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Church Is In Session **COMPLETED**

I'm Not Afraid To Die

In a matter of seconds Alex screamed at the tops of his lungs and the crowd ran toward the demons killing them in one swift motion. We stormed his gates and found ourselves in a dark damp tunnel surrounded by demons willing to do anything to protect their leader. I took my small knife and slit a demons throat watching his blood spill over like a fountain. I moved on to my next victim just as everyone else was. I watched our own people fall dead just as they were to take the last hit. I avenged their deaths by killing the one who had killed them. I heard screams and the sound of blood being shed and necks being broken, bones being cracked. I searched the mess of blood and bodies for Andy. I found him going strong fighting two of those ugly bastards. I joined him, I jabbed a torch that was hanging on the wall into one of their eyes. Andy looked to me, he had been hit but not too bad just a cut to the head. We looked away and went back into the fight.

To my amusement more of the demons were falling dead than our own. Although my heart hurt to see a girl no more than 16 bleeding on the ground. She was still alive and begging for help. She was beyond help and to ease her pain I quickly shoved my knife into her throat releasing her from the agony. We pushed our way toward the center of the domain to find hundreds of cellars holding thousands of people. Jinxx and Jake were helping the people out of their cages and told the abled to pick up a weapon and join the fight. Ashley was right behind Jake and Jinxx killing the demons that threatened to kill them. Esther was not in any of the cages and I continued to fight. I glanced over to Alex to see him fight hard with a demon that looked bigger than the rest. He was putting up a good fight but the demon got the upper hand for only a second and plunged his hand into Alex’s abdomen. I rushed over to him slitting the demons throat and holding Alex. He was coughing up blood.

“No! Please!” I started to cry.

Sure he was a dick when we were training but that didn’t mean he hadn’t become some form of family. “Catherine leave him!” I heard Andy yell then grab my arm and pulled me away from Alex’s lifeless body.

“No! He needs help!” I screamed.

“He’s dead Cat, deal with it!” Andy yelled.

He threw me back into the fight. We continued on for another good hour when we reached another set of cells. Esther was the only one in these. Jake and I ran to her. She was barley breathing. She looked drained of life and so skinny. How could she lose so much weight in such little time?

“Esther!” I cried moving mats of hair out of her face.

“Cat?” She sounded dead.

“Yeah, I’m here, it’s okay.” I laughed and cried.

Jake pushed me away, he told me to get back in the fight and that he would deal with her. I was reluctant at first but after Andy pulled me back into the fight I snapped out of it and went back to killing the things that have been haunting my nightmares since I was two. Would we win this fight? So many people have died already and the demons seemed to be multiplying. Was this a good idea? Or was it a death sentence? Maybe it was both. I saw a lonely tunnel leading off into more darkness and I pulled Andy to me.

“I’m killing F.E.A.R.”

“No! Let all of us do it!” Andy yelled over the screams.

“No, he’s mine.” I ran off toward what I knew would be his chambers.

I heard Andy yell my name then follow me toward my destiny. Sure enough I was right. How come no demons were guarding him? I came across a solid wood door that had dried blood in the shape of a demons head with horns drawn in the middle of it. I placed my palm on the door ready to push it open when Andy came up behind me. He pulled my hand away and made me face him.

“I won’t let you do this alone!” He yelled a whisper.

“I have to do this!” I didn’t care about being quiet.

“Then do it! But I won’t leave you!” He let me go and I put my palm on the door again. I didn’t know what I would find but I didn’t care. I was ready to kill the nations nightmare. I pushed it open not ready for what I faced next.


I couldn't think of anymore cleaver chapter names so I give you lots of song titles and lyrics:)


You started it hon


omg I love love love your stories!!! Im glad im your best friend cause that way i dont have to wait to know what happens hahah

Someone who wasn't really rooting for them set it from the outside of Esther's room

How did the fire start in chapter 11? Just curious.