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Forever Us

Pain And Agony

I slowly started to sob into my hands, the ones that used to be continuously intertwined with Andy’s.


I tilted Andy’s chin up and stared into his pale blue eyes. He looked back at me with lust, we both needed each other.

“I love you.” I whispered. I felt his hand hold onto my back as he kissed me back slowly, then he parted after what seemed like a magical eternity.

“I love you more.” He said with his bright smile flashing. He looked down and grabbed my hand, then kissed it. “I want this to be forever.”


*Ring Ring*

My phone interrupted me. I picked up my phone, sliding the green button to the right to answer without looking at the called ID.

“H-Hello?” I tried masking my sadness.

“I’m sorry…” Andy’s deep voice said apologetically. Did he really mean it? Should I say it back? Of course I should be sorry, after all, I am the one who left him in the first place; he shouldn’t be sorry at all… but yet he should? I don’t know.

“I’m sorry too… I’m so sorry, Andy…” I dragged out. It was the only thing I knew what to say.

“C-Can.. Uhm… Can we possibly talk about this later?” He asked me with a long hesitation.

“Sure…” I said hoarsely.

Andy and I made plans to meet at the park with Aaron in two days. I don’t know what exactly he wanted to talk about… Aaron? Why I left? Or just small talk possibly? I have no fucking clue but the wait was driving me insane. I cleared the thoughts and went back downstairs to find Aaron pouting on the couch.

“Hey, baby… you still mad at me?” I asked soothingly. No reply. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to him and pulled him in for as hug, but I was the only one hugging, yeah, I guess you could say he was still a little pissed off at me. “If it makes you feel any better, we’re going to see Andy again soon, little man.” I said after a long moment. He jumped out of the hug and looked at me with his familiar eyes.

“Really?!” he said with excitement racing in his voice.

“Yep. But you have to be good or else we won’t go see him, okay?” I tempted. He lunged back into the hug and set his head on my chest.

“Thank you, mama! Thank you so much!” He said with pure joy. I hugged back. I got up from the couch shortly after and decided to order in pizza.


“Alright, now why don’t you go upstairs and get ready for bed, okay?” I said softly and patted his butt as he scampered upstairs. It was getting late and I had work tomorrow. After he went upstairs I turned around and started picking up the mess we had made in the front room; throwing away the napkins, cleaning the dishes, throwing away the pizza box, etc. After I headed upstairs and walked into Aaron’s room to see he was already laying down and what I presumed was asleep as well. I smiled and walked in, kissing him on top of his head then got myself ready for bed and walked into my room. I closed the door behind me. I sat down and realized I had a new text message… fuck, it’s from Andy.

Him: Hey
Me: Hey
Him: I really am sorry for everything.

I didn’t want to get into it, I turned my phone off for the rest of the night and laid down. As soon as I fell asleep the nightmare began once more.


I woke up in my bed in a black dress, stained with blood on the front, I looked down and saw my hands were also stained. I began to panic had no idea where I was, just in an empty, plain room. I got up and looked at the only other object other than the bed in the room; a mirror. I was standing, looking at my bloody reflection when Andy suddenly stood behind me, smiling and hugging me from behind. I was confused but he quickly disappeared. I walked into the hallway that was immediately outside of the only exit in the dark room and Aaron was standing there, also a bloody mess.

“Aaron!” I gasped and ran over quickly to him, embracing him. What the hell happened?! Who hurt my baby?! My mind was scattered.

“Mom,” He began. “Why did you kill me?” He asked, turning his head and looking at me. I backed away slowly and looked at him. I hurt him? What?

“Baby, I-I didn’t-” I started to say when he interrupted me.

“Now the only thing you can do to fix it is come here, with me.” he smiled suspiciously.

“What?” I asked and bit down on my lip.

“Here.” He handed me a gun. I took it and just played with it in my hands. Was he really telling me to kill myself? Was he serious? Was this just a nightmare, or… or a reality? “Do it.” He said with persistence. I waited a few moments, trying to decide what the best option in this situation would be to do. I hugged Aaron one more time, then held the gun to the bottom of my chin. This was it. I would do anything for Aaron. I hesitated, then finally let my finger hit the trigger. I screamed in agony and in pain from what had just happened.



Ugh, exams have started again. This is balls XD and of course I forgot my ADHD meds this morning, so I had no concept of focus. Oh well, haha, guess I'll just have to try harder tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, I think I'll be updating soon c: Maybeh, depends if I can continue writing. Right now I'm compulsive writing XD So, yeah. Anyway, what are you thinking about this chapter? I hope you all are having a lovely day, and to help, here's a picture of Andy XD
But as usual...



Awh, thank you so much!!!! <3

@AndySixx? AndySixx.
I'm pretty sure I will be a good one bc you are good at making these stories XD

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb

Awh, I'm so sorry, but yeyyy cx I'm hoping 'Habits' will be a good one cx

@I Am Bulletproof
It's not REALLY over cx just read 'Habits' and you'll understand the ending to my story I believe cx

Nooooooo!!! Whyyyyy!!! I am officially crying myself to sleep! It is sooooo good! I can't wait to keep reading habits!

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb