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Together Burning Bright


Arabella Rose Biersack was born on April 23rd 2014 at 6:24 in the evening. She was born at seven pounds five ounces and Andy was completely enamored with her. He had cut the cord, of course, and as soon as he got his daughter in his arms he would absolutely not let her go. Currently he was pacing around the room, her tiny blanket covered body held tightly in his arms as he had a finger out, her tiny hand wrapped around it tightly.

Dess was laying in the bed, completely exhausted but happy none the less. They were alone, this tiny family, as everyone had left to get something to eat and to give the couple some privacy. As she watched Andy pace, Dess couldn’t help but smile and let her tears flow down her cheeks.

She was a mother and Andy a father-who the Hell thought this would be a good idea?

“You tired of holding her yet?” Dess asked, her voice horse and groggy sounding. Andy looked up at her, the smile on his face growing as he walked over to where his wife laid in her bed and he perched on the side of it.

“Never-I will never, ever, get tired of holding this little beauty.” Andy said as he leaned down, Arabella still in his arms, and placed a light kiss to Dess’ lips.

“You will when she’s ten and heavier than a sack of flour.” She laughed as Andy smirked at her and then looked at their daughter. Dess peaked over the blanket, her moss green eyes taking in the precious gift that was now all hers.

Everyone had said it and as she looked down at her daughter, Odessa knew it was true-Arabella looked exactly like her father. She didn’t have a lot of hair to begin with, but the hair she did have was very light blonde, so that was from Dess, but looking at her tiny features, it was easy to see that this little girl was going to look just like her daddy. Her nose was straight, turning up just at the very end and she had that larger bottom lip that would be perfect for pouting. They wouldn’t know her eye color yet-she had barely opened her eyes and even so, babies all had grey eyes until they were at least three weeks old.

As Andy held his baby girl and looked down at his wife-he felt complete. Nothing could go wrong in the world and even if something did go wrong he wouldn’t care. He had Dess and he had Arabella and that’s all he would need. He scoffed when everyone said she looked like him-he didn’t see it, but Dess was positive that their little girl was going to be just like her daddy. God-he was a daddy. Andy only smiled, pressing his nose up against her tiny one and he jumped as the baby let out a shrill cry and her face got all scrunched up.

Great-he was making her cry already.

“Shit-did I break her?” He asked and Dess just laughed. She was full on laughing at him with her eyes closed and her head thrown back against the pillows. It was going to be really fun watching Andy handle a newborn for the next few months.

“No babe…no you didn’t break her. She’s probably just hungry.” Dess said as she moved around slightly and held her hands out towards Andy. This was one thing he was not going to be able to do and Dess smirked as he begrudgingly handed their daughter over.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Andy asked, fascinated by the current events as he took a seat and looked towards his wife and newborn daughter. They were such a peaceful little family, but they both knew this was going to be short lived.

“A little bit, but it hurts worse not doing it.” She explained before looking up and catching Andy’s eyes. He had missed so much over the past few weeks, but he was here now and that’s all that mattered.

The two of them watched in silence as baby Arabella suckled and fed and Dess couldn’t help but fall in love with her all over again. Her tiny fingers, those itty bitty nails, were curled around some of Dess’ hair that had fallen loose and all though she was swaddled tightly in a blanket, Odessa could just imagine her tiny toes curling as she ate. God this child was perfect-everything about her was pure magic and Dess was finally happy to have her in their lives. Andy was gently running a hand across Dess’ forehead and she shut her eyes at his soft touch. She was so gorgeous…they both were.

“Knock knock…” Someone said from the other side of the door and Dess only smiled as a very tired looking Kit walked into the room. Her red hair was still up on top of her head and her green eyes were makeup smudged and held a look of utter exhaustion.

“Hey Kit! Come in…come in…” Andy said, moving from his seat so that the girl could sit down. He owed a lot to Katrina Evans and Andy knew that he would never be able to repay her for being there for Dess.

“Feeding time?” Kit asked and Dess only smiled as the baby detached and she quickly moved to cover herself. Kit felt nervous as Dess looked towards her, the devious smile on her lips as she sat up and moved to hand the baby over.

“Time for Aunty Kit to hold her niece…” Dess said and Kit’s eyes grew wide as she took the small bundle from her best friend. After Dess had given birth, there had been a flurry of people in the room and Kit had decided that that was when she was going to take her leave.

“I-uh-okay.” Kit finally relented as the baby was settled in her arms and Kit instantly felt her heart grow light as she looked down at this precious little thing. She looked like Andy, but with Dess’ coloring and it would be interesting to see what color her eyes turned. Suddenly Kit realized that the couple had yet to share her name with anyone.

“What did you guys decide to name her?” Kit asked as she reached out and finger and smirked as Arabella grabbed a hold and brought that finger to her mouth. Kit had never been around babies before and there was a time when she was terrified of them-but this little cutie was absolutely perfect.

“Arabella Rose Biersack.” Andy said and Kit smiled as she looked up at the couple. Andy was laying in the bed beside Dess, one arm wrapped around her shoulder while his other gripped for her hand. God, could they be more adorable?

“Not Moira?” Kit asked and as soon as she did she instantly felt terrible. Dess only smiled though and Andy said nothing as he just kissed his wife on the side of her head and looked towards his daughter. The baby was making soft mewling sounds and he instantly wanted her in his arms again.

“No-we wanted to give her a name we could be happy about. If I had named her Moira, then every time I looked at her I would be reminded and I don’t want to cry every time I look at my child.” Dess explained and Kit knew it was true. Some people could handle naming children after loved ones, but then other people just needed to let those loved ones go.

The small group sat there for a while, joking and laughing until finally one of the nurses came to take the baby over to the newborn nursery. Andy grumbled, wondering why she couldn’t just stay in the room, but Dess easily calmed him down by explaining that they needed to observe her to make sure everything was okay. Kit soon said goodbye-she was nearly as exhausted as Dess, but she promised that she would come by the next day when everyone else got there. Suddenly the couple found themselves alone and Dess felt her heart speed up. They had done it-they had brought their daughter into the world and they both absolutely loved her.

“You tired baby? I know I am and I didn’t do near as much work as you did.” Andy laughed as he tugged the blanket up their bodies until it rested right below Dess’ chin. She looked exhausted-her eyes were slowly closing and she was now slumped against her pillows.

“Yeah-yeah I think it’s time for sleep. Head home if you want to-I’m not going anywhere…” Dess laughed, but Andy didn’t move.

“No, I asked one of the nurses and she said that if I wanted to I could stay here with you tonight.” Andy smirked against her skin as he kissed her temple and then brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

“Oh? Well then good…I’ve had enough of being away from you.” Dess laughed as she turned over slightly, grimacing as a shooting pain ran down her back. The doctor said it was normal-her back was going to hurt for a few days because of the injection site and all of the pressure put on it from labor.

“I-I know and I really am sorry Dess.” Andy was apologizing again and Dess only giggled as she snuggled into his side. Her head was resting in the crook of his neck and his shoulder and Andy shivered as he felt her cool breath flow over his skin.

“Stop apologizing. None of us could have known and you made it in time…” She said, yawning slowly. Andy still didn’t feel comforted-in fact he felt even worse knowing that he had missed so much pre-labor.

“Yeah, but I should have been here. The kid isn’t even a day old and I’m already fucking up…” He had laughter in his voice, but Dess could tell that he was being serious. If she wasn’t in so much pain, Dess would have sat up and looked him right in those crystal blue eyes, but she had just gotten comfy and didn’t want to move.

“Yeah, you should have been here. But-you have a job and fans that need you. I don’t think you’ve fucked anything up Andy and I’m not mad at you…I’m sure the baby isn’t either.” They both chuckled at that, but as Andy sat there, his snoozing wife in his arms…he made a silent promise to himself and to Arabella.

No more not being around-he was going to try and be there for her every step of the way and if that meant going on smaller tours or fewer tours, then that was what he was going to do. He had missed some things that he shouldn’t have-it should’ve been him panicking to get Dess to the hospital and it should have been him sitting with her for hours and hours, waiting for everything to start happening. Where was he? Across the country, rehearsing and waiting for an interview to start. He had a job, but now he had an even bigger job and Andy was having a hard time thinking about how he was going to do both without one suffering because of the other.

They had all already talked about touring during the same time every year-over the summer when kids were out of school and then after Christmas when there weren’t major holidays. Andy was thankful to the guys for being so understanding, but there again they were all beginning to settle down as well. Jake and Ella were getting married in less than a year, CC had said that he found a girl he thought he could settle down with and of course there was the shocker of Ashley Purdy finding someone and making it work for more than a month. Jinxx was still getting over his divorce, but Andy knew that the guitarist would find love again. They would all find love eventually…

“I love you Odessa…” Andy whispered softly and Dess smiled as she kissed his skin and then began to let herself drift to sleep.

“I love you too Andy…goodnight.” She said and Andy only smiled as he flipped of the light beside their bed and soon enough they were both bathed in darkness.

Andy probably wouldn’t sleep well and he was planning on getting up at some point to go see Arabella and watch her sleep, but for now he was where he belonged…finally.


Welcome Arabella Rose Biersack! You adorable little thing <3

Guys...hey guys...we're already half way through this story *sad face*


Together Burning Bright Tumblr


Okay this is my second time reading this series all the way through and I promised myself I wouldn't cry but that option flung itself out the 5th story window. I love your writing! Along with A Demonic Love and its sequel, these are my favorite stories on this site!

Andy'sPanda38 Andy'sPanda38

Its always so bitter sweet when I finish one of your series. I just get so into them I hate for them to come to an end. As always I loved this story and hope to one day find a love like Andy and Dess. <3

FallenAngel26 FallenAngel26

I finally finished this and all I can say is wow. That was absolutely beautiful and you were right, Brandie. I cried.

A lot.

Please keep writing <3


Never late to a good thing : ) I'm glad you're liking it so much! Bring tissues<3

Broken Wing Broken Wing

Kinda late but im just now reading this but pregnant?! That was the one thing I wasnt even thinkin bout. But awh a little Andy and Dess running around.. and I love this story <3

kaykaydarling kaykaydarling