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On thin ice

How to save a life

Andy's POV:
I had fun hanging out at Soul Glows house with the rest of my friends, but it wasn't the same without Sam. Sure, she can be really mean sometimes, but it was understandable. She's dealt with more bullshit than I can even imagine. It was around ten at night when I got home. I could tell that my parents were home, because both of their cars were in the driveway. I quietly walked up the stairs, past their room. Something told me to go check on Sam. I don't know what. I silently opened her door, being careful not to wake her. When I was about to leave, she started to whimper in her sleep. I crept over to her, to make sure she was alright. "I'm sorry." She whispered in her sleep. This made me curious. "I'm so sorry Andy." She was dreaming about me?! "What are you sorry about?" I gently whispered into her ear. "I don't want to be a burden!" She started to shake and cry. I quickly touched her arm. "Sam! Wake up!" I urgently said. She shot up, almost smashing her head into mine. She took one look at me, then started to sob. I kicked my shoes off, and got into the bed. I held out my arms. She looked at me, trying to decide if it was a good idea, the reluctantly rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me as she cried. I softly stroked the soft skin of her arm with my left hand, as my right hand ran through her black hair. She sighed and melted into my touch. This is the first time in memory that I've touched her bare skin. She always has long sleeves on. Something told me to look at her arms. As I did, I gasped in horror. All along her beautiful ivory skin was angry red cuts, some of them looked very deep. She tensed up when I gasped. She knew that I knew. "Sam... Why would you do this to yourself?" I whispered meloncholicly. "I.... I feel like a burden to you and your family... You never get to do fun things because of my anxiety... You would be better off if I would have died along with my parents..." She whispered back, almost inaudible. This felt like a kick in the heart. I held her tighter. "Sam.... Don't you dare ever think that! You are so special to me! Every day, I wake up in a good mood because I always think 'I wander what Sam and I are going to do today!' You are the highlight of my day! Not to mention that you are the daughter mom and dad have always wanted! They love you just as much as I do! You bring life to our friend group too! You know what we were all doing while we were hanging out at Soul Glow's house? Wishing you were there! Everyone understands that it's not your fault that you have anxiety. It's just another unique part of you that makes you the Sam that I know and care about!" I looked deep into her hazel eyes while saying this, so she knows that I'm not lying. She started crying and hugged me tightly. "Shhhhh... It's ok..." I cooed. I stroked her hair until she started to softly snore. I listened to her until I finally fell asleep with her in my arms.



I'm glad that you like it! :)

I can't tell you how frickin amazing this is!!! I can't wait for the next update!! I think this is gonna end up being my favourite story on here! ;) xx

Amy_G Amy_G