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The Ladies Man

A Tough Day and Drinks

I had finished my work for the day, so I was just doodling until I could go home. I had handed some more designs in to my boss and she loved them. That made me happy. I loved when I could do what I enjoyed and make other people happy too.
“What?” I looked up to see Thomas, the asshole of the studio. Think of a buff Ken doll with nothing but cotton between his ears.
“I have a question.”
“Did you forget where we keep the pencils again?” I asked in a voice one would use to speak to a small child.
That made him frown; he was getting angry, good. “No. I was going to ask you why you came in to work today.”
“Because I work here.” I said tiredly, here’s where the asshole in him comes out.
“Really? Cause you look more like a waste of space to me.”
“I thought that was you. Guess one of us was wrong.” I replied.
“Why don’t you just kill yourself and save the rest of us the trouble of dealing with you every day.” He spat.
“Fuck off.” He wasn’t this bad most days; something really must have pissed him off. Knowing that didn’t make it hurt less though. I grabbed my things and got up from my desk. That’s it; I refuse to work in a place where I’m treated like this. I walked into my boss’s office.
“Yes Belle?” She asked me.
“I quit.” I said.
“Because I refuse to be treated like a piece of shit.” I replied.
“We can deal with Thomas.” The fact that she knew it was him should let you know how often of an occurrence this is.
“You’ve dealt with him before and he’s still a jackass.” I said. “Besides, he just told me to go kill myself.”
“What?” She was shocked.
“So, I’m quitting. It has nothing to do with you; you’re a great boss. This just isn’t a healthy working environment.” With that I marched out the door and didn’t look back once. What a great way to end on a Friday.

Ashley’s POV:

I was lying in bed next to a gorgeous blond this morning. I had picked her up at a bar last night. Actually, picked up isn’t the right term. I hardly had to do anything. I bought her one drink and she sort of latched on to me and followed me here. For the first time in my adult life I felt degraded. It was too easy; I don’t think she even told me her name. I’m not sure if I gave her mine either. The sex was great don’t get me wrong, but instead of feeling good this morning I feel hollow. This is just wrong. I got up, got dressed and then went back into the hotel room. Boy am I glad I decided to come here and not go home.

“Hey.” She said. She had a smile plastered to her face as she sat up in bed and looked at me.
“Hey, look I gotta go to work so I’m heading out.” I said.
“Why? We could just have some more fun here.” She lifted the sheet so that I could see her naked body.
I groaned inwardly. She was really hot, but I could bet that a second time around wouldn’t feel any better. “No, I really have to go.” I grabbed the keys to my car and got out of there as fast as I could. Well, at least today was Friday, things couldn’t get any worse.

Belle’s POV:

I was really stressed after work so I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon at a spa and get a pedicure. Once that was done I stopped in at a burger place for some dinner. I looked down at my watch, 7:30pm. Wow, I hadn’t realized it was that late. At least Madison wouldn’t be wondering where I was. She was visiting her parents this weekend and wouldn’t be back until Sunday. I was feeling pretty good now, happy about my decision to quit my job. That happiness faltered the second I reached the steps to my apartment building. Sitting right in front of the door was Ashley Purdy.
“Hey, Belle.” He said.
“You remembered my name congratulations.” I said dryly. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you.”
“And why’s that?”
“I had an epiphany of sorts.” He replied.
“What’s that then?”
“I want to get to know a girl, not just sleep with her. You already turned me down, so I thought it might be worth a shot.” He explained.
“Are you saying you want to be friends? And to be clear, not friends with benefits.”
“Something like that. I was hoping I could buy you a drink and we could just talk.”
“Well, if all we’re going to do is talk, then sure.”
He finally stood up and he smiled down at me. “Come on, I know a bar just around the corner.”
I followed him and we got to the bar in just a couple of minutes. We sat at the bar and Ashley ordered us drinks.
“A beer for me and a strawberry daiquiri for the lady.” He said.
“You remember that too. I’m impressed.” I said.
“When I think something might be important I always remember it.” He answered.
Our drinks came and I just had to ask. “Did you really think of me when you decided to try and get to know a girl? Or was I just convenient?”
“I thought of you. You were the obvious choice, not to brag, but it’s been a long time since a girl has turned me down.”
“Well then, I guess I have a little more self respect than most girls.” I said.
He laughed. “Possibly. So, I want to get to know you. You obviously already know about me. Now it’s my turn.”
“What’s your job?”
“I’m a graphic designer in an art studio. Actually make that was, I quit this afternoon.”
“Can I ask why?”
“The resident asshole at the studio told me I should just kill myself.” I replied.
“What! That’s terrible.” He looked really upset for me that was kind of nice.
“Yeah, I couldn’t deal with him anymore so I quit.” I quickly ordered another drink as the bartender passed.
“Wow. Okay, next question. Any family?”
That one was a touchy one. “No. My dad walked out when I was 3 and my mom died when I was 17. I have no siblings and my grandparents were all dead before I was born.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He covered my hand with his and gave it a squeeze.
“Anything else you want to know?”
“Do you have any pets?”
“No, the apartment I live in doesn’t allow pets, but I had a dog as a kid. His name was Corey, he was a sheltie.”
“Nice, I have two Pomeranians, their names are Tokyo and Killer.” He pulled out his phone and showed me pictures.
“That’s so cute.” I said.
“I know. Okay more questions. What’s your favourite book?”
“Easy, Pride and Prejudice. I love Mr. Darcy.”
“Favourite music?”
“All sorts, mostly old rock though.”
“Umm, favourite movie?”
“Sabrina. Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. One of the best romances ever.”
He laughed. “So you like older stuff rather than more contemporary stuff.”
“Yeah, that about sums me up.” I checked my watch, 10:30. Man, time flies. “I should really be heading home, it’s getting late.”
“This is late?”
“It is for some people.”
“Can I walk you home again?” He asked.
We left the bar and he walked me back to the apartment. We just walked in comfortable silence.
“Good night Belle.”
“Good night Ashley.” Boy was I glad that was over with. It wasn’t too bad, but this had to be a phase or something. I couldn’t seriously be friends with Ashley Purdy. This would probably be all he needed to get to know me and I’d never see him again. I went inside and got ready for bed. I couldn’t wait to tell Madison about this. She was going to flip out.


Please comment!


Awwwwwwwww so adorsable :)

CountryEmoGirl CountryEmoGirl

D'aaaawwwwwwwee :)

Kat Purdy :P Kat Purdy :P

This story is amazing!! You should write a sequel!! :-D

Ms.PurdyGirl Ms.PurdyGirl

That was one of my favourite fanfics!! That was so good! I felt like it went past so quickly though! The first maybe 10 chapters were my favourite at the start and passionate part of their relationship:) I'd love it if you wrote a sequal! Xx

I loved it! One of the best story I've read! I really liked the fact you updated every day :3 Sequel or not I hope you'll do another story!!