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If I Stay

Black Veil Brides

A week later, CC invited me to see his band play.

He introduced me to this british girl.

"Ella, Kacee. Kacee, Ella. Ah, I got to go set up my kit. I'll see ya in there."


They played a set of ten songs. When they played the last song, the lead vocalist Andy dedicated it to some girl named Juliet and said the song was called Rebel Love Song.

I cannot hide what's on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what's mine
Let us start living for today

Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
Hearts will sacrifice It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
I choke on all they had to say
When worlds collide what's left inside
I hold on tight and hear you pray

Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
Hearts will sacrifice It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

Wild and running for one reason
They can't stop us from our freedom
(Wild and running for one reason
They can't stop us from our freedom)

Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna stop us
No not this time

So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
Hearts will sacrifice It's do or die
This is a rebel love song

"Thank you and good night." Andy said, as the band left the stage.

"So Kacee, what other bands are you into?" The girl named Ella asked.

"Um... Classical mostly."

"Right on. I love classic rock."

I felt out of my comfort zone, so I decided to leave.

On my way out, CC caught up with me.

"Kacee! Hey. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Kinda miscommunicating with people. The usual."

"Yo, CC. After-party at Danny Worsnops'. You comin'?" Andy called out.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're in."


"You in?" CC asked me.

"I have my curfew."



"Okay- Well, we'll set you loose early."

Minutes later, we were back at my house.

"Thanks for jammin' with us tonight."

"Yeah. No problem."

"CC, just kiss her and let's go, man. Come on." Ella called out from the van.

"We're cool, right? You and me?"

"Yeah. We're cool. Hey, you finally got to meet Ella."

"Yeah. You two have a lot in common. You ever, like, hooked up, or..."

"Actually, I'm glad you brought that up. She's with Jake."

"She's with Jake. Oh, wow! Go, Jake."

"And now we've got that out of the way. I'm bummed you can't stay out with us tonight."

"Yeah, I know."

"Kacee, just go. Have fun."


"Nadia! Get away from the window."



"Like, your mom and dad are cool with you staying out, but you don't want to, or..."

"Um... Look, I think I'm coming down with something."

"Right. Yeah, well, just give me a shout when you get over it."

"I'll see you around."

"Hey, CC."

"Mom, get back inside."

"We always do these family dinners on Sunday. You should come by some time."

"Thanks. Maybe I'll check it out."

"You know, that was wrong on so many levels." Dad said.

"What? She shouldn't be scared to hang out with those guys. They're us."



Thanks to @Fallen 8-4-14 for the feedback!!! Keep the comments coming!


i really like that you chose BVB. this is one of my favorite books, and you just combined two of my favorite things !

Fallen 8-4-14 Fallen 8-4-14

@Fallen 8-4-14
It was either going to be BVB or MIW.

BVB_Jinxx_1991 BVB_Jinxx_1991

i love the way you turned this into a fan fiction!

Fallen 8-4-14 Fallen 8-4-14

@The Wretched And Divine

Done! Did you enjoyed it? Hopefully another chapter tonight!

Is this based on the book by Gayle Foreman? If so, you might want to give the author credit in the summary so you can't be accused of plagiarism.