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Can you see me?

Chapter 5

"Why?" I ask him, biting my lip as soon as I say it out of nervousness. Andy chuckles before making a joke, "So we can fangirl over bands! Obviously!" I roll my eyes as he pulls off my hood, again. "Why do you keep pulling off my hood?" "Because you should show your face, it helps being more confident." Andy leads me towards a black suburban- obviously he doesn't care about the environment if he drives that thing. "Ya, says the guy whose hair hangs over half his face!" I joke and reach over to brush his hair out of his eye. I grab a Barrette out of my bag and clip his hair to the side. "You look beautiful!" He gets into the drivers side, looking into the rear view mirror he chuckles. Once I have my seatbelt on he reaches over and clips my hair out of my face messily. "You did it to me!" I giggle as he pulls out of the parking space, the small amount of people staring at us went to their own cars. "So are we really going to your place to fangirl?" I ask, I'm just kidding but he responds seriously, "yes!"
"Then what's your favorite band?" He puts the radio on to some rock music station, grinning as he answers, "KISS by far. But I also really like the misfits, linkin park, alkaline trio, of mice and men, the used.. A lot." He shrugs. The stop light in front of us changes to red just as we pull up to it. Andy steps on the breaks, "fuck you too." I giggle a bit as we jolt forward, coming to a quick stop. Andy glances over at me, "we're almost there. I'm warning you though- my mom can be kinda annoying.."
"Can't all moms?"
He shrugs, pulling up to a grey house with wood siding. Andy takes the key out of the ignition then turns to me, "we're here. I have to apologize about my room being messy beforehand." I just roll my eyes and get out of the car. Once we are up the walkway he grabs my hand. "Hi mom!" He yells before quickly pulling me up the stairs, into what I can only assume is his room. There are band posters all over a wall, a desk with a laptop, and a camera on it. His bed is just a normal, plain grey and black bedding. In the corner is a small microphone, a bass and an amp. He shuts the door, then locks it. Weird. "How do you like feel?" Andy asks while walking over to where I am standing. "It's too much like pop music.. You know?" I shrug. I've never really been to someone else's house before besides family friends. Where do I sit? Or do I stand? Andy grabs his laptop off the desk before sitting on the floor. I guess that answers my question. I plop down on the floor next to him as he pulls up his twitter. "Ya I get that. Did you realize how the names of all of their songs on feel actually relate to the song lyrics, unlike with the acoustic EP, lets cheers to this and with ears to see and eyes to hear?" The mouse moves across the screen, closing twitter to open up iTunes where he pulls up the full list of sleeping with sirens songs. "You're right. They've changed a lot too." I watch as he plays I'm not okay by MCR, turning up the volume enough for us to just barely be able to talk over it. "Have you ever seen the welcome to the black parade music video?" I ask curiously. Andy thinks for a few short seconds before shaking his head. I reach over to pull the laptop off of his lap, setting it on my own. Once the screen loads I set it on each of our legs, scooting a little closer to Andy so that it stays balanced. "Just watch it. It made me cry the first time I did." The video starts with the man in a chair, hospital gown covering him. I absorb myself into the video, letting Gerad way's voice move my emotions. "When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up, would you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you, A phantom to lead you in the summer, To join The Black Parade."
When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up, would you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go.
And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
And when you're gone we want you all to know.
We'll carry on,
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on We'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it.
A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams
Your misery and hate will kill us all.
So paint it black and take it back
Let's shout it loud and clear
Defiant to the end we hear the call
To carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches
On and on we carry through the fears Ooh oh ohhhh
Disappointed faces of your peers Ooh oh ohhhh
Take a look at me cause I could not care at all
Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part
I won't explain or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer for all the broken
Listen here, because it's who we are
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
Just a boy, who had to sing this song I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
I! don't! care!
We'll carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary widow marches on
Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)
Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on)
Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)
Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry) We want it all, we wanna play this part
(We'll carry on)" And once again, this video has moved me to tears. A sniffle comes from the boy beside me. Andy is blinking back tears! I start giggling, forgetting the music video. I reach up to wipe his tears away, getting some eyeliner that was cried off in the process. "What do we have here? Was Andy crying!" I joke, holding my wet finger up in his face. Andy reaches and wiped some tears off my own face, "you were too!" I roll my eyes, "but I'm a girl!"
"So?" I shove him playfully, our laughter making each other laugh even more. He grabs the laptop back and pulls up a song. "What's the bvb in your username for?" I ask out of pure curiousity. "Oh... It's for the band I want to start someday, black veil brides. Like the nun when she marries into the church." He shrugs, focused on whatever he was going to show me. "Do you want to hear a song I tried to write and record? I only have the vocals and the bass but.."
"Ya!" I try to sound excited, I'm not very good at it.. Andy plays the track: "I don't wanna be!
Hello my love, well good riddance and farewell to you.
This marks the day we met on your terms.
Hello my hate, well this marks the day I killed you.
So cuddle, make your bed, we broke the ice... your only dead and...
I don't wanna be!
Another dead-weight victim of love tragedy and
I don't wanna be!
Another "look like James Dean" punk trippin' sanity and
I don't wanna be!
Another straight edge poser preachin'
Let's be smoke free!
Cause all I wanna be!
Is another "who cares" "shot dead" kid, I'm going down, down, down!
I am your hate, you are my love, I am your lust, you are my lovedrug...
The one that cures me.
Hello my hate, well this marks the day I killed you.
So rest in peace, you made your bed... quit haunting me your only dead!
I don't wanna be!
Another dead-weight victim of love tragedy and
I don't wanna be!
Another "look like James Dean" punk trippin' sanity and
I don't wanna be!
Another straight edge poser preachin'
Let's be smoke free!
Cause all I wanna be!
Is another "who cares" "shot dead" kid, I'm goin down, down, down!
I don't wanna be!
Another dead-weight victim of love tragedy and
I don't wanna be!
Another "look like James Dean" punk trippin' sanity and
I don't wanna be!
Another straight edge poser preachin' Let's be smoke free!
Cause all I wanna be!
Is another "who cares" "shot dead" kid, I'm goin down, down, down!"

Holy crap he's a good singer! I did not expect him to be that good! "Wow- you're- that was- just wow!" I stutter. "Really? I've never really shown many people anything I've written yet.." Andy smiles, "thanks! It means a lot."
"Would you sing or play bass in black veil brides?"
"Sing. For sure."
His voice is amazing, I can see why. I never realized how deep and gravely it is, I guess it is kind of hot. I usually don't say that so it means a lot if I'm saying someone's hot or attractive or sexy or something along those lines. "Who would be in the band? Anyone I know?" Andy thinks for a few seconds before responding, "there would be Gene Simmons of course, Marilyn Manson, Nikki Sixx, and some others.." I giggle and nudge him, "oh and how would you arrange that?"
"I have my ways.." Andy smiles at me, moving the computer off of our laps and onto the floor. He lays back onto the carpeted floor, closing his eyes and resting his hands on his stomach. "So what do you want to do once we graduate?" "Probably a writer, or an artist.. Possibly photographer?" I tell him, "but all of those require being somewhat social."
"How about you be the photographer for my band? Someday. Then it's not like we're complete strangers or anything," he opens his eyes, lifting his head off the floor slightly Andy says, "wait, lay down with me!" I obey, laying down next to any on the floor with my arms at my side. Once again his eyes are closed, I turn my head to look at his relaxed face.
"Close your eyes and imagine this:" his deep voice convinces me. I close my own blue eyes, "ok."

"Imagine a small concert, the band hasn't come on yet so the stage is dark. The crowd is cheering, 'black veil brides!' Over and over. Every single one of the audience members are anxiously waiting for the band to come on stage, their bodies starting to glisten with sweat from the body heat in the compact space. The band is off to the side of the stage getting their microphones, basses and guitars hooked up, their earpieces connected. Each band member feeling the anxious excitement as well. To follow their dream of being in a band, it's finally coming true at their very first concert. They have a short pep talk from the few friends that were allowed backstage, as it finishes they yell, 'bvb!' The bassist plays a single note from side stage in anticipation, the crowd's cheering only becomes louder, fueling the bands excitement more. Finally, the drummer walks on stage to his drum kit, the screams get even louder. Next the bassist and guitarist walk on, the cheering doubles again. At last, the lead singer runs onto the stage, as the overwhelming sense of joy from his accomplishment of finally playing a show are proven by the uproar of noise in the audience. The first song starts, the mosh pit forms, crowd surfers come up and go back down. The adrenaline rushing through everyone's veins. An end of the amazing concert comes with the fulfillment of the last note being played. The band walks off with a final message, smiles wider than ever before, everyone congratulating them on their accomplishment. They did it. They finally played a concert. That feeling of overwhelming pride that their years of work is starting to pay off.."
He pauses, letting the image form around his passionate words. He says in almost a whisper, "that's what I want. That's all I can imagine doing with my life is being up on stage performing in front of an audience. I don't care if I'm broke as long as I can be in a band, get that feeling, and preform for my life. That's what I want. I know it will happen." I open my eyes to see him looking at me, his bright eyes locking with mine as he whisper, "that's what I want."
For the next couple extremely long seconds there is complete silence. It's as if all the sound in the world has died because of Andy's passionate words. Then I realize our faces have been slowly gravitating towards each other. His piercing blue eyes break eye contact for a millisecond, flickering to my lips, then back as our faces continue to get closer together. That's when I piece it all together. He wants to kiss me. And I kinda want to kiss him. The seconds roll by slowly as we move closer and closer, millimeter by millimeter. So painfully slow I want to die, yet somehow the silence of the world mixed with what is about to happen makes me want this to last forever all the same. His eyes flutter closed when we are about 4 inches apart, I follow his example and close my own. I am about to have my first kiss! I feel his warm breath getting closer and closer, I know that he can feel mine on his own lips. I smell the faint mixture of cigarette smoke and what is probably mints in his breath. I guess he smokes? We are breathing in each other's air, I know it's about to happen, probably only a centimeter before we kiss. A centimeter before his lips meet mine, a centimeter before our friendship could turn into something more... I flutter my eyes open, not able to bare the suspense. I notice Andy did the same thing at the same time, causing me to let out a small giggle. His already deep voice sounds another octave lower as he asks softly, "Indie, can I-"


Do they kiss? Do they not kiss? Should they kiss? Or would it ruin their blossoming friendship?
thanks for reading, all the comments, subscribers, and ratings! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a week.. I've been focusing on finishing my other story so today I just wrote this one. I've written to chapter 9 so I will update within the week.


I love this so much!

Andy'sSoul Andy'sSoul

love the ending but it ended, but you need to keep writing your tooo good to stop.

taterbaby taterbaby

After reading the best fanfic ever.... I think I just fucking died at how it ended, it's not a happy ending but not a tragic one either, this story ......it's the perfect mix of confusion anger hate sorrow and happiness. A true masterpiece if I must say. Never stop writing... It's obliviously your talent

WOW I still can't get over how it ended!!!!!!!!..............wow just wow.

ok I honestly don't think I'm going to be able to get over this story!!!

Awh poor Andy... This was an awesome fanfic, merci beaucoup for writing it :)

Aww, I don't even know what to say, I loved this story im so glad I got to read it

foreverawildone foreverawildone