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My Romeo's Lullaby

I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes.

Cora closed the door and slid down the wall. She can't believe this is happenening. She's going to die!
She never fought in her intire life and now they want her to beat some man from F.E.A.R?!
It's going to be the end of her...

It was dark outside and all business was finished.
Andy used his elbow to open the door. He balanced the tray of food carefully and set it on the bed side table.
He saw Cora's figure under the covers with her back towards the him. "I brought some food, I made it myself, all fancy, I hoped it would taste just like in Forendall." He said with the sweetest and softest voice.
No response.
He sighed and climbed on the bed. Andy laid his head on her right shoulder to clearly see if she was awake.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. Cora closed her eyes again and her last tear left her eyes. She's going to die, she's going to die, the word repeated in her head.
"Please eat, I made it specially for you, I know how you like fancy stuff." His long body next to hers, so small and fragile. Cora shifted and turned around.
She snuggled into Andy's arms and didn't make a sound. Andy was shocked, but still embraced her. "It's going to be okay, I promise."

Cora slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw a silver necklace with a black stone in it. She admired the handwork with wide eyes.
"It's my mothers." She jumped a little and looked up.
"What happened to them?" She whispered. Andy opened an eye and closed them again.
"When I was little, I used to go play in the forests a lot. I wasn't such a good climber actually, so one day when I was stuck in a tree a nice girl helped me out.
She was very pretty, but only wanted to be friends, when I asked where she was from she said that her mommy left her in a forest."
Cora played with his necklace and continued listening.
"I was so sad for her that I took her home and we grew up closer than blood, but the happiness wasn't forever. When I was 18 I was hunting some rabbits with my sister and then a panicked man ran towards me, he gave me my father crown and my mother's necklace."
She looked up and he smiled, but a tear left his eyes. Just one.
"There was a big fire you see, caused by a king, a fearless enemy-"
He was cut of by Cora wiping the tears away with kisses on his cheek. Her little hands carressed his chin and neck, making shivers go down his spine.
The last kiss was a soft peck on his mouth. "It's okey." He smiled and let it happen. Cora snuggled in his neck and left a little kiss there before she stood up sowly and crawled over his long legs to the plate with cold food.
She smiled when it happens to be her favourite.
"I love salmon."
She smiled and looked over her shoulder to Andy sitting up. "I hope it's good." He stammered when she took a bite.
Cora closed her eyes and felt like she was at her side of the long golden table with her father. She thought about her father for a second, but shook it of. Andy crawled over and gave her a soft kiss in her neck. Cora loved his soft lips.
He stood up and stretched.
He opened the door to go, but was stopped. "Wait! Where are you going?" He turned to her. "Uhm, to talk to Koda?" She stood up and Andy looked quickly away when she got out of the covers, half naked.
"Well, uhm, can you learn me how to fight?" He looked at her pleading eyes.
"Sure." He ruffled his hair. Cora smiled and hesitated to kiss him in the neck, but did it anyway. "I'll be right back, be sure to be- huh- dressed..."
Cora chuckled and Andy walked out.

"Jesus, is that one meal?" Ashley said shocked, looking at his teeth in the mirror.
"Silence yourself....jackass." Koda hugged the toilet bowl.
"I prefer donkey."
He walked back and sat down. "Have you tried small bites?" She nodded.
"MMmmh, maybe you should eat seeds and nuts at first then maybe fruit, but not all at ones." Andy opened the door, but stopped with a disturbing face.
He shook it of, sighed and closed the door. He sat down on the left side of koda and stroked her back. "She's alright and changing now, from now on I'll be learning her to fight."
Koda breathed quick before the second wave came up.
"From now on I also am going to make your meals." Koda nodded, wiping her eyes and mouth. She crawled into Andy's arms and looked at him.
"Is that red on your face?" She said hoarse. Andy wiped quickly and Koda laughed.
"It's fine, really, you can have her. She was never interested anyway." She sighed.
"A wildling, a donkey and a king walk into the bathroom-"
Ashley started laughing. "Come on, let's get out of here."
Andy smiled widely and picked Koda up, bridal style.

They were all sitting at the table drinking and eating. Cora looked at her plate playing with her food shyly.
Andy came walking in with a plate with seeds, nuts and a few slices of cucumber on it.
"Here." He sat the plate infront of Koda and she thanked him.
Andy sat down at the end of the table. "Today I will be learning Cora how to fight, if anyone touches her has to ask me for permission and do not bother her."
Andy said in a stern voice.
"Also I would like to point out that the sword are a bit dull, they need to be ready when needed." CC apollogised and said he was going to take care of it.
Cora looked at the two men. "Needed for what?" Andy stopped eating and looked at her.
"well, if someone is going to attack us we have to defend our city."
Cora nodded and continued eating.
Andy looked at koda who gave him a thumbs up while eating a nut and he sighed satisfied. She's going to be alright in no time.
He hoped.


Hey cuties!
I just wanted to thank you all for the nice comments.
(I'm really sorry I don't answer them, it's just that I get a little shy and baffled)
Be sure to leave comments with ideas and tips and I'll see what I can do.
Eat your veggies and drink you tea ^^
Love you all princesses <3


i loved this story, do you still write? :/ you've disappeared!

anathema anathema


i agree with you

kitty for me kitty for me

I would say the first or second sound really interesting!

Crazy_scar_bvb Crazy_scar_bvb

I think you should just do them all! :D

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Probably the second one. other than that the third! I would love to read it!

Zoemo Zoemo