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Something More?


I was starting to get really tipsy when Celes decided to head back to the bus. I figured I would finish my drink then drag one drug Ashley back with me. About halfway through my drink my phone started vibrating, which was more than a little distracting given that It was in the front pocket of my skinny jeans. I pulled it out and saw it was Cel, so I answered it figuring she wanted to remind me about Ash and alcohol poisoning or something.
“-taking my virginity your a bit late.” Oh great, she pocket dialed me while she was hooking up with some guy. Just what I nee-
“Fine, I’ll just take ya. Doesn’t really matter if the skanks spoiled goods, right boys?” I heard a chorus of muffled ‘yeah’s. Celestia would never let anyone talk to her that way and she didn’t do groups the last time I checked. This is not good. I grabbed Ash and headed for the exit, waving to Jake and Jinxx that we were leaving.
I practically screamed into my phone as we headed for the exit, “Celestia, where are you?!”
“Back alley gang rape, real classy boys. If you don’t mind I would really like to go back to zigzagging toward home now.” She’s in an alley, and I have to zigzag to get there.
“Class don’t matter right now, missy.”
By now I had hauled Ash and myself out and was running practically full force toward the bus, taking the path that I guess she would have taken to get there as quickly as possible.
“What the hell man?” Ash was barely able to stumble fast enough to keep up and I was tired of dragging him.
“Celestia’s in trouble.” I let go of Ash and went back to sprinting, pressing the phone back to my ear.
“Dude, enough talk. I’m horny as shit. Hurry up and take your turn so I can go already!” I could hear a new voice whining in the background. Then I heard the sickening sound of someone grabbing at Celestia.
I couldn’t tell what was going on but I heard a pained groan followed by a lot of rustling and struggling. Then I heard it.
“Andrew!” The cry was ear splitting, and not far away. I stopped listening to the call and sprinted straight to the sound. I rounded a corner and saw maybe four guys trying to hold a tiny figure down. It didn’t take long for me to realize that figure was Celestia, and I ran forward and threw the guys off of her one by one. At first I didn’t understand why she hadn’t been able to defend herself, then I saw the three hunched over forms that Celes must have taken down. Soon though, all of the mystery men were back on there feet and ready of a fight.
It didn’t take long to put those guys in there place, I was so angry that it was hard for me to not chase down each limping form and beat them to a pulp. But I remembered Celestia and turned to help her. But she was nowhere to be seen.


Short chapter, but oh well. Thanks for the comments, keep them coming, and enjoy.


Thank you, I am very glad that you appreciate this story.

Freya Druid Freya Druid

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

Bring on the one shots!

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow


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