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Sink Your Teeth Into Forever

Chapter 10

Jinxx's POV
Forty-five minutes later things were getting better, Ashley was all wrapped up and inside sleeping on the couch. His accelerated healing had kicked in and Ella, Sammie, and Jake had managed to stop his bleeding so in a few week's time we were all sure that he'd be fine. As far as Andy goes, he was a little banged up but we took a look at him and decided that he'd be fully recovered in a few days time. Of course the broken rib would take a little longer but he could live with that. He was more emotionally hurt than physically. He was still in shock for what he'd done to his best friend. As soon as I went to check on him, he started begging me to tell him if Ash was okay. So I told him that Ash was hurt badly but would be fine. He looked like he wanted to cry out of guilt. I was sure though that he'd eventually get over the trauma and be fine as well.
At that point I only had one thing left to worry about: Lauren. I hadn't seen or heard anything pf her since the fight. Wherever she was I guessed that she hadn't handled what she saw well. So I looked for her. She wasn't hard to find she was sitting at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. I knew CC hadn't been to talk to her yet, because he was still trying to get Andy to go to sleep. She probably needed someone to talk to. So I sat down next to her, she jumped about a foot in the air.
"Sorry," I said
"It's okay," She replied looking into the water.
"How ya holding up?"
"Okay..." She said with a shaky breath, I got the feeling she was not okay.
"I'm here to talk, tell me what you're thinking," I said softly.
"Are you guys always like this, always trying to murder each other?"
"No, this is the first big fight we've had. This is an absolutely horrible way to introduce you to the pack,"
"That's good, I think I can handle this if your not always fighting," she paused, I waited, "Ashley and Andy, are they going to be okay? Ash seemed like he was hurt pretty bad,"
"Yeah, they both got banged up pretty good. Ash more than Andy, but give him a few weeks and I can guarantee he'll be right back the way he was before," I said smiling. She looked relieved.
"That's good. Do you know where CC is? I want to talk to him,"
"Yeah, he's inside in Andy's room. I'm sure he wants to talk to you to," I smiled again and stood up with her, to my surprise she hugged me. I hesitated for a moment, then hugged back.
"Thanks for talking to me,"
"Yeah no problem. Oh uh don't tell CC we just hugged, I don't want to be the next person to get beat up," I said. She laughed, and walked inside. I felt better, everything would be back to normal soon.
Sandra's POV
There was a loud knock on my door, interrupting my movie. It was 10:00, strange time for an uninvited visitor. I walked through my small apartment to the door, which I opened without looking through the peephole. Not that I'm tall enough to look through it anyway. I opened the door where two men in suits stood. A tall thin one who was looking around like he was waiting for someone to jump out and shoot at him. The other was short, although taller than me, and slightly chubby, he appeared far more relaxed.
"Are you Sandra Alvarenga?" the tall one asked, with a deep menacing voice.
"Uh, yeah,"
"We understand that you have association with the band Black Veil Brides," it was not a question, it was a statement.
"Yeah," I said again.
"We'll need you to come with us. Pack a bag for a week . You have half an hour to be ready to go," He said stepping into my apartment, forcing me to step back.
"Wait.... what? Why? No," I said unsure of what to say
"Everything will be explained to you once we're on our way," The short man said also stepping into my home.
"How do I know you aren't just some creepers here to try and kidnap me," I said.
"All you need to know is that we are with the CIA and we can ruin your entire life if you disobey," The tall one said, bending over to get in my face. The short one held up a badge, it looked official.
"Ma'am we're trying to be nice, I know my partner has a strange way of showing it. We could have kicked in your door guns drawn and arrested you. If you come easily you will be comfortable the entire time that you are with us and I promise your neighbors won't think that you're getting arrested," The short one said, I was already liking him better than the tall man who was now looking around my apartment.
"Am I being arrested?" I asked.
"At this point, no Ma'am. There are just some people in high places who have questions for you. You're not in any sort of trouble,"
"Okay, well I'd at least like to know who it is that just came in here uninvited,"
"My name is Jerome, and this is my partner-"
"Mr. Braikens," The man called Braikens cut him off mid sentence.
"Fine, I'll go with you," I said, I turned and went to my room and started packing. Jerome followed me. I didn't really mind, he seemed like a nice guy, I was more concerned about Braikens being left alone in my home. As I packed all I could think about was what in the world had the Black Veil Brides done to send the government after me.


Whew, that's two chapters in one night and the plot thickens. Once again I was going to write more but I'm all out of time. Comment and let me know what you think is going to happen. I love to read the comments and I'd love to hear some guesses as to where you all think this is leading. Subscribe and rate 10/10 if you enjoyed thanks a bunch. Goodnight.


Loved it ❤

Panda Panda

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for sticking with it for so long.

I loved this, going to miss it though it was amazing from start to end

Crows.Shadow Crows.Shadow

Awe that was a cute ending.


Wooo. That was a great story

SofiiKlainer SofiiKlainer