those fucking fanfic moments
ok so in fanfics do these people ever go to the bathroom its like oh mi gerd because people got to shit sometimes but do these kind of people shit or pee its like they're aliens.... maybe you never know because people are saying that mermaids,vampires,werewolfs,etc exist... well maybe but i hope they exist.. hehe i just went onto another whole different topic...
but still do these people ever go to the bathroom, anyways some fanfics say they go to the bathroom but to ONLY PUT OR CHECK THEIR MAKE UP!!!!! DO THEY NOT SHIT OR FUDGIN PEE jeesh guys...
this kinda reminds me of a johnnie guilbert video where he goes to the bathroom and a girl and damon fizzy is checking their hair and johnnie asks the girl if girls poop and she said girls don't poop.... well obviously we do because how on the hell are we gonna get rid of food??? be logic people!
hello guys so miki introduced herself which i was really excited about and her fanfics are amazing so go and check out her account!
Chapter 61: I give serious props to a fanfic on here where the OC protagonist, like the rest of us, has a not-good to okay singing voice. Personally, I wouldn't sing in front of the Brides unless *thier* lives depended on it... I'm too afraid I'd ruin thier ability to create music!