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Optimism Saved Us, But Pessimism Is Who We Are

"Shit. I have to go." Liza said quickly as she got up from where she was at the bar. I neither of us had that much to drink, but even I could tell that I had more to drink than she did. "Where? Let me come with you." I replied automatically sobering up.
I stumbled off my stool and jogged after her. "I just have to go pick up some stuff. It's okay, stay with the guys." I could tell that it wasn't okay.
"It's not okay. You're lying." I stated plainly.
She sighed and reluctantly opened the passenger side door to her car as an invitation for me to join her. I had no idea where we were going until we turned into a residential area. A few moments later she stopped the car in front of a small house. I could see the master bedroom light was on. It didn't take me that long to connect that it had to be her mother. "I'm just going to grab some clothes and we can go back to the hotel." She told me as she left the car.
I saw her go inside. I wasn't worried until I heard yelling and screaming. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew it wasn't good. Stupidly, I decided to try and fix things.
As soon as I walked in the door I knew I made things worse. "Oh. Great transition. Mom, this is Andy. He's who I'm staying with." She said trying to keep her cool in the awkward situation.
"YOU are living with her?!" Her mom asked me angrily.
"Y-yeah." I stammered out nervously. I felt like I was back in high school having dinner with my girlfriends parents. However this time I was being yelled at, at 2 in the morning, by her mom and probably being judged by her dead father.
"Elizabeth. You are coming home right now. I'll make sure you get your things back," Elizabeth was about to protest when her mother kept going, "And I don't want you to have any contact with him. I want your phone now." I was about to burst, but what her mother said after made me loose control, "You aren't worth his time, and you know it."
I took a moment to wonder if her own mother really just told her that. I saw Liza start to cower in front of me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her thin waist. "No, Andy, she's right." She said grimly.
She wiggled her way out of my arms as I stood there shocked and speechless. After I had regained my thoughts and her mom had left the room, I grabbed her wrist as she walked up the stairs. "No, she's not. I love you. I'm the one that's not worth your time. You're gorgeous, and smart, and way out of my league." I kept saying compliment after compliment. I wanted her to know how I much I loved her.
"Andy, let go." She squeaked out.
I dropped my hand quickly and looked at her. I saw the pain in her eyes as she turned away from me and finished walking up the stairs. I followed her until we were in her room. "What needs packing?" I asked out of the blue optimistically. I could see that I had startled her and she started to giggle.
Elizabeth quickly wiped her eyes, regained her seriousness, and replied, "Andy, please. Just go," I gave her a pleading look before she slowly grabbed her laptop and it's charger and shoved it in her bag. I joined her and picked up the pace as we quickly packed her clothes and loaded them into her car. Her mom kept yelling at us about her future, and everything. I just ignored her, and told Liza to do the same.
Liza kept her walls up through out the ride back to the hotel, but I could see them crumbling behind her eyes. She stepped in the room and broke down. I couldn't say that I understood, so I just knelt down and cradled her in my arms as she wept.
I heard people coming up the stairs of the hotel and I knew that it was the guys. At the sound of the footsteps Liza calmed down. It hurt me to see how hard today was for her. I carried her small, fragile form to the bed. I slowly got in the other side of the bed and turned off the light. I turned on my side and made sure my hand found the small of her back. Wrapped in my arms, she quickly drifted off. I stayed up wondering what I was going to do about us.


Oh my god, I'm so sorry it took so long for this to go up, I have just had a lot of stuff going on, but I'm back, and I have a goal to update at least once a week. Also, since I last updated I've met so many bands! I've met SWS, ADTR, and Issues!!!
Love you guys! <3


I didn't notice but you updated

taterbaby taterbaby

hey just please don't forget about this one

taterbaby taterbaby


This is only the beginning!
oreogrrl oreogrrl