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“Everything is as usual, mom. What would you expect?” I shrug and bend down to hug her back as her strong perfume invades my nostrils. I hold my breath so as to not ironically choke to death. Behind her I see Kellie doing the same with her hand covering her nose, trying to look casual. Mom hasn't even acknowledged her presence at all. She steps back with the same composed posture, not affected by my way of usual talk, adjusting her wine red coat.

She laughs, the shrill voice echoing within the space between the third wheel beside me. “Yes, of course.”
Her sight finally falls on Kellie and she takes her cue.

“Uh, Mrs. Biersack. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kellie.” I turn away as she extends her hand towards the woman who is still raking her eyes on her from top to bottom and again, judgmentally. Kellie looks away uncomfortable. Her hand falls slightly limp. Jeez, what a fucking timing. She just had to visit me here.

“Yeah, okay,” I sigh. “We were just going-”
“Oh, It sure is nice meeting you, dear!” A smile- I have no fucking clue if that's a genuine one or not- makes it's way on her face and she reciprocates the hand shake, leaving us both unable to hide our surprise.

“So you both were heading somewhere?” She beams at me with a questioning look.
“Nope, No. I meant I had to go somewhere. Got to go, Mom. I'll see you at dinner.” I reply and feel my phone vibrate. I fish it out of my pocket and open the message from Ashley.

Your batman shirt is in the oven. Get your ass here.I scowl at the screen. “Alright, son. Why don't you invite your sweet friend here?” I turn on my heel and walk while typing a quick reply. “Sure.” I answer absent-minded. Immediately, I whip my head to face her, even more confused. “What? Why?” Mom glances at me with a disapproving look.

“Andy! Don't act so surprised, it's rude. It's only an invite to a friend. I don't get to meet sweet girls like you often,” Her words are professionally polite but her tone is silently dismissing me. I let out a groan. “That's okay with you, isn't it?” She turns to Kellie who abruptly stiffens, no doubt intimidated by the weird vibe she gives off.
“Thank you, but I actually don't exactly know your address and I have plans today… and the whole week?” Her gray eyes dart to mine. What a fucking great excuse, woman.

Casually, I reach beside her pearl earring and mumble, “Mom, we're not friends. We don't even know each other.” She ignores me, giving her best dramatic eye roll and walks towards her vehicle.

“Oh well then, that's unfortunate. It was wonderful meeting you, Kelly.” In return she only stutters, unable to find words to reply, bringing her hand nervously to her hair. A gesture I somewhat find it cute.

I watch the sleek vehicle pass by as I continue my way in the opposite direction, not wanting to look in the face of a certainly uncomfortable Kelly after a somewhat embarrassing dinner invite to a person she most probably dislikes.
Mom is as unpredictable as ever inviting random people, giving the stiff professional smile or an inward scowl only I notice.

I'm happy she's back.


Hey guys! <3
I know this was a short chapter... It was actually a pretty long one so I had to make some changes and cut the other half into a separate chapter. Anyways, I hope you like it!
So what do you think of our beautiful, badass boss Amy Biersack?

p.s. Comment if you want a quick update (I'm excited to introduce u to a new character yaaay) I have finished the next chapter I'm just not sure to wait till next week or not?
Hmm.. maybe I should just wait till next week.


Can u update soon I don't mean to seem rude but I just love this story

shae_bonem shae_bonem

Well I am going to update in just some while! Don't wait

mid-may? argh! but i want to know what's up!

anathema anathema

*reciprocates fist bump*


*gives you good-natured fist bump*

anathema anathema