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Something More?


It didn't take long for me to get ready for the party, change clothes and wait for half an eternity while the guys fuss over their hair. I actually had so much time to waist that I did a complex French braid before everyone else was ready. Next time I'm getting ready last so I don't have to wait for them. Eventually we all piled into a rental car and headed for the party. I was just hoping I wouldn't get too drunk.
We pulled up in front of a bar with a sign out front that read 'Reserved for Kickass party.' Inside was a cool bar with a bit of a lounge feel to it, sofas decorating the sleek dance floor with overhead strobe lights various other affect eliciting bulbs. I glanced down and realized that the bar must have UV lamps because my wrists were glowing, one with a biohazard symbol, the other a radioactive symbol. I looked at Andrew who was tracing the lines of my mask tattoo with his eyes. I shook my head and went to get a drink. It was going to be a long night.
While I was waiting for the bartender to be available I felt a hand creep across my ass and warm intoxicated breath on my neck. I sighed and grabbed the hand off of myself, twisting until I heard a pained yelp and a satisfying.
"What the hell, crazy bitch?!" I turned to the pervert.
"Oh suck it up, I didn't break anything, nor did I sexually assault you. Now do us both a favor and go sober up before you do another stupid thing." I turned back to get the bartender's attention. Yup, definitely going to be a long night. I got a drink and went to find Andrew on a sofa in the corner with a glass of liquor in his hand.
"So, having fun yet?"
"Oh, ha ha. Is that a common occurrence at parties like these?"
"Random gropings, yes, gropers getting injured, no."
From that point on I decided to stay in the corner to avoid a repeat of that occurrence. The party went on for a while, and I stayed until I was nice and buzzed. By that point I had been hit on more than enough times for me to give up counting, so I decided to walk back to the bus before I made any bad decisions.
"Hey Andrew, I'm gonna head back to the bus."
"Aw, weaving so soon?" Ashley whined from Andrews other side. He had been drinking much more than anyone else in the band, at least by my accounts.
"Ok, be safe heading back. You know how we got here?"
"Yeah, and make sure that one doesn't get alcohol poisoning for me, ok?" Andrew nodded and I worked my way through the crowd toward the door.
When I got outside the cool night air hit me in a refreshing wave. After a moment of just enjoying the breeze I started walking in the direction of the bus. It wasn't that far, I'd guess a fifteen minute walk on a normal day. I weaved through the buildings, taking a series of back alleys on my way out of town. When I turned into a particularly dark alley I came across a group of people.
I rarely get the sense that something bad will happen, but right now I knew no good would come of this situation. I walked in a straight line, hoping to pass the strangers without any trouble. That failed miserably when the one nearest me hooked his arm around mine and swung me so my back landed on the wall.
There were no stars out tonight, the only light that permeated the air was from distant street lamps, even so it was difficult to see how many figures now surrounded me. I'd guess at least six. In desperation to see my enemies I grabbed my apartment key from my pocket and turned on the mini flashlight that was on the keychain, that thing comes in handy. There were seven men surrounding me, one of which had pinned me to the brick wall behind me.
"What do you want?" I'm outnumbered. If there were one, two, maybe even three I could take them down but I don't know what to do. Think. Think!
"Well, I'd like to take the pretty little girls virginity. Then my friends here can take turns with 'er till we're done." I turned off my flashlight and jammed it in my pocket, grabbing my phone as discreetly as I could. Thankfully since I had shown the flashlight at all of them they were now just as blind as me, and didn't notice me unlock my phone while it still rested in my pocket.
"Well..." I navigated my phone from memory until I was sure that it was ringing someone, hopefully Andrew. "If you plan on taking my virginity your a bit late..."
Help me Andrew.


Ok, we are at the beginning of the end. I don't normally go for the whole damsel in distress thing, but Andy Biersack's pretty bad ass so why not? Thanks for all the comments, feel free to give more or share your opinion of this fic. Enjoy.


Thank you, I am very glad that you appreciate this story.

Freya Druid Freya Druid

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

Bring on the one shots!

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow


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