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Never Give In

Chapter 4

*Ashley’s POV*
“Please?” I ask her in a pleading voice, lifting her chin so her lips are dramatically close to mine.
“I… um…” Crystal manages, clearly distracted by my maneuver.
I enjoy watching her blush as she stumbles to the answer yes. I consider kissing her, but instead sweetly smile at her and lean her face in a little closer, kissing her forehead.
At that moment I saw Jake walk in and the attention of the room shifted to him.
“Whoa, Purdy, already making a move on her?” Jake asks me, carrying a red backpack in with him as he heads over to Crystal and hands it to her.
“Thanks Jake!” Crystal says enthusiastically, still blushing from the kiss.
I just chuckle at him, “You’re just jealous you can’t kiss her too.” I look at Crystal and she looks away from me quickly.
“So we’re going to be leaving soon, if you want to go out to the bus now I can bring you there.” Jinxx says, getting up.
“Sure.” Crystal answers, trying to stand up. She stumbles, but I catch her before she falls onto the floor.

*Crystal’s POV*
Great, that was smooth. I muse, using Ashley’s support to stand up so Jinxx could pick me up.
Once I’m in Jinxx’s arms we leave the room, and he leads the way through a maze of what I realized must have been back stage. Security opened a door for Jinxx and we went out a door leading us to a place with a couple of tour buses. He walks over to one specifically and I open it for him. We walk onto the bus and he sets me down on a couch and closes the door. I can’t help but to shiver a little as I realize that my clothes are still wet from the rain.
“Here, I’ll get you a blanket.” Jinxx offers, heading to the bunks. He comes back with a soft black blanket and hands it to me.
“Thanks.” I smile, covering up with it.
“No problem.” Jinxx says, taking out his phone and sitting down on a couch across from the one I was laying on. As I’m trying to focus on not shaking as much, C.C. walks through the door of the bus laughing, and sits down next to Jinxx. Shortly afterwards Jake and Andy get on the bus. Andy sits to the right of me, and Jake heads over to the mini fridge mumbling to himself about what to eat.
“Where’s Ashley?” I ask curiously.
“Um…” C.C. trails off, glancing at Andy.
“Last time I saw him he was greeting some fans.” Jake answers a little too awkwardly out of place.
I feel a questioning look cross my face. I decide to let it go as I hear Ashley’s voice outside of the bus. I see Jinxx shoot Andy a worried look and then glance at me. At first I’m a little concerned about what they were thinking, but when Ashley walks onto the bus all of the tension in the air dissipates.
“Couldn't stay out of my bed?” Ashley winks at me and smiles.
Confusion pouring off of me and my face fiery red, I feel my jaw drop.
I hear Jinxx snicker as I zone back into the real world and he starts to explain. “Sorry Ash, I gave her your blanket.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say, handing the blanket to Ashley. As the cold air hits me again I feel my teeth start to chatter, but decide to ignore it.
“It’s fine, I was just teasing.” Ashley says, pushing the blanket back into my hands gently.
“Here, I’ll get some clothes you can wear while yours dry off.” Ashley volunteers. He comes back with a black hoodie and some simple grey sweatpants.
“You can get dressed in the back of the bus, there’s plenty of room there.” He suggests, handing the clothes to me.
“Thanks a bunch.” I say, getting up and stumbling a bit as I get another head rush. Ashley catches me and I blush.
“I’m sorry, I forgot.” He apologizes, pulling me into his arms and picking me up bridal style. We head to the back of the bus and Ashley sets me down on a couch.
“Just call me when you’re done dressing, and I’ll help you back to the front of the bus.” He says, closing a curtain separating the back from the bunks. I get dressed on the couch, lying down to put on the sweatpants.
Once I’m done I decide to try to stand up on my own so I don’t have to rely on someone else to get me around all the time. I stand up, expecting the head rush, and grip a wall for support. I make my way over to the curtain which was only about three feet away. My legs almost useless, I lean most of my weight on the wall and reach out to open it.
As I’m about to try and stumble through the curtain I hear the band talking in hushed voices. I stop my hand before I open the curtain and instead just stand there listening to their conversation.
“Well how long is she staying?” I heard Ashley ask.
“Yeah, she can’t stay forever.” C.C. reasons.
“Well it was your idea to invite her on the bus!” Andy starts to raise his voice.
“If you weren't hitting on her we wouldn't be having this problem.” Jinxx says.
That hurts. They’re already beginning to think of me as a problem. I really am taking advantage of their hospitality… I pull the curtain open and bump into somebody standing there. I pull away and look up to see their face and begin to question why I find Ashley looking back at me. Why is he standing right there? Is he going to kick me off of the bus? Does he know I was listening? I feel a fearful look cross my face as I begin to feel in trouble. I feel myself begin to fall backwards, but can’t stop myself from hitting the ground. I scurry backwards, away from Ashley, as he walks towards me. My sight starts to get all blurry, and I see Ashley make a movement with his arm as if he were going to hit me. I flinch and close my eyes tight, and I fade into unconsciousness.


I really like how this chapter turned out. Let me know in the comments below if you do too. ^^ tell me your opinions of the characters so far, and make sure to rate and subscribe for more. :3
P.S. Who else is excited for the Black Veil Brides/ Falling In Reverse tour this November?


lol I appreciate your support :) I'm working on the next chapter still but I really enjoy releasing chapters, so I'm aiming for soon as to when the next chapter will be out haha.
hope you enjoy ^^

Dazel Dazel


@Ruth crawford
I am working on it ^^ thanks for reading!

Dazel Dazel

awesome update please

Ruth crawford Ruth crawford

haha I'm doing my best ^-^

Dazel Dazel