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We're Setting Worlds On Fire

Fallen Angel Army

The sun was setting in the sky and as she walked down the sidewalk with Andy on one side and Michael on the left, Lily couldn’t help but hold her head up. Behind them walked four guys who absolutely meant the world to her, their leather clad bodies ready to fight to the death in order to do what had to be done-to save the world. Behind those four men were an Army of over four thousand teenagers who had come from all over to fight with five guys who they loved and supported.

The teens were battle ready as well-they had brought kitchen knives, daggers, baseball bats and various other weapons that they had probably dug out of storage. Lily and Michael had formed as many swords as they could, so some of the teens had those as well, not that they would use them to the best of their advantage.

Boots were clapping against the sidewalk and Lily could feel the eyes of people passing them by land on her face as she walked, but none of it mattered. All that mattered was the giant black cloud that was hanging over the Strip-the force field had held strong and as far as anyone could tell nothing had escaped. The things that she, Michael, Sammi and Ella had seen when they had closed the force field had even scared Lily-monsters that she had only ever seen in ancient books that were held in a large white library in the clouds.

Things that crawled around on their hands instead of their feet, monsters that had no eyes-just giant mouths filled with sharp needle like teeth and even Shadow Creatures…the monsters from their last battle that sucked the soul right out of anyone who dared get close enough.

Lily knew this was going to be a hard battle and she had hoped that they would have some heavenly back up, but as of this moment no one had come. She and Andy both-along with the guys and Michael-were shocked by how many Army members had shown up, even more had come after the small rally and it had been uplifting. These kids, with all of their War paint and makeshift weapons, knew what the price could possibly be for coming to this battle today.

Their lives, so precious and only just getting to the good part, could be over in a matter of minutes, but Lily and Michael had a plan of sorts. They had concocted a plan that all of the members who had swords-which were about two thousand of them-would be incapable of being killed. The swords came with a built in protection field that would surround the person carrying it.

The other teens knew that this was probably it for them, they were walking to their deaths this very moment, but to them it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered were the five guys that were walking in front of them-those five guys who had saved them so that they could matter and make a difference. They had wanted to die, but wanted it because they felt like they had no purpose in life-this battle…this war gave them a purpose and so dying today would be worth it. Lily smiled as she held Andy’s hand and looked up at the Demon who was walking slowly beside her. He didn’t look scared or worried or nervous-he looked determined and he looked ready.

Andy held a strong face, but on the inside he was screaming. Could he watch his fans, his family, die today? Could he fight things that he used to consider his brethren and watch as they killed the teens who had spent so long trying to save? Furthermore could he say goodbye to the one person in the entire world who completely understood him? Lily had told him the night before when he had finally made it home, that as soon as the battle was over-no matter the outcome-she would have to leave with Michael and go back home to Heaven. No last moments together, no last intimate time where it was just the two of them… just a quick goodbye and perhaps a final kiss.

It made Andy sad to think that his one true love couldn’t stay with him, but truthfully he didn’t want her to. Andy had seen over the course of these past six months that Lily truly no longer belonged on Earth. She couldn’t sleep-although she did their only night together-she couldn’t eat, she couldn’t even be with him the way they both wanted to be…she didn’t belong here anymore.

That thought made it easier for him to let her go, but he knew deep down that whenever he looked up at the sky and saw the stars, that he would never forget what she had done for him. She had given him a purpose-a reason-to live and to change his ways. When he had first come to Earth, Andy had so much prejudice in his heart for humans that it almost frightened Lily.

After a few months and a few nights of staying up and going over with Lily what it meant to actually be human, Andy had felt himself finally understanding that not all humans were bad. He knew, deep down, that more humans went to Heaven than Hell and he also knew that some of the humans who were sent to Hell were sent there on stupid technicalities. One thing Andy did not like about humans or humanity in general was how cruel they could be to one another.

Touring around the country and being in places that ‘his kind’ weren’t readily accepted had shown him a lot. Being beaten to within an inch of his life just because of the music he played and the way he looked had made Andy angry and he knew that that anger was still in his heart to this very day.

He would use that anger, he would use it to fight and rip apart any nasty thing that got in his way as he searched for Satan. Andy and Lily had formed a plan-Andy would fight his way to Satan and once he found him-for Satan was rumored to be disguised and only his Demonic Horde could see his true identity-Andy was to call for Lily. She had the only sword, besides Gabriel who was still in Heaven, that could kill Satan and send him back to Hell. Satan couldn’t actually die, but the sword would send him back to where he belonged with a curse placed upon his head, making him incapable of ever returning to Earth or Heaven.

“Are you ready for this Lily?” Andy asked his voice barely above a whisper and as he looked down at her Andy could see that Lily was smiling softly. She looked amazing in her leather outfit, but Andy couldn’t help but be reminded of the last battle they fought and its grim outcome. He would never forget that day-it would haunt him forever.

“I am-slightly nervous about not having anymore Heavenly backup, but I suppose this is a test of sorts for me and Gabriel does not give in easily.” Lily said as she trained her eyes on Andy and he smirked. He knew her struggle with her trainer up in Heaven and Andy swore that if he ever got the chance to meet Gabriel that he would punch the Angel square in the face.

“I know, but I think we’ll be okay. Those swords you passed out seem to be giving the kids holding them some confidence.” Andy commented as he looked over his shoulder at the group that was following close behind. The kids who had swords were smiling, talking to one another calmly about the coming fight and how awesome it was going to be.

“Yeah, it’s the ones who don’t have swords that I’m worried about.” Lily said her voice growing soft and Andy knew that he would watch kids die today. It was ugly, but it was true and there really wasn’t much he could do about it now.

“So I was wondering-is there any chance you could stay down here with me?” Andy said quietly and Lily only smiled as they both continued to walk, the looming cloud growing closer and closer. There was something else in the air, a vibration that hit Lily right in her bones, and the Angel could tell that something was coming. But what?

“You know I can’t Andy…I have to go home.” Lily said, her voice sad as they stopped walking to wait for cars to go through an intersection. Lily placed a hand on his cheek and Andy only smiled as he placed his hand over hers and looked in to her eyes deeply.

“I could make this your home Lily…I would make you happy again.” He said and deep down Andy knew he was grasping at straws. They’d had this conversation before and Andy had actually come to terms with the thought of her leaving, but Lily knew he would fight her every step of the way.

“You have made me happy-so incredibly happy. But it’s not meant to be…we aren’t meant to be anymore.” She said, tears in her eyes and Lily couldn’t care less. She wanted to cry-she wanted to feel and she wanted to love.

“Could you come down and visit me? Like you did before being thrown back down to Earth?” Andy had that cheeky look on his face and as they crossed the street and now stood before the force field, Lily couldn’t help but smile. So determined even in the face of death, Andy would fight to get what he wanted most in life. Her.

“I’m making no promises…” She said as she turned to face him, for they had finally reached the edge of the force field and would wait here for a moment. Andy pressed a hand to her cheek and soon enough his lips were crushing against hers with everything he had.

“I love you Lily. I have loved you since I looked in to those lavender eyes of yours and saw a new future for myself. I will always love you…I will never forget you as long as I live.” Andy said as he pulled away from her, his cheeks wet with tears and Lily only smiled softly as she reached out a hand to swipe those tears away.

“I love you too Andy…you saved me from my darkest place…you’ve saved me from myself time and again and for that I will always be grateful.” He smirked at her, loving her wording and as they stood there and kissed for what would probably be the last time, Andy felt the wind change around them.

Lily looked up, her heart racing as she noticed hundreds of bright stars glowing down at them and as they glowed they seemed to grow in size. The air around the group began to vibrate with a powerful sense of an oncoming force and as she stood there Lily looked towards Michael and noticed he was smiling. The stars turned into fireballs and soon enough they had broken through the Earth’s atmosphere and were hurtling straight for them. People screamed as some of the comets landed nearby, causing giant craters to form and Lily watched with wide lavender eyes as Angels began to emerge from those craters.

Their great wings, white with blackened edges, gleamed in the fading sun and Lily held her breath as soon enough hundreds of Angels were walking or fluttering towards their group. They weren’t sheathed in white robes or dresses-they wore the gleaming armor that she had only ever seen in pictures. Divine Metal, forged by the Gods of Mount Olympus so long ago and Lily knew from her studies that it was impenetrable. Before she knew it, a familiar Angel was walking towards her, his stern face held in a slight smirk as he clapped his brother Michael on the back and then stopped as he reached her and Andy.

Gabriel had done the unthinkable…he had fallen to Earth willingly.

“Sister-we have come to help you in this great battle.” Gabriel’s voice was deep and Lily couldn’t help but be taken back by his way of addressing her. Sister? Gabriel had never seen her as a sister-just an underling Angel that he was being forced to train.

“Ss-sister?” She fumbled over her words as Lily looked up at the gigantic Angel before her, but she made sure to keep a hold of Andy. He wasn’t happy with the Angel before him and Lily could tell by his stiff stance that he wanted to attack.

“Yes, you heard me correctly Lily. I was worried about you coming to Earth…worried about you being around the Demon. But you proved yourself-you got your feelings back and while there were some moments of misjudgment, overall you have done the job you were meant to do. Dare I say that I am rather proud of you?” Gabriel said and while to most it would seem harsh, Lily knew that this was the nicest thing Gabriel could say to her in this moment.

“I see you have secured a rather large Army and provided them with weapons-we are ready. I have brought with me the best Angels for the job-those who specialize in Divine Fire, much like yourself.” Gabriel stated and Lily looked around, wide eyed, at all of the Angels standing before her.

“Then I suppose we are ready.” Lily said, nodding her head at Michael. The Angel, silent as his older brother always stole the show when he was around, only nodded back to her and quickly made his way towards the corner of the Strip.

“Lily…” Someone said from beside her and as she looked to her left and peered into the blue eyes that were staring her down, Lily felt her heart grow sore. This was it…this was the end of them.

“I know Andy…I know.” She said simply. She did know-she knew how Andy felt and she knew how frightened he was. She was frightened too, but not of the oncoming fight. She was scared to lose him…she was scared to lose herself once again.

“Ready arms!” Gabriel shouted and Lily heard a great clanking as all of the Angels landed, their wings folding in as they lost themselves in the crowd of the human Army.

“Army-we are entering the fight of a century! Turn back now if you must, but know that we fight with honor and we die with dignity!” Lily yelled out and all of the teens who could hear her raised their hands, the horns all flying proudly in the fading sun.

“Legion! Legion! Legion!” They shouted and as Gabriel looked down at Lily and Andy, the Demon and Angel only smiled as they all moved forward. Andy held on to Lily’s hand tightly and he could see the Hybrids chomping at the bits as the force field began to waver with the removal of the crystals.

“Andy…” Lily said as she looked at him and he only smiled down at her. They were at the edge of the barrier and he could feel the heat coming off of it as it slowly faded away.

“Lily.” He said simply and the Angel said nothing as she moved to press her lips to his. She didn’t care who saw and she knew Gabriel was looking down on her with disapproving eyes, but it didn’t matter.

“I love you…always.” She said as they broke apart and Andy squeezed her hand as they both stepped over the barrier and raised their swords against the oncoming horde of Demons.

“…more than I can ever scream.” He said to himself quietly as the area around the two of them exploded and they walked in to battle…holding hands and loving one another as they were always meant to.


Chapter 48...three more to go.

A battle-a War-had begun to wage...who will survive?




Aww I'm so glad you liked it! This series was really fun for me to write because I was able to put so much imagery in to it.

Broken Wing Broken Wing

Just finished this series and oh my gosh! I can honestly say that a fan fiction had not made me cry until now. This story hit me right in the feels, expecially the 'just tonight' chapter. It just makes me so sad that they love each other so much but they can't be together. Anyways I love your stories, they are some of my favorites on this site :).

FallenAngel26 FallenAngel26

I just have to say that after reading this I now look at God Bless You as a way of telling Satan off

@Truly A Teenage Runaway

Aww well thanks! Start with A Love By Mistake as that is actually where this story is supposed to go. I warn you-I have A LOT of work haha so it may take some time.

Broken Wing Broken Wing

Just finished both books and can I just say WOW. Loved them from start to finish! I'm sad that Andy forgot all about Lily though. :( Also I was listening to Not About Angels for the last few chapters and I DARE YOU TO TRY TO DO IT I WAS ALMOST SOBBING. So yeah. Great job. I'm going to go read everything you've ever written. :)