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Broken Lungs


Gripping the strap of my backpack, I made my way towards him. "Here goes nothing.." I mumbled to myself.

"Heyyy babe.." I said to Alex as I walked up to him from behind. He turned around smiling but then saw my wardrobe choice, his smile long gone with anger taking it's place. He looked at me up and down disgusted and heavily sighed at me.

"What the fuck Melissa? I thought I told you not to come here dressed like a whore. God, you're such a fucking retard sometimes. Do you EVER listen?"

"Bu-" he cut me off before I could even get one word out.

"I don't want to fucking hear it Mel, don't come near me all day, I don't need you to embarrass me more than you already do just from me being with you." he shoved past me as he walked away.

His words stung more than a whole swarm of bees attacking a burn victim. I just stood there with my mouth open, tears forming in my eyes. One slipped down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before anyone could notice.
I opened my locker, put my bag away, got what I needed and headed to first period English.


I had avoided Alex all day, I'm guessing he told his friends because as soon as I walked past them for Chemistry earlier a few of them smirked at me and others did that stupid cough insult bullshit.

"Slut!" coughed one of them.

"Attention whore!" coughed another.

I ignored them and kept my eyes forward, I even heard Alex huff and say, "I can't believe that thing is my girlfriend. What the hell what I thinking?"

'Hmph, good, maybe you'll finally leave me so I won't have to deal with your torment anymore' I thought to myself.

**skipping the rest of the school day**

*End of school bell rings*
Usually Alex gives me a ride home after school but after today I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
I went to my locker got my bag and started making my way out of the building. 'Finally!'
As I was making my way down the path towards the sidewalk, Megan, one of the plastics walked up and stopped right in front of me.

"Hey freak, why don't you do us all a favor and go back to the circus you escaped from?" she snarled a me.

"Okay," I started to say but paused for a minute to make her think I gave in. "I'll do that once you stop spending all your time on your back and knees." I smirked at her waiting for her comeback.

"Listen to me you little bitch, you don't belong here with all of us normal people. You don't deserve Alex and you sure as hell don't deserve to live." she smirked back probably hoping I would bust out in tears and run home crying to my mother.
I just stood there laughing at her and how ridiculous she sounded. She got pissed once I laughed at her and snapped at me, "get lost bitch!"

My reply to her? "I'd rather be a bitch, than a cunt."

The look on her face was absolutely priceless when I said that to her. I smirked and pushed my way through her and her army of skanks. Before walking too far from them I turned and said, "oh and by the way, you can have Alex, he's all yours."

She just looked at me completely shocked and confused. I could care less anymore, seems like they deserved each other anyways, I'd catch the way he looked at her as she passed us in school and how he flirted with her right in front of me.
I couldn't even so much as mention my favorite band that had guys in it without him telling me how I probably wish I could fuck them. No, not even close, you douche. I would just love to meet them and tell them about how their music is so inspiring and life saving.
I had just decided to ignore Alex and started to walk home. I don't mind it either, I honestly love to walk, sometimes I'll walk to the park an hour away just to sit on a swing for a while thinking of a better life. I put my headphones in once again and played In The End by bvb, god Andys voice is so perfect. I smiled just thinking about the April show in New York and started to sing with his angelic voice.

"In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die!"

After 40 minutes of walking I finally made it home, noticing my mom still wasn't home I checked the time real quick. 'Hm, 4:17, she should be home within the next hour and 15 minutes' I thought. I got my key out, unlocked the door and stepped inside closing and locking the door behind me. I headed to my room dropping my bag on the floor next to my bed and started to change into my pajamas. After I got dressed I went back to the living room and flopped down on the couch grabbing the remote turning on Adventure Time. My mom finally got home and greeted me with a smile.

"Hey honey! Whatcha doin?"

"Watching adventure time, how was work?"

"Long and boring as usual"

I giggled and replied with "that's what she said"

She laughed at me and handed me a small bag of tacos from taco bell with a mountain dew freeze. "Yummy! Thanks momma!"

"You're welcome sweetie!"

She sat down on the couch next to me watching tv for a few hours. We laughed and joked around for a while and then I told her about everything that had happened today. I even told her about the whole Megan fiasco that occurred, although she doesn't encourage my cursing, she was impressed with how I handled myself.
Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating. I looked to see who it was, the last name I wanted to see.

"Alex.." I said under my breath getting up and heading over to my room closing the door.

"Sorry mom.."

"It's okay sweetie, I just wish you didn't have to deal with him.. Why are you still with him?"

"...because I love him." I lied. After being with him, I don't even know if true love exists.

Once I disappeared behind my door I pressed answer.

"H-hello?." I answered nervously and honestly scared out of my mind. I didn't know if he was going to be mad, upset or done with me.

"Melissa, we need to talk."



Soooo, I tried not to make this as long but kind of got carried away.
Sorry, I'll try and type up the next chapter tomorrow after work.
Until then, goodnight sharkies!


Please update soon, I love this story

Wretched Soul Wretched Soul

my classes have destroyed any chance of me being able to write lately. I have so much work that it's impossible to sit and write for even five minutes without feeling guilty that I should be working on homework.

BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355

I feel so bad because I've manage to neglect my duties of writing new chapters for my stories and especially for it being so long since I last did. o(*≧д≦)o

WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit

Take your time! I totally understand. College is killing any time I use to write, and I'm taking care of the entire horse barn for the next week. I'm so exhausted when I get home I just shovel food in my mouth and crash.

BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355




Thank you my lovely babies c: I'm currently typing the next chapter, I'm so sorry I haven't in such a long time. I'm in Ohio at the moment and have free time on my hands till Sunday morning when I fly back into town back home. The reason why I haven't typed anything during the week lately is because I work 5 days a week, 8am to 5pm. But i wake up at 5 Iin the morning so by the time i get home from work i am beyond exhausted and i end up being lazy on the weekends if I'm not already doing things with family. I'm sorry sweeties :(

WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit