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In A Blink

Sudden Stress

C.C. watched Bluebell as she spoke on the phone to Vic Fuentes, half-laying on his huge bed and leaning against his arm. Shirtless, his hand slid over the mattress and snaked around the young lady's waist, pulling her down with him. Smiling mischievously, the drummer slid one hand up and down her bare side as she struggled to keep her voice from shaking over the phone, reaching back and thwacking his side in response. He snapped the back of her sports bra in retaliation, and her voice jumped.

"Ah, no, sorry Vic - I'm fine. As I was saying, I can send the charms through Unknown or you can come by and pick them up if we're on your way." As Vic replied, C.C. slid his hands around the girls' bare waist and nuzzled into her neck, making her shiver against him. He smirked, his thumb running over her skin softly. "Yeah, I'll send them through Unknown tomorrow morning. I'll make sure they get to you. Have a good day, Vic." She hung up after that, dropping her phone on the bedside stand and twisting over C.C., battering him with a pillow as he raised his hands in defense, laughing at her.

"Don't you laugh at me!" Bluebell commanded, slamming the pillow into him a few more times before leaning back, crossing her arms over her chest and giving him a warning stare. He just smiled, leaning back and crossing his arms behind his head. "That's hot," he smirked, glancing at the woman over him - she was straddling his hips, her black skinny jeans casting a dark shadow over his abdomen. Bluebell rolled her yellow eyes but couldn't help but smile as C.C. sat up fully, pulling her so she was sitting in his lap with her legs still straddling him.

"You know," C.C. whispered, pressing his face into Bluebells black hair as she nuzzled into his neck, "I really do adore you, Bluebell Bellova." He smiled as he heard the girl hum in response, tipping his head to the side slightly as she nibbled on his neck affectionately. Looping his arms loosely around her waist, C.C. was content for the moment with her loving on him sweetly, nibbling at the bare skin on his neck and shoulder. That's one thing he truly loved about her - many other women would see this act as sexual, especially in the position in they were in. However, Bluebell didn't make it arousing in the least. Maybe it was a side effect of her Holding, maybe not, but C.C. enjoyed it either way.

Eventually, C.C. showed his usual self and suddenly rose upwards, making Bluebell squeal as he suddenly pinned her back on top of the dark red sheets, smiling as Bluebell just monkey-clung to his body, refusing to give in to his show of dominance. Chuckling, C.C. happily kissed her neck before the door flew open, and Jake pranced in.

"Dude!" C.C. protested, and Bluebell sighed as she let herself fall back onto the bed, black hair splayed underneath her. Jake just shook his head at the two - half-clothed, rumpled sheets, he didn't want to know what the two were up to - even it was innocent. "We have an event to go to tomorrow," he sighed, shaking his head again. "It's formal. Bluebell, we need your help," he finally gave his true intent, turning to the girl and begging with his eyes. "We don't have black tie stuff-"

A pillow smacked into his face, and his expression was blank with a scowl when it fell. C.C. laughed at Bluebells aim, who cracked a grin at Jake. The man couldn't help but smile back, however - it was one of the first true smiles he had seen the girl give since she had been attacked by the Shadow Demon. "I'll be right down," she said, giving Jake a quick smile as he just snorted and turned to leave. C.C. groaned and buried his face into Bluebell's neck, biting softly in protest as she tried to shift away. Bluebell shivered slightly and pulled away with a snicker, shaking her head as she grabbed her shirt from the floor, pulling it back on.

The others were all over the place downstairs - making phone calls to other Holding Clans, frantically explaining what was going on. Andy was pacing back and forth, hoping that a few who were registered Doctors could cover for his 'cancer' case. Jinx was typing away at his laptop, occasionally switching to Jakes. The guitarist was talking over the phone and purchasing what must have been airplane tickets.

C.C. and Bluebell glanced at each other, then over at Ashley. He was struggling to keep his Holding in power, clearly - everyone else was focused on their task, thanks to his help. Gazes hardening, Bluebell, and C.C. looked towards each other once again before shrugging in unison. "I have the stuff," Bluebell said, cracking her neck as C.C. replied with "I'll work on the story."

Bluebell grabbed the phone from Jake, who looked at her in surprise. Thanks to Ashley's holding, he hadn't even noticed the girl standing there before she took the device. "That's the flight number?" She asked over the cell phone. "Alright, thanks." She hung up the cell phone and whirled her hand dramatically in front of her face - with a burst of green fog appeared six airplane tickets, held like a fan in front of Bluebells nose. Another dramatic flick and a tiny puff of smoke later, the tickets were held together with a paperclip and she was walking towards Jinx. Hotel reservations. Snorting, Bluebell flicked her fingers at the computers - the keys typing by themselves, a private suite was booked and Jinx's phone buzzed with a confirmation e-mail.

C.C. had managed to get the story from Ashley ("A rich fan is throwing a charity ball for Andy, and we have to be there with a good cover by tonight! I didn't know rich people liked our music!"), and had him release his powers. The boys seemed to relax - except Andy, who looked far too stressed to be healthy. Rolling her eyes, Bluebell took his phone and spoke in a sweet voice to the other side. "Andy has lung cancer, stage two, diagnosed three weeks ago. Medically, he can't perform. Write a report, e-mail it to him, and I'll wire a ten with a couple extra zeroes to your account. Don't, and you'll find your Holding Clan facing hella bad consequences from us. You have two hours."

Bluebell hung up and tossed Andy's phone back, before jerking her hand through the air. Several bursts of purple smoke later, and the five boys were lined up in front of her, dazed from the sudden movement. More fog and they were suddenly all had a suitcase packed in front of them - inside were matching tuxedoes. Several seconds passed before the men came to their senses, calming down from their anxieties. Jake was still holding the tickets, which he tucked into his pocket in a haze.

C.C. came to his senses first, shaking his head and clearing his throat. "Alright, well... on we go then?"


Hey guys! This is more of a filler/prep chapter for the next - the real drama's about to go down! ;)

Drop a comment if you like In A Blink so far!

LK Marie


It would be great if you could update in the near future . I can't speak for anyone else , but I'm definitely curious to find out how Bluebell is connected to the demons .

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77