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The Water In My Lungs



Imogen's notebook fell on the floor. She leaned down, hating that this woke her up on a Saturday morning, and picked it up. Her whole week had gone the same as always. Waking up early, going to school, going to dance, and then coming home and singing her heart out. She finished her homework in study block everyday so she had all of her time to herself at home.

Today, though, she was going out to look around for a new book and a new CD. She glanced over at the clock to see it was already eleven. She sighed and pulled herself out of the bed.
She padded over to her closet and grabbed a pair of ripped up skinny jeans, a Rolling Stones tee, a studded leather jacket, and her T.U.K Creepers. She dressed quickly and threw her long hair into a bun.

Imogen ran downstairs. Her mother and father were nowhere to be found but there maid Holly was down there.

"Hello Ms. Imogen, where are you off to this morning?" She asked.

"Going to get a CD and a book." Imogen said.

"How are you getting there?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Going to walk." Imogen raised her eyebrows.

"Be careful."

"Will do." She grabbed her wallet and walked out of the door.

She quickly walked down the sidewalk knowing it was about a three mile walk to the record store. She popped in her earbuds and turned on some Of Mice And Men.

Suddenly, she heard the roaring of a motorcycle behind her. She glanced over to see a man slowing beside her. He had raven black hair, that was shaved on one side and the other fell down to his chin. He had on what seemed to be the same leather jacket as herself.

"...there." He said, but she only caught the last part due to her loud music.

"What?" Imogen quirked an eyebrow, yanking her earbuds out.

"Hey there." He repeated, shooting an award winning smile in her direction.

"Hi." She blushed, discreetly.

"I'm Andy." He said flicking his lip ring with his tongue.

"Imogen." She said, "Any reason why you so subtly stopped your motorcycle right next to me? Or should I just assume I'm getting raped?"

Andy looked taken back, "N-no, not at all." He blinked, "I was just wanting to talk to a pretty girl."
The truth was, he had been coming back to Imogen's window every night to listen to her beautiful singing and when he saw her walking he knew it was now or never.

"Oh." Was all she said, but the blush on her cheeks told him all he needed to know. The way she licked her lips was confirmation enough for Andy to know she felt it too.

That nagging feeling in his gut that this was not a girl to fuck around with. That this could be the one.

"So where are you headed, Imogen?" He asked, a small smirk on his face. She knew where he was going with this and it took her a little while but she remembered who this guy was.

Andrew Biersack was the town rebel and tons of trouble. Trouble that Imogen wasn't sure she was ready to get involved with but what the hell, right?

"The music store." She said, flatly.

"Trax?" He asked. She nodded, "I work there, want me to give you a ride?"

Imogen swallowed down her nervousness. "Uh.."

"Not to be creepy or whatever. It's a long walk." He said.

"Yeah I'd like that." Imogen said. He jerked his chin towards the back of his bike and she climbed on. "No helmet?"

He scoffed, "Fuck no."

"Evading the law I see." She shook her head.

"As always." He muttered. Imogen bit her lip and folded her hands in her lap. "You know you're going to fall off if you don't hold on right?"

She sighed and loosely wrapped her arms around his abdomen. He chuckled and revved the engine. He veered off onto the street and immediately Imogen tightened her arms making him let out a laugh.

"Told you." He said against the wind. She rested her cheek against the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder. She giggled.

"I felt that." She said, her voice vibrating against Andy's hard muscles.

"I was cold." Andy muttered, but he had a small smile on his pale pink lips.

"Sure, and I'm notafraid on this bike." Imogen rolled her eyes. Andy couldn't help but love the feeling of her skinny arms wrapped tightly around him. That was something he could get used too.

Imogen felt free with the wind blowing through her hair and the way Andy's muscled tensed whenever she moved. He had never shown interest in her when she was a freshman.. Why now?
All too soon the ride ended, and Andy and Imogen hopped off of his bike. "So, you work here?" She asked.

"Yeah, but not today. I have a day off." He said, smiling at her, and walking inside the shop ahead of her. Imogen scrunched her nose up.

"Then why did you take me here?" She followed after him.

He turned to look at her for a moment, and then walked back to the register. "It was a long walk."

"Oh." Imogen said starting to look around the store.

Andy stayed silent for a few minutes until he said, "You know who I am, don't you?"

"Who doesn't." She sighed, reading the back of the new Bless The Fall CD.

"Right." Andy said, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"I mean you kind of have a reputation." She said, walking to Andy and leaning on the counter. His eyes scanned her curiously.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Fifteen, sixteen next week."

Andy's eyes widened, "And your a sophomore?"

"Junior, I skipped a grade."

"Wow. Smart."

"I guess. Mostly because I don't have much to do at home. Only time I'm out is for dance, really." She sighed. He stared at her in quiet silence for about five minutes, "I have a feeling you have no idea who I am, right?"

"I know your Brooke Bradley's sister." Andy said. Imogen closed her eyes and bit her tongue until she tasted blood.

Being compared to her sister was the worst thing in the world too her, and Andy knew immediately he'd made a mistake.

"Sorry." He said, "I hate being compared to my brother too."

Imogen looked up at him in surprise, she hadn't even said anything. It was like he'd read her mind. "Whose your brother?"

"Daniel Biersack, I love him but gosh," Andy shook his head, "He acts like a self-righteous prick.
Guess he's pretty well known considering everyone that meets me immediately says 'Oh your Daniel Biersacks brother!?' It sucks."

"Exactly." Imogen sighed. She glanced down at Andy's hand which was tightly curled around a pen. She knew he was staring at her but she couldn't bring herself to look up at him. Into that icy blue stare. A pale, lanky finger suddenly tapped her hand, causing her to finally move her gaze to him. His touch was sending shocks through her body.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?" He said. Imogen swallowed harshly.

"Not outside of my dance studio." She said, sighing shakily.

"Well I'm saying it today. You truely are beautiful Imogen Bradley." He leaned in close to her ear, "Much more beautiful than your sister."

"T-thanks." Imogen stuttered, and Andy left a small, soft kiss behind her ear. "I have to know..."


"Why the sudden interest?" She asked.

"In you?" Imogen nodded, "Truth?"


"I was walking through your neighborhood and heard you singing." He said, biting his lip ring. Imogen's eyes widened.

"I-I.." She stuttered again, and shook her head.

"Have you ever sang for someone before?" Andy asked. She shook her head, and looked down again. Andy brushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear. "You should."

"It's just a hobby. I'm a dancer." She said.

"You can be both." He said.

"I know, I don't want to be." Imogen said.

"I came back every night since to listen to you." His eyes were glued to her face, probably burning with lust. He never imagined talking to her would be this amazing.

"You did-"

"Biersack what are you doing here?" Mr. Summers said, walking in the room.

"My friend Imogen wants a new CD, I thought I'd give her a ride." Andy said, his eyes never leaving her face.

"Whatever, since your here, ring her up and then leave. It's your damn day off. Don't you have other jobs or something?" He asked.

"Not today." Andy said, "I finished one of them this week and now I'm down to two."

"Oh I see." Mr. Summers retreated back to his office.

"You really came back every night?" Imogen asked astonished. Andy nodded.

"Your voice is electric I can't get enough of it." He said.

"That's really nice of you." She admitted, "And a little bit creepy."

Andy chuckled, "I know. I'm sorry."

"It's all good."

"Now what CD did you have in mind?" Andy winked and stood up dragging her to the rows of music by the hand.


Hey guys! This will be the last update for eight days. Im going to be in Ireland with no wifi. I might be able to get one in but thats it! I promise once I get back things will start getting interesting with this story!


Unfortunately, there just wasn't much I could do. I think it ended well with the that chapter :) If you want to read more, then I tons of other stories ;)

Wait, so it ended???? Nooooooooooo!!!!!

darksoul darksoul

Incredibly excited for more then! I just wasn't sure, because if you wanted to end it there, you totally could have. That would have been a beautiful ending, but I'm so excited for more. (:

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Thank you SOOO much! I have a lot more of your interested, but I know you already read a lot of them! Its not over, and won't be for a bit. I'm in the process of writing it still and I have been for a long time so I'm too emotionally attached to stop haha!

So, I just read this entire thing in two days.. First, WOMAN! Tell me when you have new stories! I'm terrible at finding things, and you know how much I enjoy your writing. Two, I just sobbed my eyes out. This was beautiful. I cannot tell if it's over, but I'm so in awe, I can't even handle it. You're amazing. <3

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant