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The Cost Of Winning

Probing Questions


"Mommy , wook ! Theses beadies am pwetty wif them ones ." , Bren announces , and I look around to see her clutching strings of deep purple and reddish - orange beads , holding them out for me to see . As I look closer , I realize that she's right , and that they actually go very well together .

I reach out to take them , and reply , "You're absolutely right , Smidge , they are pretty together . What do you think I should make with them ?"

"Thems should goes on one of yous big arm things , wif the big sparkwies ! And somes fwowers , too ."

Ash walks in from the music room and watches as I invite her to help me look for some stones to put on a bracelet , then his phone rings . He glances at it , then takes the call , saying , "Hey there , C ! What's up ?"

He listens for a couple of minutes , then goes to the computer , powers it up , and starts typing . He brings up whatever it is he's looking for and looks at it , then says , "Yeah , I see what you mean . And you say that the others have gotten these , too ? How long have you been seeing this ?"

After listening again for a bit , he says , "No , I wouldn't see them , since I've changed my accounts , but I'm glad you let me know . I'm not sure if it's her again , but it's definitely odd , which makes it hard for me to say whether I think you guys should block it or not . If we block whoever it is , then there's no way to know what they're actually up to , so maybe just watch it for awhile , but don't respond to any of the questions . Yeah , I'm going to check my business accounts as soon as I hang up , and have Fi check hers , too . Thanks for the heads - up , dude !"

He ends the call , and goes back to the computer , apparently checking on some of his social media accounts . "What's going on with CC ?" , I inquire . "Are the guys getting more weird messages from that chick in Florida ?"

Still staring at the computer screen , he replies , "Not sure yet . This is a different sort of weird , so I'm not sure what's going on yet . Come over here for a sec , willya , hon ?"

I lay the beads on the table and walk over to him , where he points to the monitor and asks , "Have you seen anything posted on your accounts from this person ?" I look where he's pointing , and see several posts from someone with the username @ExquisiteEnchantress , who has put up several rather probing questions involving the actual state of our relationship , as well as some about our respective businesses .

"I haven't noticed anything like that on the website , and I haven't actually gotten around to looking at my personal accounts for the past couple of days , so I don't really know what might be on right now ." , I tell him . "I take it that's not one you've seen from your 'admirer' before , then ?"

"Hard to say . She put up so many fake accounts it seemed like I was finding a new one every couple of days . But this isn't anything like her usual crap , she never seemed to be that interested in my financial situation , and I doubt she'd care about yours , unless it was to claim that you're just out for money ."

I pull out my phone and log into Facebook , and almost immediately see a post from that account , and the same thing when I check Twitter . "What do you think we should do ?" , I ask him .

"Don't respond to any of it , first of all , but don't block them just yet . I'm curious to see what else they come up with . But get ahold of the people you're actually friends with , and tell them not to respond to her either , if she contacts any of them ." , he says , still scrolling through the APFI account . "And maybe let Web know what's going on , in case you need him to file something later . I'm gonna call Dina and have her get on it , because if it is her , she's violating the court order , and I can finally do something about it ."

Bren , who has been sitting by the coffee table making color combinations with my bead hanks , suddenly asks , "Mommy , why a man is taking pitchers of ours house ?"

Ash and I both spin around to look at her . "What man are you talking about , cutie ?" , he asks her , keeping his voice calm .

"The man that stand in ours drass wif hims pitcher maker . Wook out wimdow , and yous can sees he ."

"Bren , come over here , away from the window ." , I tell her , as Ash pulls out his phone and calls 911 . I pick her up and go into the music room , and peek out the window in there , and there is a tall , thin Hispanic guy standing in the yard , taking pictures of the house and Ashley's pickup , which is parked in the driveway, since both of our cars are in the garage . There's an eight - foot fence around the entire yard , and a code to get through the gate , so he's either climbed the fence , or he figured out how to bypass the security code .

After just a couple of minutes , two police cars pull up to the curb in front of the fence , and the guy caps his camera and darts around the side of the house . "Ash , he's heading around back !" , I call .

"Go let the cops in , I've got this !" , he yells back , and I hear him running through the dining room . I go out to the front of the house , and let the officers through the gate , just in time to hear a splash from the backyard . They bolt toward the backyard , one on each side of the house , and I run back inside and through the house , still holding Brenna . When we get to the back door , I see Ash and the cops standing by the pool , looking at the guy , who's floundering around in the water , trying to retrieve his camera from the bottom .

"Okay , bud , come on out ." , the male officer tells him . "If I have to come in there after you , neither of us are gonna be happy about that , because I'll end up with a wet car , and you'll end up with a charge of resisting an officer ."

The guy stops scrambling for the camera and climbs out of the pool , then tells the officer , "You need to cuff that nut , too ! He bum - rushed me and knocked me into the pool , I coulda drowned !"

"Lets see here ... Arrest a homeowner for trying to protect his family ?" , the female cop says . "Think I'm gonna go with 'No' . How about you , Stan ?"

"No sounds good to me , too , Jill ." , he responds . Then , turning back to the strange man , he says , "Now , why don't you show me some ID ?"

With a bit of difficulty , he reluctantly pulls his waterlogged wallet out of his pocket and pulls his license from it , handing it to Stan . He looks at it and says , "Rogelio Duarte . Sounds familiar , for some reason . How about you run that name for me , Jill ?"

She steps away from us , and starts talking on her radio , while Stan looks at the dripping man , and inquires , "So , do you suppose you might want to explain why you're trespassing on private property , or should we just assume that you were casing the place for a burglary ?" He then glances toward me and Bren , and says , "Or something worse , maybe ?"

"Hey , I'm not a perv , man !" , he sputters . "Or a burglar ! I wasn't gonna hurt anybody , I was just taking some pictures for a client ."

Jill walks back over and says , "Mr . Duarte here is a low - rent PI , and we've booked him three different times , for harassment and trespassing , which is probably why you clicked on the name . He was fined once , and the charges were dropped the other two times ."

"So , do you folks want to press charges ?" , Stan asks . "If not , we'll let him off with a warning ."

Ash looks at him and asks , "All right , then , who's your client ? Who the hell is paying you to spy on me and my family ?"

"No way , man ! If I give out my client's names , I'll be outta business in no time !"

Ash looks over at us , then back at the officers . "Oh , yeah , you better believe I'm pressing charges . Anything you can charge him with , I'll be happy to sign a complaint for ." Duarte looks shocked , and opens his mouth to say something , but before he can , Ash steps up so he's practically nose - to - nose with him , and practically snarls , "And if I ever see you here again , I'll most likely be the one in cuffs , because I swear to you that I'll beat you to death with one of my own fuckin' guitars !"

"And don't think you're going to get your lawyer to pull a plea for you ." , I tell him . "Because no one is going to agree to it . And you can tell whoever your lawyer is that they'll be going up against Web Bradshaw , so they'd better bring their A - game . And tell whoever your client is that if they think about pulling this kind of stupid stunt themselves , they're taking their life in their hands . Because if I feel like my daughter is in any danger , I'll come after them with anything I can find ."

After Ash gets the pool net and fishes out the camera for them , he tells them that he'll meet them at the station to sign the complaint , and they take the guy away in cuffs . We go back inside , and as he's gathering up his keys , he tells me , "Honestly , babe , if it wasn't for Bren , and Gizmo next door , I'd think seriously about electrifying the damn fence !"

"Yeah , me too , but that's unfortunately not an option ."

Bren runs up to him , holding her bank . "Daddy , yous say naughties , me gets twarters !"

"Yes , I suppose you do ." , he replies , and pulls the coins out of his pocket , dropping them into the yellow dog . He pulls on his jacket , then picks her up , kissing her on the forehead before putting her back down . Then he leans in , kisses me , and says , "I'll be back as soon as I can . Lock the door after me , I've got my key , I can let myself back in ."

"All right , babe . I'll call Web and fill him on everything , and then Bren and I will just hang out in here 'til you get back , and we can all make dinner together ."

He closes the door behind him , and I lock it . Then , while Bren plays with one of her puzzles , I call Web to fill him in on our new level of weirdness .


It's been two days since the police were here , and we haven't seen anything else of Duarte , or gotten any more weird social media messages , so we're kind of hoping that having him arrested has scared them off . I'm in the kitchen cleaning up after lunch , and I faintly hear the buzzer that lets us know that there's someone at the gate who doesn't have the code . Ash yells , "I've got it , babe ! Looks like Fed Ex with that package I've been waiting for ."

"Me goes wif yous , Daddy !"

I hear the front door open , and I finish putting the dishes into the dishwasher , and head back to the living room . As I step into the room , I hear voices coming through the open door from the front yard , and Bren comes hurtling through the front door , yelling , "Mommy , somebody outside wooking fors you ! Her tries to come in house , but Daddy say 'No !' , so him want yous to come outside and talks to she !"

I pick her up and start for the front door , wondering who it might be . Ash knows all of my friends , so unless it's maybe someone I used to work with , I have no idea who'd even know I'm here .

As I step into the yard , I see Ash moving to block a blonde woman , who keeps trying to move toward the house . I walk toward them , asking , "What's going on , babe ?"

"This woman pushed her way in when I opened the gate for the Fed Ex dude , and she says she knows you , and wants to talk to you ." , he growls , clearly irritated .

"Well , if one of you would have responded to my messages , I wouldn't have had to resort to such drastic measures ." , she says , and I stop in my tracks . Handing Bren over to Ash , I reach out , snatch her sunglasses from her face , and say , "What the hell are you doing here , you worthless bitch !?"



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan