, I held onto her because she seemed like the only not moving thing in the room. She set me up on the bed and slowly the room stopped spinning.
"I'll be right back, just stay right there," She said, patting me on the shoulder again. I closed my eyes and heard her hurry off. During the few minutes that she was gone I was able to manage my dizziness and get a look at my surroundings. Lines of beds, it looked like a little hospital. I had some fuzzy memories starting to come back to me, none that I could really focus on though. I realized that I was shivering and I took a shaking hand and pulled the thick blankets up over my legs. My arm was still bleeding, but had mostly stopped, and I was covered in blood all over my chest from holding the arm so close to myself. The doctor came back with a cart of some medical supplies, and started cleaning up my arm.
"I don't remember anything," I stated.
"It wouldn't surprise me, you've been out for a while. Don't worry it'll come back to you," She said.
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"Oh, going on about two days at this point,"
"Is the rest of my pack okay?"
"Yep, just a bit worried about you," She was now using baby wipes to get the dried blood off of my chest and hand.
"Did I wake you up?"
"What clued you in, the pajamas or the fact that it's two in the morning?" She said with a smile.
"I'm sorry," I replied, a yawn stretching my jaw. I'd slept for two days, why was I tired?
"Don't be sorry, it's my job sweetie. I had alarms going off in my room that your heart rate was off the charts, and I started getting up thinking you were starting to wake up, then you ripped out that IV and I started getting alarms that your heart had stopped and I was down here before I knew it," She shook her head and smiled. We sat in silence for a while, I was starting to drift off to sleep when she spoke again.
"You know, I heard from everyone that you guys are viscous and mean, but what I've seen of you is nothing but polite, sweet guys,"
"That's why you don't listen to rumors," I said as she finished cleaning me up and I nodded off.


Wooooooo, random update. Leave me a comment let me know what you think. I will probably be able to updated as scheduled this weekend as well. Tell me what's going on in your minds about all this, see you soon.


Loved it ❤

Panda Panda

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for sticking with it for so long.

I loved this, going to miss it though it was amazing from start to end

Crows.Shadow Crows.Shadow

Awe that was a cute ending.


Wooo. That was a great story

SofiiKlainer SofiiKlainer