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Almost Unbreakable

Done With This

I opened up the door to a guy with short brown hair, an older looking man, and an older looking women standing there.

"Can I help you?" I asked, sounding annoyed. In actuallity I was terrified, they could take away my Dragonfly...

"Yes you can actually," The guy who I assumed was Brett said, "I'm looking for my fiancé, Daisy. I was wondering if you'd seen her?"

"Why would I have seen her?" I raised my eyebrow. He would have to admit to having Daisy followed, now.

Unfortuantely Brett must have seen what I was doing, "Well you were in the band she interviewed."

I swallowed, "Okay? I get interviewed almost every week, man." His fake smile twitched.

"Well she said something about knowing you before this." He said, smugly. I bit my piercing.

"She did?" The women asked.

"They dated." Brett smirked. I almost punched him in the nose.

"Is this true?" She asked.

"I don't have to answer your questions. Goodnight." I said trying to slam the door, Brett's foot stopped it.

"I'm sorry, but if I think that my fiancé is inside of that apartment I have the legal right to search it myself." He said.

"How would you know that?" I asked, angrily.

"I'm a lawyer, trust me, you don't want to mess with me." He said, I reluctantly opened the door to my apartment so they could walk in.

"Well I'm sorry, but she isn't here." I said desperately hoping they wouldn't find her.

"I honestly don't believe that." Brett said, walking around.

"Why would Daisy leave Brett for you!?" The women exclaimed. "Brett is so handsome, and you, you just have piercings and tattoos. I'm going to faint." She shook her head. I rolled my eyes. It was taking everything for me not to kill these people, how could someone so amazing as Daisy come from these awful humans?

Brett walked back in my bedroom, and I ran in front of the door before he could go in.

"You can't go in here." I said crossing my arms.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Because it's my room. It's kinda private." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I think she is in there." He said.

"She isn't here you idiot." I seethed. "We talked today, and she told me she wanted no part of me. She didn't want to break her mothers heart."

"That picture she always carries around of you and her says otherwise." He said, getting in my face, "Now move away from the door before I punch you in the face."

"Do it." I said. Brett drew his fist back, and sent a clean punch into my eye. I punched him back, and he kneed me in the stomach. I doubled over in pain, and he ran past me into the bedroom. It took everything for me to get up, and run after him.

Daisy was no where to be seen. Brett looked in my bathroom, she wasn't in there, but I think I had an idea of where she was when I saw that my closet was shut. I never shut it. Brett followed my gaze, and slammed the doors open.

There, of course, was Daisy. She was cowering in fear, so I ran to her side.

"You lied." Brett growled.

"Why would I have told you the truth? You hit her!" I screamed. Daisy's parents came running in.

"Daisy!" Her mother said, "Daisy, come on, let's go back home."

She shook her head, and held onto me.

"Daisy." Her mother said more sternly. "Come on. What happened to you eye?"

"B-Brett h-hit me." She stuttered, and ducked further into my side as Brett came closer to us.

"You did?" Her father asked.

"No of course not, she is lying because she wants to stay with this pig!" Brett said, menacingly.

"No I'm not! He hit me when I found I was in love with Andy, and not him, then he tried to rape me." Daisy sobbed. "Please just leave me be."

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything of it darling." Her mother said.

"Did you hear me? I said he tried to rape me, and he abused me! Why do you act like you don't care!?" Daisy exclaimed.

"Because, you need to be with Brett. Come on we're going home." She shook her head.

"No, " Daisy said, "I'm staying here." She took her ring off, and threw it at Brett, "This wedding is off."




Is it bad that I cried? I can't believe that it's over. This was such an amazing story.


Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Awwh, so damn cute.
I was in labor with my son for 58 hours, and it was all natural. Painful doesn't begin to describe child birth.. haha. <3

Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Awwwwwwwwwww I'm freaking out sooooo cuuute BABIES AWWWWWWWW

Water birth water births (according to my mom and many women on the internet website known as YouTube) are almost painless completely so if done right