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You're Everywhere to Me

I know you well enough

Andy's poor reaction wasn't going to stop Roxanne from trying. She had a deep pull in her heart telling her that she was right all along. Andy was the one from her dreams. And that night, he paid her a visit.

"Why didn't you remember me?" She asked as soon as he appeared in front of her, wearing the exact same outfit that he had been wearing that night when he turned his back to her and left her broken-hearted on the front step.

He sighed, gazing at his feet. "You need to just trust me." He looked back up into her eyes. "I can't explain this to you, but trust me, and do everything that I say."

Roxanne felt her stomach drop at his words. She didn't think that trusting him was that good of an idea anymore. She had trusted him once, only to have her highest hopes shattered in front of her face. Yet at the same time, she had to know what was going on, and why the Andy in her dreams knew everything, but the Andy in her waking life knew nothing.

Andy's attitude wasn't keeping Roxanne from staying in touch with the rest of the band. Even Vega was constantly talking to Ashley day and night. Every time Roxanne turned around, Vega's eyes would be cast down at an illuminated screen, fingers furiously typing away with a huge smile on her face. He made her happy, and Roxanne had never seen her that happy in a long time.

Along with keeping in touch with Ashley through Vega, Roxanne had been talking with Jinxx a lot. She liked Jinxx, but not in that way. She thought of him as a friend, or even a brother. They had grown insanely close over the course of just a few days. She felt as though she could tell Jinxx anything, and he would keep all of her secrets locked in the crevices of his heart.

"We're playing another show tonight," Jinxx said on the phone. "Please, please, please come?" He begged.

Roxanne sighed. Going to another show would mean seeing Andy. "I don't know, Jinxx..." She rubbed her arm up and down as she paced the hardwood floor.

"Come on, Rox." Jinxx had given her a nickname. He said Roxanne was too long for him. He liked Rox better. "I know you're holding back because of Andy. But CC has been dying to see you and of course I would love to see you as well. And if you say no, I'm telling Ashley to make Vega drag you there."

"But Jinxx--" She tried to protest but he refused.

"I'll see you there!" He said cheerily before hanging up the phone so Roxanne couldn't protest any more.

"Roxaaane!" Vega called from the other room. "Ashley just told me they have a show tonight! We're going!"

Roxanne dropped her head and stared at the floor. There was no way she was going to get out of going to this concert.


The venue was rather empty and it surprised Roxanne. She knew Black Veil Brides was getting increasingly popular each week. She heard teenagers talking about them when they came in to the music store she worked at, and had kids always asking if they carried their album.

"Maybe this won't be that bad." Roxanne commented as she and Vega hung onto the barrier separating the audience from the stage.

Suddenly, loud shrieks sounded from the back of the room as 20-30 pre-teen and teen girls stampeded towards the stage, trying to get to the front as the boys made their way to the stage. The two girls were jostled around as the screaming fangirls thrust their arms towards the stage and threw their bodies around trying to get as close to the five men as possible. Vega and Roxanne shared an annoyed look.

"At least we'll see Jinxx after the show." Roxanne shouted to her friend over the noise. She turned her head and saw a girl, looking to be about 15 or 16, glaring at her with a disgusted look on her face.

"I'm sorry, but do you need something?" Roxanne asked, trying to get the girl away from her.

The girl scoffed. "You really think you're going to see Jinxx after the show? You don't even know him."

Roxanne looked puzzled. "Excuse me? And how do you know I don't know him? I highly doubt you know him."

The girl jutted her hip out and rested her hand on her hip. "All have you know, I do. We hung out last night."

Roxanne rolled her eyes at the girl's immature attitude. "What's his cell phone number, then?"
The girl scoffed again, rolling her eyes. "My phone's dead. And like I would remember a cell phone number when my phone can just remember it for me."

Roxanne could feel her brain melting more and more with each second that passed by. "Let's try something." She decided. "Get Jinxx to notice you. If he gives you the classic Jinxx tongue, you're just a fan to him. If he acknowledges your presence, gives you a smile and waves to you, he knows you personally. I know Jinxx well enough to know how he treats fans and people he knows personally."

"Not. A. Problem." The girl smirked and started shouting his name to try and get his attention. She flailed her arms and jumped up and down, all in an attempt to get his attention.

Jinxx finally couldn't ignore it anymore and stuck his tongue out at her to satisfy her. But of course, she was far from satisfied; especially when she saw Roxanne's reaction.

Jinxx scanned the audience quickly but spotted Roxanne next to the annoying girl. He smiled widely and gave her a quick wave. The girl next to her was infuriated.

As soon as the set was over, Roxanne and Vega pulled their backstage passes out of their bags and headed over towards backstage so they could see the boys. The security guard smiled when he saw the two girls.

"You two know you don't need to flash these anymore. I know you both well enough." He laughed and let the girls go by.

As soon as they got backstage, Vega found her way to Ashley's arms and Jinxx surprised Roxanne by wrapping his hands around her eyes and telling her to "guess who?"

Jinxx knew how to make Roxanne feel as though there were no worries. Andy wasn't there and her only job was to have fun; not worry about him. CC wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead. She liked CC, it was no secret. He treated her the way she wanted to be treated. Andy didn't.

She turned so her back was against CC's chest and kept his arms wrapped around the front of her. She spotted Andy down the hallway saying something to Jake with a disgusted look on his face.

Jinxx saw the pained look on Roxanne's face as she watched Andy whispering to Jake. "Hey, Rox and CC, let's get out of here. Andy's being a dick."

Roxanne let CC take her hand and lead her away. She thought Andy would be happy to see her leaving. But when she looked back at him, his facial expression said otherwise.


so college is hard... I have no time to write for myself because I'm always writing essays ugh... but I've been having weird dreams. Like, all my dreams have given me ideas for stories. It's weird but yeah haha

Shout outs:




I'm sorry that I've missed a few updates. It's going so well! I really want to know why he doesn't know her and why he's not keen on her.
Jigsawalice Jigsawalice
Ahaha that's what happens when you can't actually write for yourself the scum bag brain comes up with wicked awesome ideas
Kvengeance Kvengeance
Still love this story
BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355
Loved the update. Thanks for the shout out