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together we will be unbroken

chapter 113

I'm hooking up the lights to the stage, and I glance up to see the cutest thing ever. Jimxx and I assume Sammi are sitting on the couch doing the coupley thing. I don't think I've ever seen Jinxx smile like that. It warms my black hole of a heart. Sammi's eye catches mime, and she smiles. "You must be Laci?" I nod. She jumps up and runs over to me. "I'm so happy to finally meet you!" She exclaims, and pulls me into a tight hug. "I could say the same to you." I gasp. God sh is really steong, her hug is suffocating me. "I'm so happy about you and Ashley!" She squeals. "I just wish I could have sabatoged her though..." "Sammi." Jinxx warns. "What it wouldn't have been too bad, I may have just accidentally slipped some laxitives into her coffee or something." She shrugs. Oh my gosh I love her! "Sammi!" Jinxx laughs. "Oh hush you." She smiles. "Now Laci, tell me about yourself. I knoww we texted and whatnot, but it feels so informal ya know?" "Yeah I know what you mean. Um, I have to get all of this ready, but I can talk amd work?" "Perfect." We talk until I finish with the lights, and it was so much fun! I'm not used to having a girl aroumd. I mean I'm used to being the only one, I grew up in a house full of boys, but it's still really nice to talk girl stuff. -My phone goes off,nit's Gram. I mentally groan. "Sorry I have to take this. Hello?" "Annalyse Darling how are you?" My Gram sounds like an Iriish Cruella DeVille, seething in fake kindness that masks the true evil beneath. "Hey Gram." I reply. "I'm so excited for you to come back home. Oh and I can't wait to see your beautiful face at the Gala!" My grandmother has a Gala every year in August, and every year I go. I go to Ireland once a year for three months, August through October. "I ca't eait either." I lie. "Will you be bringing someone this year?" Well Ashley has to meet my family.... "Maybe, I'll have to check with them." He better fucking say yes. "Splendid! Oh and by the way, I signed you up for a dace competion while you are here. The catagory you're in is lyrical." Of course I am. "Oh okay. Cool." "Oh you know how I love to watch you dance! Well I have to go, I'll tell Vanessa that you said hi. Until then!" The linegoes dead, amd a wieght is lifted off of my chest. Now I can work. ----- "Great show you guys!" I exclaim. "Thanks Tum." The smile. "Now, go do the meet and greet thing, and when you're done get back on the bus." I order. "Yes mom." Ronnie laughs. "Call me mom one more time, and I'll cut off your balls." A look of sheer terror crosses his face. "Bye Lace!" They call over their shouler. I watch our crew set the stage for BVB and smile. I love my job. They finish in about ten minutes, and the guys walk out. They are teeming with excitement, and it's contagous. "Lace you have to do the lips thing!" Ashley exclaims. "What lips thing?" I ask. "On my cheek!" "Oh! Okay." I walk over to him, and kissbhim on the cheek. When I pull back, there is a perfect lip print left. "You guys can go on when you're ready." John tells them. They yell, and run onto the stage. Ashley takes a few steps, turns around, runs baxk to me, picks me up, and kisses me. "Now it's rime to go." He says when he puls back. He puts me down, andeuns out on stage. -------- They show has been going great, but there's this cracking sound coming from an amp. I'm not sure which one, but it's bugging me. "Hey Dyl, do you hear that cracking soumd?" I ask into the walkie talkie. Even though we are sitting right next to eaxh other, we can't communicate without using walkie talkies. "Um..." He takes a second to listen. "Yeah, I do. Where's it coming feom?" "I'm not su-" I see sparks flying out of Jake's amp, amd freak out. "Kill Jake's amp!" I exclaim. Dylan nods, and does what he's told. The guys freak out and look off stage to me. They stop playing, and run to the other side of the stage. "What, afraid of a little pyrotechniques? This is rock n roll baby you can't be afraid of a little fire." I tease into the walkie talkie. They ca hear me through their in-ears. Dave uses a fire extinguisher to put out the fire, and I try to figure out how to pit the show on. We definitely can't use that amp. I wonder if Jacky will let us borrow his? --- I walk into the meet and greet room, adover to Jacky. "Hey can we borrow your amp?" "Why?" He drawls. "Oh you know, Jake's set itself on fire." I say nonchalantley. "Dude really! That's so metal!"



this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven