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Chapter one

I could not believe I said yes to this. God, I could not stop shaking, but I already said yes and there is no turning back now. Even if I wanted to. Why invite me to the house in the first place?

"Minx!" I hear Gayle yell from the front. With a huge heavy sigh I shook of the thought of spending time with my family and stood up rolling down my sleeves. The sound of Slipknot pierced my ears as I enter the front of the parlor seeing Brady designing tattoos and Gayle busy with a customer, the poor girls face aches as Gayle stroke the needle on her skin. For this girl it hurts, for me its like an addiction.

"What is it Gayle?" I ask gazing at him. Gayle did not look up from filling the girl's cross with hot pink. "Last appointment canceled, looks like you are off the hook to go to that lame gathering at your house." Brady answered with a weak apologetic smile. "Great." Brady shrugged and turn his head to Gayle. "Man you gotta stop flirting with the clients, its not cool dude." Gayle shot Brady the finger and went on with his work.

I look around in my parlor realizing what I actually accomplish. A spacious surrounding, one working station in front and two in the back for privacy. The walls deep red with abstract I and my team designed. Posters of rock bands plastered on the wall. Mostly hard metal like Pantera, Metallica and Korn, some rock like - Sleeping With Sirens and All time low.

"I will be in the back." I said waving at them to continue with their work. I took a seat in my leather chair getting out the new design I have been working on. Its a dragon skull tattoo for my client, he loves skulls and dragons apparently. His body is a canvas of how he sees the world and I have to pat myself on the shoulder that I did all of that. I have been so caught up in my drawing I did not even bother to check the time.

"Yo! Minx!" Brady startled me just as I finished the coloring. I stood up once again strolling to the front. "Dude! I am bus-" My words were cut off my two handsome men; One short with long black hair that can make any girl bloom. The other one took my breath away. Blue, that's what I notice. Piercing blue eyes. I walked over to the counter folding my arms on top of it.

"What can I do for you gentleman?" I tried not to look at his art on his body but it was just so...illuminating. "I would like a touch up on one of my tattoos." The taller one mumbles pointing to the batman sign on his arm, than grabbing a piece of paper out of his skinny jeans. "And this." He whispers sliding it over to me.

"Yo! Brady you wanna handle this one?" I ask as he came in crashing on the leather sofa next to the stereo fumbling with it. "Pick a damn song!" I snap. Up in the air by Thirty Seconds To Mars escapes the speakers as Brady shook his head side to side.

"Nah, you go right ahead boss." I rolled my eyes and nod returning my gaze at the two beautiful men standing in front of me. "I can do this," I say with a small smirk on my facade. "Anything for ya?" I ask the shorter one. "I am good beautiful." He replied with a wink.

I grabbed one of ten papers and placed it in front the tall guy. "Assuming your are over eighteen correct?" I ask with my brow arch. The taller guy chuckles and nods seizing the pen out of my hand.

"He looks like ten year old." The shorter one laughs making the taller one shot him a confused look. "You done there?" I point to the work station. "Nah, about an half hour boss." Gayle waved the needle to and fro and went on. "We will have to go in the back room." I motion to the back awkwardly. "I am gonna hang here," The shorter one says pointing the empty space next to Brady.

The taller one nods and hands me the paper, I quickly scanned it through and place it back on the used stack papers, noticing his name is Andy Biersack, wow. "Follow me." I say walking towards the back room. Andy following me.
"Sorry for Ashley's behavior." Andy says settling him self on the padded table. "Its okay." I say with a weak smile fiddling with my equipment. Andy decided on black and red so I gracefully poured the ink into two tiny cups next to the table beside him.
There perfect, first time I did not spill. "Where do you want it?" I ask as I shrugged on my gloves, he removes his shirt and my heart stopped, holy....

"Here." Andy whispers pointing to his rib cage. "The fire heart is going to look great there." I say to myself taking a few breathes before sitting down.

"I am not going to ask if you are nervous." I giggle, I am the one who is nervous. "Nah, I am good." He replied. "If you need a break tell me, betting you won't. Do you want a dry pass?"

"Its okay, I know what It feels like, its an addiction." He chuckles pulling his arms up to his head eyeing the black and blue ceiling.

"Tell me about it." I muter dryly. As I got everything ready I thought to myself to examine andy biersack; His olive skin without blemish, exquisite lips, small yet divine to taste- He caught my gaze. I slowly looked down and clean his rib cage ready to start.

The buzzing begin and the needle pressed against his skin, Andy is not scared, I mean look at him full of tattoos, jeez. "I love your tattoos by the way, I am more of a Superman fan, my whole arm is dedicated to the character." I mumble keeping my distraction on what I am doing. "I like to talk to my clients, its a thing I do to make them feel more relaxed." I say explaining myself finally looking up to him as I wipe the ink from his amazing body.

"I see, you say you have tattoos? Why cover them?" "Oh, uh I am going home. Brother just got a huge promo or whatever." Andy's eyes glowed and it suddenly vanished. "That's why you are wearing a long sleeve black shirt in the middle of summer?" I gave a throat chuckle and went on. "Yeah, my mother don't like my art work, she says its satanic or some shit."

It was hard not touch Andy, I am just at his rib cage, but damn he has the attraction of soft fluffy puppy, you just want to hold him and touch him, caress that shiny dark set of hair! "Can I see them?" I blush crimson thanking heaven he did not see my expression. "Sure, as soon as we are done. I love piercing's as well, see you like em as well yeah?" "You can say that, how many do you have?" I scoff shaking my head. "Hold still will ya?" He shrugged and return his focus on the ceiling.

An hour later I am done, with the batman touch up and his new tattoo, gotta say I am proud of my work. I put a bandage over the tattoo and smiled to myself clapping my hands together.

"So quick overview on the after care, wait at least two hours before you take the bandage off, than wash it with-" Andy laughed and point to his sleeve tattoo. "I know." I blush fast and furious feeling stupid. "Right." "So, can I see that tattoos now?" He smirked. I shrug of my sleeve shirt holding it between my legs. "Oh wow." He breaths trailing his long index finger around my Superman character. Andy is touching me. I yanked his finger away and pulled on my shirt once again.

"I never got your name." "Oh, uh Maxine but my fellow co-workers call me Minx," I wave my hands around to forget about it.

"Don't know why." "Well Minx thank you for the awesome tattoo." I nod my way out walking to the counter. Fire by Sleeping With Sirens begins to play and I could not help but smile to myself.

"We good?" Ashley, Andy's friend ask. "Great." He replied grabbing his credit card from his wallet. "Thanks." I say swiping his card and gave it back to him. "Is that one of yours?" Ashley asks pointing to one of the art on the wall.

"Yeah did it myself." I say with a sly grin winking at Brady who has his hands in his pants again. "Don't you dare look at me, you said this ape is gonna heal in a day guess what! No!" He yells making I and Gayle laugh.

"Oh shut it! You wanted to stick a needle through your penis, its not my fault." I mumble eyeing him impassively. "I want one." Ashley spoke up.

"Trust me dude," Brady pat Ashley on the back and return to his seat. "Let Minx do it, you won't get laid for a year." "Shut up." I burst from laughter so did Andy and Gayle. "Dude! Family thing your late!" Gayle yells pointing the skull clock.

"Shit." I grumble grabbing my leather jacket and cell. "Hey Minx would you draw something up for me?" "Sure Ashley, come by tomorrow and tell me what ya want. But I really need to go now. Gayle lock up?" He gave me a thumbs up as I open the door. "Was nice to meet you Andy, hope to see you again."

"I hope and pray as well." Was all I heard as I walk to my red mustang. Does he like me? Oh screw that I need to face the FAMILY NOW.



Holy shit balls...

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow


Update soon plz I love this story

More! This is addictive and amazing!!!

Please more soon!

Mini Jinxxed CC Mini Jinxxed CC