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Somethings happen for a reason


I finally got to school. I was looking around for ally but I couldn't find her. Ally is my best friend and she loves me to death and I love her to death. We have known each other since we were 5 years old. Since then we have been connected for a while. Ally is always there when I need her. She is the reason I am still here and alive.

"Hey Alex!" I turned around and it was ally. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. I needed that hug more than anything. "What's wrong?" Ally asked. I had that same dream again. Ally sighed,"are you okay?" Yeah I'm fine I just need to relax a bit.

(Late bell rings)

"We should get to class",said ally. Yeah we should. We weren't doing anything in all my classes anyways because we have 5 school days left. As we got to class we sat in our desks and listened to the teachers orders. Which was to do nothing basically. So Ally and I just sat there listening to music the whole class period.

(The end of lunch bell rings)

It's time to go to last period. I can't wait to go home already. I got into my class and the same as usual for the past few days was to just sit there. This was the only class I didn't have ally in and I wish I did. No one ever talked to me in this class which I was happy for anyway, everyone in this class was all about gossip and boys or sports. I was all about what song comes next on my iPod. Me sitting alone made the time fly bye. Before I knew it the bell rang it was time for me to go home.


I'm sorry it's taking forever to get to the good part but I want to break it down so you guys understand more! Let me know if you like this story so far! I'm so excited! I hope you guys like it!

~bvbarmy 4ever


Gotcha, goodnight bruh :3

Raye Raye

Play well I'm going to sleep it's like 3:30 in the morning. I'm really tired! Goodnight I will update tomorrow for sure<3

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb

^-^ <3

Raye Raye

Oh that's a huge relief omg CX I was so scared lol

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb

It's great buddy :3

Raye Raye