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Diary Of My Escape From Hell

Farewell To You

Cloe's POV

*Three weeks later*

Okay so Andy is gay, I wasn't bothered by that. Loads of Doms are gay these days. Andy is head over heels for Ashley, I wasn't bothered by that either. Who wouldn't be!? He is gorgeous and kind, wonderful and caring. The thing that does bother me is Ashley's need to constantly help him and leave me on my own.

Last night Andy texted him saying he had a nightmare, I woke up to an empty bed. At that perfect moment my waters broke, so did Lauren's. So now I am in the hospital. Brilliant. The Fertile midwife smiled as she prepared me for labour, I could deal with the contractions. They were nothing, Lauren screaming next to me was a bit distracting though. Ashley was still in the waiting room talking to the others, 'talking to Andy!' My jealousy reared its ugly head. I shook my head, I shouldn't even be jealous. Ashley is my Dom and he loves me, he is straight for fuck sake.

CC was uselessly trying to encourage Lauren, "okay just breathe and think of how worth it this will be when we put these booties on the baby." He dangled a pair of red knitted booties in front of her but she batted them away in a fury. My midwife came over and gave me AB negative blood to feed on, it was one of the strongest blood types. Strength flowed through me as I began pushing at the midwife's word. Ashley was still in the waiting room. Half an our later the baby was halfway out and it was silent, fear spiked through me as I pushed.

Ashley ran in when he heard Lauren's baby boy cry. His gaze was on my tear stained face, looking at my baby girl not crying. Not moving.

He walked over, "what is it?"

"A girl." The midwife stated coldly.

They took her away, I screamed. "WHY ISN'T SHE CRYING! WHY WON'T SHE MOVE!?" The guys ran in with worried looks on their faces. The doctor held me down to control me but I was seeing red, my hand went through his throat and his windpipe was in my fist as I ripped it out. He fell and I screamed again, "GIVE ME MY FUCKING DAUGHTER!" Midwives rushed around and brought her over. She wasn't moving, not a sound escaped her body.

The room was silent. Just staring at me weeping, holding my baby.


Sorry for the sad chap, BTW the END IS NIGH :) x x x


Sorry but she is gone, cloe will not be miraculously returning x x x

AshleighPurdy AshleighPurdy

There needs to be a part two where they magically save her damn it!!!!


Mini Jinxxed CC Mini Jinxxed CC

i am still on the fence, i might. not sure x x x

AshleighPurdy AshleighPurdy

Oh shit, didn't expect that. Is there going to be a part two?
