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The Water In My Lungs


Hi everyone. I'm just letting you know that I've decided to end this story right at the chapter where they get engaged. It just makes more sense to me and is tied up nicely. Thanks to everyone who supported this story along the way. I love you all <3



Unfortunately, there just wasn't much I could do. I think it ended well with the that chapter :) If you want to read more, then I tons of other stories ;)

Wait, so it ended???? Nooooooooooo!!!!!

darksoul darksoul

Incredibly excited for more then! I just wasn't sure, because if you wanted to end it there, you totally could have. That would have been a beautiful ending, but I'm so excited for more. (:

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Thank you SOOO much! I have a lot more of your interested, but I know you already read a lot of them! Its not over, and won't be for a bit. I'm in the process of writing it still and I have been for a long time so I'm too emotionally attached to stop haha!

So, I just read this entire thing in two days.. First, WOMAN! Tell me when you have new stories! I'm terrible at finding things, and you know how much I enjoy your writing. Two, I just sobbed my eyes out. This was beautiful. I cannot tell if it's over, but I'm so in awe, I can't even handle it. You're amazing. <3

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant