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Between The Roses

Where Did The Time Go?

The weather in LA over the last two weeks has just about killed me. It was hot and sunny with little to no wind; and being like nine months pregnant does not help at all. Normally I would just be a little warm but would just go to the beach and tan or swim. But because I’m pregnant, I can’t. Well, I can, but I don’t because being in the sun for long period of times is difficult for me to do. So instead I spend a lot of time inside.

Currently I was sitting in a desk chair in the basement watching Andy and his cousin Joe put up boards to soundproof the space. Andy decided to turn the basement into a small recording studio for the two of us and I thought it was a good idea. I just couldn’t help with much because I was really tired all the time. We had gotten a nice deal on a producing program for our computers and Celeste scored us some microphone’s for it. The space was basically all put together, just a few finishing touches were left.

“Hey Sadee, could you hand me that glue gun?” Joe asked me and I sighed before getting up and grabbing the gun. When I handed it to him, he smiled at me and then got to putting up one of the tiles on the wall.

“So, who do you think is going to use this space more?” I asked and Andy raised one eyebrow and sighed.

“Probably you since Black Veil is done with our new album,” he answered as he walked over to me and I nodded.

“Yeah but I’m not recording anything until like January at the earliest,” I said back and he shrugged.

“Who knows then?” He put one arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

“You two are ridiculously adorable and it makes me sick,” Joe chuckled and I smiled.

“Good,” I stuck my tongue out at him and then took in a deep breath and looked at my phone.

“Shit, it’s 1230, my appointment is at 1245,” I said and Andy nodded.

“Appointment?” Joe asked and I looked at him.

“Ultrasound,” I answered and he nodded as the three of us walked out of the basement and onto the first floor. Joe immediately grabbed his things from the couch and left while Andy went up to our bedroom to quickly change into something that wasn’t a cut out shirt and basketball shorts. I slipped into my shoes and grabbed my purse from the front hall closet. Andy then came trotting down the stairs, now in a pair of simple black skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt with a red and black flannel over the top with the sleeves rolled up.

“You ready?” He asked.

“I’m waiting on you,” I said and he smiled sheepishly as he grabbed the keys to his car from the hook on the wall and then opened the door, standing aside to let me through. The two of us walked out to the car and got inside.

“Is it just a normal check up?” Andy asked me after he began driving.

“Yep. Normal and should be a quick in and out ordeal,” I answered and he nodded.

“So, have we finalized and decided on the name Lincoln?” He asked and I looked at him.

“Have we?” I asked and he smirked.

“I like the name so I’m down with it, are you?” He asked.

“Well considering I’m the one who suggested it, I think I’m okay with it,” I told him with a chuckle and he smiled again.

“Have we talked about Godparents yet?” He asked me after a while when we stopped at a red light. The question took be back and confused me slightly. We hadn’t talked about it and I hadn’t really put any thought into it.

“Uh, not really. Did you have any ideas?” I asked and he shrugged.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure if I really trust anyone enough to make them my child’s Godparent and have them take in the kid if something happened to us,” he admitted and I nodded.

“I trust my sister or Lettie so,” I shrugged and he nodded.

“Maybe Feldy,” he muttered as he began driving again.

“Maybe Feldy,” I agreed and he smirked again. The two of us then got quiet for the rest of the drive. When we got there, we had about three minutes to spare. As we rushed inside, I suddenly felt like something was wrong but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I’d felt fine throughout most of the pregnancy so I was slightly worried right now. It was a sudden feeling and I don’t like not knowing what’s wrong. When we walked into the lobby and checked in, I could feel the baby move but it was painful. As we sat down, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms loosely around my belly with my hands sitting in my lap.

“Are you okay?” I heard Andy ask me quietly.

“I don’t know. I feel weird,” I told him as I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Well, you can ask the doctor when we get in there,” he said as he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. We sat there quietly, him just rubbing my back and me with my eyes closed.

“Sadee Biersack,” I heard my name and sighed before standing and walking towards the nurse. Andy followed close behind, his hand finding mine and intertwining itself with mine.

“Please step on the scale,” the nurse instructed and I did. We then went into an exam room and she began taking my vitals and the such. When she got to taking my blood pressure, she looked a little worried.

“Your bp is a little high for my liking. Are you worried about something or nervous?” She asked.

“I feel weird today suddenly,” I told her and then felt a really sharp pain run across the bottom of my stomach that made me wince.

“How so?” She asked.

“I just feel weird and I just had a sharp pain like I had before,” I told her and she nodded.

“Does Dr. Parksley know?” She asked and I nodded.

“Okay. I will let her know and she should be in shortly,” she smiled at me and then left the room.

“You were feeling fine like a half hour ago,” Andy stated and I nodded.

“I know. It’s weird but I just feel off for some reason,” I sighed and he squeezed my knee.

“Let’s see what the doctor says,” he told me and I nodded. Then the door to the room opened and in walked Dr. Parksley, who had a slightly worried look on her face.

“Good afternoon Sadee, Andy,” she greeted us and then got to logging into the computer.

“Nicole told me you are feeling weird today and that you had a sharp pain?” She asked me as she typed.

“Yep,” I answered and she nodded.

“Okay. Since you are feeling a little off and it is pretty late into your pregnancy, I’m going to have you change into gown so I can do a cervical exam as well,” she told me as she grabbed a gown from the shelf and handed it to me. I took it in my own hand and got off the exam table and walked to the small bathroom that adjoined the room and quickly changed. When I walked back into the room, I climbed onto the table and handed my clothes to Andy, who set them on the floor next to him.

“Alright, please lay back so I can do the ultrasound,” she instructed and I followed through. As I laid back, I felt another sharp pain and I sighed.

“Did you have another pain?” Dr. Parksley asked and I nodded slowly.

“Okay, let’s just take a look and see how the little guy is doing before we worry,” she said and then got to doing the ultrasound. As she moved the wand around and was nodding and didn’t look concerned.

“Okay, so the little guy is doing fine, in the correct position and actually a little bigger than normal at this point. I’m going to check your cervix now for any dilation,” she said and then moved my legs into the stirrups and began examining me. It was a weird feeling and I turned to face Andy, who had a worried look on his face. I put my hand out and grabbed his.

“Well. You are about one centimeter dilated but that is normal. What worries me is that you are having those pains and you’ve told me in emails that you aren’t stressed because you have time off from work. Have you changed your diet or anything in your lifestyle recently?” Dr. Parksley asked me.

“Uh not really. I’ve been walking up and down the stairs more because we are renovating a room in the basement but I don’t do much of anything with that except watch,” I told her and she nodded.

“Okay, I know you are going to hate me for saying this but I want to put you on partial bedrest,” she said and I sighed.

“Partial bedrest?” Andy asked.

“Partial as in ¾ of the day you should be resting either in bed or on the couch. You can still do things for yourself but I would like you to limit your use of the stairs. Having a bedroom on the second floor is fine, but I want you to only use the stairs when you have to. Also, no heavy lifting at all, nothing over 10 pounds. Your little guy is basically ready to come out so you could go into labor at any time. That might be what the pains are; your body getting ready. So partial bedrest for the remainder of your pregnancy,” she told me and I nodded.

“Got it,” I muttered and she smiled.

“You can get dressed now. I’m going to go and print out some ultrasound pictures for you guys,” she said and then left the room. I dropped my shoulders as I sat up and closed my eyes. Being on bedrest was the last thing I wanted. Andy’s parents are coming to LA in two weeks and I want to actually go do things with them, not have to be sitting on the couch all day.


Oh noes, Sadee's on partial bedrest! That would actually suck pretty bad.

Sadee will be going into labor in chapter 19 by the way, which is not the next chapter but the one after that. So be ready for it!!!!!

Sadee's Outfit:

Peace <3


I've been super busy recently. I'll hopefully be back into posting soon.

ItsDallasB ItsDallasB

Is this story done now or have you just been super busy?

Ben81800 Ben81800


Thanks! I really love you're icon by the way.

ItsDallasB ItsDallasB

This is a really good story :) Keep it up

Fallen_Savior Fallen_Savior

Yay, you've made another story. Been reading your others. You are such an awesome writer. I love Sadee and Andy together. They are such a realistic couple, it's amazing. Please keep writing this awesomeness.

xPockyCookiex xPockyCookiex