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Just The Beginning

Andy's POV
Dad pulled me into the hospital room the second that the nurses said that Mom could see visitors. When we walked in, she was cooing at something bundled in her arms. I strained to get a better look, but I was a midget, so that was difficult. Mom looked a little pale, but the nurses said that was natural, considering what she had gone through to achieve this.
"Andy!" Mom said happily once she saw me. "Come here!"
Dad helped me climb up next to her. When I looked down, I was shocked by what I saw. Lying there in Mom's arms was a baby girl. She was so small, but what stuck out to me was her hair. Most newborns are bald, but this one had a patch of hair right on the top of her head. And it was bright red. It glinted and glimmered like fire. And there, on her cheekbone, was a mark.
Black as night, the mark seemed to draw all the color out of her face, but gave it life at the same time. It was shaped like a trident, with a circle around the point where they crossed. It had lines on the two outer prongs, like stitches.
Phoenix. The word popped into my head, unbidden. I shook my head to clear it, staring at the mark. I felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness and gently removed my baby sister from my mother's arms, cradling her in my own.
Mom and Dad both laughed. "You'll take good care of her..." He kept talking, but I couldn't hear him because I was too distracted by my sister opening her eyes and staring into my bright blue ones. Her eyes were so green. It was a luminous, vibrant color that reminded me of emeralds. Not that I had ever actually seen an emerald...
"Hello? Earth to Andy!" My mother's voice snapped me back into reality.
"What?" I asked, unsure of what was going on.
"We were saying that since she was born on your birthday, you should name her." Mom looked at me intently, trying to figure out what I was thinking.
"Phoenix." I said instantly. "Her name is Phoenix."


Ok so this is the mark. I don't actually own this picture; I found it on Google.


Thanks. it means a lot.

Love this

foreverawildone foreverawildone

I'll update as soon as I can.


Ren SnowWolf Ren SnowWolf

Write! Update! I want to know!

Red Girl Red Girl