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together we will be unbroken

chapter 76

I've been in boston for a little over a month, and I've fallen into a routine of waking up, going to class, coming home, crying, crying some more, cutting, and oh, more crying. My thighs have more cuts than skin on them, and my throat is really raw. I've been working on a song, but I don't have a lot of lyrics to it. I've been singing a lot though. Mostly Disney songs, amd some Phantom of tje Opera, with the occational Lws Mis, or Sweeney Todd. Right now I am skyping with Ronnie. "So anyway, Max totally ran down the street butt naked and yelled for Narnia." "Oh my God you're kidding!" I laugh. "Nope. The moral of the story is alwaus let Max have cosmos." He smiles. "I'm going to make a note of that." "Tum, are you okay? You've been really down lately." "I just want to go home." I break into sobs. "Oh Tum. Please don't cry. Here let me give you something to look forward to okay?" I nod. "I'm going to be on your doorstep in less than a week. So just hold on until then okay?" I forgot that CC had told me that. "Really?" I ask. "Yes! I couldn't stay away from my best friend for too long. Now wile those tears off. " I do. "There you go." He smiles. "Now, Dr. Ronnie prescribes the little mermaid, tangled, and all of those other Disney princess movies that always put you in a good mood." "Okay." I giggle. "I love you Tum. I've got to go though. Stay strong." "Bye Love." He ends the call, andI shut my laptop. I lay my head on the table and start crying again. I'm so pathetic. I grab my phone and take off the case. A piece of paper flutter to the floor andmy blade isn't there. What the hell? I pick up the paper and open it up. 'Dear my beautiful Irish Rose.' So it's from Ashley. 'If you're reading this then that means that you were going to do somthing that I teally don't want you too. Annalyse you're the most beautiful, talented, kindest girl I know. I don't know why you don't see that. You say you're a terrible person, but that's not true. When I look at you I see a strong person who hasn't caught a lucky break in a while. I wish I could be there for you now but I can't. I just want you to know that I love you and you will get through this. Stay strong Rose, Love Ashley.' I reread the note a few times. 'Oh and p.s. there are jolly ranchers in the front pocket of your suitcase.' Is he serious? I walk into my room and pull out my suitcase. Sure enough there is a package of jolly ramchers chillimg in the small pocket. I smile. I grab tje package and go back out to the living room. I put in tanhled and plop on the couch. I'm wraped up in Ashley's shirt and soon I feel a bit better.



this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven