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those fucking fanfic moments

Mom's boyfriend

Who here has a step parent?! Who here has ever wanted to fuck your step dad? Nobody? THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH ALL THE "ANDY'S MY STEP DAD" BULL SHIT?

I've seen so many of those stoires on here and it's just like, seriously? That thing's putting its dick in the same hole you came out of and that's OKAY TO YOU? What the shit?

Look at your mom's taste. Do you really find that hot? My mom's obsessed with Val Kilmer. No, I don't find that hot.

If you have sex with your mom's boyfriend, you might be a Sky.


I'm too tired to be funny or sarcastic. So I'll just ask, da fuq is dis shit?

Tripper of the Day


Chapter 61: I give serious props to a fanfic on here where the OC protagonist, like the rest of us, has a not-good to okay singing voice. Personally, I wouldn't sing in front of the Brides unless *thier* lives depended on it... I'm too afraid I'd ruin thier ability to create music!

Merelan Merelan

Read too many stories like that

Brittney Purdy Brittney Purdy

Yes that is my story. I have a Ghost story in progress as well.

Mama_EmeritusIII Mama_EmeritusIII

#61. Alli should try singing on livestream, harshest critics ever js.

onefinalfightdoe onefinalfightdoe

Hey you. Yeah you. I remember your Ville story :D lol Masoleum of Memories right? (I probably butchered the fuck out of that spelling)

DayTripper DayTripper